w at er lo oc hr on ic le .c a W at er lo o C hr on ic le | T hu rs da y, M ar ch 29 ,2 01 8 | 6 March 26 - March 31, 2018 Store Made Whole, Half or Mini Smoked Blackforest HaMs Reg. $4.69 lb. $3.79 lb. local farM faMily sourced fresH Grade "a" turkeys (12-20lB) $3.35 lb. Fresh Beef PriMeriBroast Reg. $11.99 lb. $11.49 lb. Store Made award winninG sMoked side Bacon Reg. $6.99 lb. $5.99 lb. Store Made reGular or Garlic fresH Breakfast sausaGes Reg. $4.49 ea. $3.99 ea. Fresh Boneless Pork loin roasts Reg. $3.49 lb. $2.99 lb. Fresh Boneless skinless turkey Breasts Reg. $7.49 lb. $6.49 lb. Store Made sliced roast cHicken or turkey roll Reg. $8.99 lb. $7.99 lb. If supporting LOCAL FARM FAMILIES and their fresh food is important to you, try Stemmler's award winning LOCAL meats, cheese, produce and baked goods! Store Made Bone in skin on HaMs (steMMler faMily favorite) Reg. $2.69 lb.$2.19 lb. Store Made Bone in skin on Picnics Reg. $2.69 lb.$2.39 lb. CAMBRIDGE 90 Main Street cornerstonefurniture.ca 519.740.9991 /CornerstoneHome /cornerstonehomeinteriors Hundreds of items are currently in stock! CORNERSTONE Ś DINING TABLE SALE! All in-stock tables are up to 30% off of our everyday low prices. Many styles to choose from. GILMORE EXTENDABLE DINING TABLE Regular low price: $1,625.00 On sale for: $995.00 Available in Light wood and Dark grey 71"l (110"l when extended) x 35.5"w x 31"h Catherine Fife was ac- claimed as the NDP candi- date in the new riding of Waterloo at a nomination meeting at Knox Presbyte- rian Church Tuesday eve- ning. "It's been a privilege to serve the people of Waterloo for almost six years and I'm ready to keep fighting for them at Queen's Park," Fife said in a news release. Fife has served as MPP for Kitchener-Waterloo since winning a byelection in 2012. Riding boundaries in the area have been re- drawn for the coming elec- tion, leading to the creation of the new Waterloo riding. "Ontarians are ready for change," Fife says. Horwath joined Fife Tuesday and highlighted commitments the NDP has made to helping Ontario families, including a new dental care program and the province's first truly universal pharmacare plan. Earlier in the day, during Question Period at Queen's Park, Fife asked the Liberal government why they have failed to provide the dental health benefits Ontarians need to stay healthy. "One in three workers in Ontario today do not have workplace health benefits, like dental coverage," Fife said. "More and more peo- ple are working in unstable jobs, with no health bene- fits for themselves or their families." The NDP plan for dental care plan would publicly fund dental coverage for millions of Ontarians, in- cluding those on social as- sistance and seniors who don't have retirement bene- fits, and will ensure that all workers - including part- time, temporary and con- tract workers - have dental benefits. Meanwhile, Dorothy McCabe has been nominat- ed as candidate for the On- tario Liberal Party to run against Fife. McCabe, a former chief of staff at the City of Kitche- ner, is currently a senior ex- ecutive with KidsAbility and is credited with jump- starting the push to initiate two-way all-day GO Transit service in Waterloo Region. McCabe said what sets her apart from other candi- dates is her ability to get groups together to accom- plish tasks. "I have the ability of working with stakeholders and individuals to get things done," said McCabe. Dan Weber and Mike Harris Jr., son of the former premier Mike Harris, are vying for the spot on the Progressive Conservative side. The selection is sched- uled to take place in early April. NEWS Fife acclaimed as NDP candidate for Waterloo