5| W aterloo C hronicle | T hursday,M arch 15,2018 w aterloochronicle.ca 85 BRIDGEPORT RD. E. WATERLOO (Across from the Bridgeport Rd. Plaza) SINCE 1971 519-893-8118 MON., TUES., WED. 10 AM - 6 PM THURS., FRI. 10 AM - 8 PM SATURDAY 9 AM - 5 PM SUNDAY 12 PM - 4 PM FURNITURE & MATTRESSES SINCE 1971 ONDISCONTINUED MERCHANDISE AND SELECTED DISPLAY MODELS 60%UPTOSAVE JANUARY CLEAN SWEEP EVENT MIDWINTER March 12 - March 17, 2018 LaMb ShankS Reg. $6.99 lb. $5.99 lb. Store Made FreSh PickLed corned beeF briSket Reg. $6.49 lb. $5.49 lb. Store Made dreSSed roLLed ribS Reg. $4.99 lb. $3.99 lb. Precooked cabbageroLLS Reg. $5.49 lb. $4.99 lb. Precooked cabbage roLL trayS (trayS oF 16) Reg. $4.99 lb. $4.49 lb. Store Made deLi SLiced corned beeF Reg. $8.99 lb. $7.99 lb. Store Made deLi SLiced PaStraMi Reg. $8.99 lb. $7.99 lb. Store Made breaded Pork SchnitzeL Reg. $1.50 ea. $1.25 ea. If supporting LOCAL FARM FAMILIES and their fresh food is important to you, try Stemmler's award winning LOCAL meats, cheese, produce and baked goods! Fresh Stewing beeF Reg. $5.99 lb.$5.49 lb. Frozen beeF ribS Reg. $5.99 lb.$5.49 lb. firefighters, bylaw offi- cers and auxiliary mem- bers. A group of about 100 volunteers took to the streets last week to spread the word about safety - and the repercussions for breaking the rules - dur- ing a hour-long door knocking event. So far, leading up to this Saturday, Laurier students have been under- standing of the rules and are willing to co-operate with the police, as well as the City of Waterloo, said Kanwar Bar, president and CEO of the students' union at Laurier. "Our approach this year is being safe, respect- ful and being cognizant of who is around you," said Bar. "Students are an inte- gral part of our communi- ty and they are very con- scious of their decisions and how they affect every- one around them." A total of six different groups and agencies took part in the door knocking event. "There are a bunch of community partners in- volved to make sure that everyone is safe during these celebrations," said Turner. "Public safety is not just for the communi- ty, but for the . party- goers." Last year, an estimated 10,000 to 15,000 students swarmed Ezra Street and the surrounding area, tak- ing over the road. This has been the case for the last decade or so, but the par- ties have increased in in- tensity and in recent years, buses have come in from other cities with stu- dents looking to party. Last Monday, the City of Waterloo updated its public nuisance bylaw, es- sentially allowing the city to charge offenders mon- ey to recoup costs. "It's about holding peo- ple accountable when they organize or cause a large gathering to spill out onto the streets and road- ways," said Turner. "That's where the public risks really elevate." It would take some ex- tra work on the city's part, however to investigate and hold the party ac- countable. "With any legal pro- ceeding, we would have to do our investigation to make sure that we have the right people. We would have to identify who the occupants of the subject property are," said Turn- er. "We would also have to show that it's activity on their property that con- tributes to a gathering on the street." Turner said the city's bylaw officers are taking a "strict but fair" approach. "We're making sure the bylaws are not indiscrim- inately ignored. If we see an infraction, we're going to deal with it and get the infraction to stop. If neces- sary, we will lay charges," said Turner. Mayor Dave Jaworsky has also been an advocate of controlling the situa- tion on Ezra Street, sug- gesting that parties are best left as backyard bar- becues, rather than full on-street bashes. Waterloo Regional Po- lice Chief Bryan Larkin has also spoken strongly about the gathering, say- ing it cannot continue. He has called in the help of Peel police. Waterloo regional po- lice handed out fridge magnets with offences and the corresponding fines that come with them. On the list are: • Underage drinking: $125 fine • Consuming alcohol in public: $125 fine • Intoxicated in public: $65 fine • Urinating in a public place: $300 fine • Throwing a beer bot- tle at someone: arrested • Fighting, swearing, yelling: arrested NEWS l Continued from page 1 Bylaw taking a 'strict but fair' approach to celebrations