w at er lo oc hr on ic le .c a W at er lo o C hr on ic le | T hu rs da y, M ar ch 15 ,2 01 8 | 2 CAMBRIDGE 90 Main Street cornerstonefurniture.ca 519.740.9991 /CornerstoneHome /cornerstonehomeinteriors Dozens of items are currently in stock! Sale begins March 1st, 2018 Quantities are limited - items in photos may not be in stock. CORNERSTONE'S RUGS & FLOOR COVERINGS All in-stock rugs and floor coverings are 30% off of our everyday low prices. www.riepertsalt.com Service calls available upon request POOL SALL SPECIAL SAVE$20 WHEN YOU BUY 10 BAGS OF POOL SALT FOR $80+HST 1FREE WHEN YOU ORDER 5 BAGS DELIVERED BAG WITH COUPON. NOT TO BE COMBINED WITH OTHER OFFERS OR DISCOUNTS. WITH COUPON. NOT TO BE COMBINED WITH OTHER OFFERS OR DISCOUNTS. CELEBRATING 30 YEARS IN BUSINESS call us or order online... 519-747-2708 1-888-851-8999 POOL SALT SPECIAL Ontario's special investi- gations unit has formally charged a Waterloo regional police officer with sexual as- sault in connection with an off-duty incident that alleg- edly occurred during 2017 Oktoberfest celebrations. The special investiga- tion unit's director an- nounced charges against Const. Eric Schnarr Wednesday, but is not com- menting on the case any further as it is now before the courts. Once it was reported, lo- cal police leaders forward- ed the investigation on to the special investigations unit, which serves as an arm's length agency tasked with investigating police matters involving death, serious injury or allega- tions of sexual assault. The six-year member of the police service, who was suspended with pay in Oc- tober 2017, is set to appear in court on March 28. POLICE Local police officer charged with sexual assault Officer suspended with pay in connection with alleged off-duty incident CAMBRIDGE TIMES STAFF newsroom@cambridgetimes.ca Metroland/Photo The Ontario special investigations unit has formally charged a Waterloo Regional Police Services officer with sexual assault in connection with an alleged off-duty incident."