THURSDAY FEBRUARY 1, 2018 ® Chronicle.WATERLOO $1.00 CONNECTED TO YOUR COMMUNITY WATERLOOCHRONICLE.CA waterloochronicle wlchronicle Contact us PM40050478$2.00 SEE OURADON BACK PAGE OF THIS ISSUE Want to be seen by over 32,000 households? Advertise in the Waterloo Chronicle Call 519-579-7166 All about Waterloo That's the LOVE TOSAVE! 3030%%off Sol id Wood 878Weber St. N, Waterloo, ON N2J 4A9 @ St. Jacobs Farmers' Market | 519-747-1832 | Not in conjunctionwith any other offer. 4040%%off Pal l iser Leather 519-747-1832 5050%%off Home Decor & Gifts Events Calendar See what's happening by visiting our online community calendar. News, events and information on your desktop, laptop or mobile device ONLINE at An appeal of a proposed Mus- lim prayer centre is proceeding to a full Ontario Municipal Board hearing April 24 - 27, but it didn't come without some disagree- ment. In a pretrial OMB hearing that dragged on all day, the appeal ran into some major sticking points, including dividing the appeal on proper land use, future use of the site and the true identities behind the members of the Waterloo West Community Association leading the fight against the pro- posed prayer centre. Dennis Wood, of Toronto- based Wood Buffalo LLP, who has failed to return any calls from the Chronicle about his clients even though Hong (Hope) Yang, a Markham-area real estate agent, and the only official known ap- Appeal of Muslim prayer centre goes forward with disputes outstanding BOB VRBANAC l See LAWYERS, page 10 The Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks' men's basketball squad rallied from a big deficit, but ended up losing by four to the visiting McMaster Marauders at the Kitchener Auditorium during the annual school day game last week. Ali Sow gets set to drive past a McMaster defender on the way to the basket, which delighted the hundreds of local school children in attendance. Namish Modi Photo GGooiinngg ttoo sscchhooooll