w at er lo oc hr on ic le .c a W at er lo o C hr on ic le | T hu rs da y, A pr il 5, 20 18 | 16 NOTICES WATERMAIN FLUSHING AREAS - WEEK 1 April 9-April 13 Match your street location and section to determine your day of cleaning. April 9 April 10 April 11 April 12 April 13 4B 4C 4B 4C 4D 4E 4D 4E 4F 4G 4F 4G 4H 4I 4I 4L 4M WATER MAIN CLEANING BEGINS APRIL 9 The City ofWaterloo's annual water main cleaning program will take place between April 9 and May 11 in the area bounded by University Ave and Westmount Rd to the west, Northfield Dr to the north, Conestoga Pkwy to the east, and Waterloo/Kitchener boundary to the south. Flushing operations will occur Monday to Friday only, between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Notices with more detailed information will be distributed to all residents and businesses in the affected area. NOTE: Residents in the surrounding area may receive discoloured water. For complete detailed map, residents in the 2018 Watermain Cleaning Program area should refer to the previously hand-delivered notice. For more information, visit waterloo.ca/watermain, or call 519-886-2310 ext. 30277. P. 519.886.1550 TTY. 1.866.786.3941 waterloo.ca/publicnotices GHD opened its flag- ship new facility in Water- loo at the end of March re- presenting not only a new innovative work environ- ment for its people but the move has also been recog- nized as a strong and con- tinued commitment to the Waterloo Region. Located in Waterloo's Idea Quarter, this new fa- cility has been developed by GHD, as part of its ex- panding full-service, di- versified technical servic- es business across North America. More than 500 people from what was pre- viously six separate local locations are now working in the new work space at 455 Phillip St. The development of the new facility afforded GHD with a unique opportunity to create a space that fos- ters greater people collab- oration and is adaptable to its growing and evolving business. Waterloo's Idea Quarter at the David John- ston Research + Technolo- gy Park, is a community- based research park at the University of Water- loo."The new 100,000 square feet of building space will improve our ability to collaborate and work together. The move also confirms our commit- ment to staying in Water- loo Region and to contrib- uting to the community here," said Steve Quigley, North American general manager, Canada, in a press release. GHD's presence in the Waterloo Region goes back to the foundation of Cones- toga-Rovers & Associates in 1976. The company grew from five people and estab- lished itself as a commit- ted member of the commu- nity. From its roots as a lo- cal firm focused on envi- ronmental and municipal engineering, it grew tre- mendously over the years to its current scope of ser- vices that supports a wide range of global clients in the public and private sec- tors, in the markets of wa- ter, energy and resources, environment, property and buildings, and trans- portation. In 2015, GHD and Cones- toga-Rovers & Associates completed their integra- tion, with the merged com- pany operating as GHD. This company is now one of the world's leading pri- vately-owned engineering, environmental and con- struction services compa- nies, with more than 9,000 people globally and 4,000 in the U.S.A. and Canada. BUSINESS GHD opens new consolidated Waterloo headquarters