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Waterloo Chronicle, 23 Nov 2017, p. 031

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Vehieh cle(s) mmay bay bay be she ownow withwith optionaion l eqequipmuipment.ent. DeaDe ler maymay sellsell oror leasease foe for ler less.ss. LimLimitedted timetime offoffers.rs. OffOfferser onlyonl valid ad t particcipatpatinging dealea ers.rs. RetRetailail offefers ms ay bbe cancelledled or cor changhanged aed at ant any tiy time wme withoithout nut noticotice. Se. See yee yourur FordFord DeaDealerler forfor complete dete ailsa or call thet ForFord Customstomer Relatelationsshiphip CentCentre are at 1-t 1-800-800-565-565-36733673. Fo. For far factortotct y orderss, a custcustomeromer maymay eiteitherhe taketa advadvantaantage oe of elf eligibigiblele raincheckeckableab Forrd reretailtai cusustometomer prr promotomotionaional inl incentcentivesives/off/offersers avaiavailabllable ate at thethe timtime ofof vehicle factc ory order oror timtime of vehicleicl delivere y, bbut not bot bothoth or cor combiomb natinationsons therthereof.eof. RetRetailll offeof rs not combiomb nablb e wie w th ah any Cy PA/GA/GPC oPC r DaDailyy RentRental ial ncennc tivetiv s, ts, the Ch ommeomm rcial UpUpfitfi ProgProgramram or tor the Che Commeommerciarcial Fll Fleeteet InceIncentivntive Pre Prograogram (Cm (CFIP)FIP . *Betetweenween NovN ember 1717 and 27, 2017, receive $4,5000/$60/$ ,500500 inin BlacBlack Frk Fridayiday CasCash (Dh (Deliveliveryerye alloall wances)s withwith thee purpurchaschase ore o lealease ose of anf a y neey w 20w 2018 F8 F-15050 Regegularular CabCab XLX 4x24x2 ValuVal e Leeaderader/ al/ all ototherher 20182018 F-1F-150 (50 (exclexcludinudinng Reg Regulagular Car Cab XLb 4x22 Value Lee Leaderde and Raptor). Black Friday Cash are notno combcom inabnable we withith anyany fleefleet cot consumnsummer ier incenncentivetives.s ≥≥RececRec ive a wiwinternter safsafetyet packpackageg which includludes: fourfofour (4)(4) winterr tiretires, fs, fouru (4)) steeel whwheelseels (Ed(Edge rge receieceiveses alumaluminuminum whewheels)els) andand foufour (4r (4) tirei prer ssure moe monitonitoringring sysstem senssorsors when you purpurchasasch e ore or leaeale se ase any nny new 2ew 22017/017/0 20188 ForF d FiF esta, FoF cus,us FusFusionio (exc(excludiuding Fng Fusiousion Spn Sport)t), C-Max,a Escs ape, Edge (e(excluding Edge SpSport)ort), Ex, Explorplorer,er, TaurTaurus,us, FlexFlex, Ex, Expedipeditiont , F-150, F-2502 /F-3/F-350 S5 RW bRW betwew en October 3r , 20202017 a17 and Nd NNovemovemberber 30,30, 20172017. ThT. ThT is ois offer isis not applicable to ano any Fly Fleeteet (othother tr thanha smalsmall fleetseets witth an eligible FIN) or GoG vernmentment cusustomtomers ars nd nnd not cot combombinablnable wie w th Cth CPA,A, GPC, CFIF P oror Daily Rly entaental AlAllowaow nceses. Ve. Vehicle hah ndlidndling cng charaharactercteristiistics,cs, tiretire loalooad ind indexdex andandan speees d rad rating maymay notnot bebe thethe samesame asas factfactory-ory-susuppliedd alla -seasons tires. Winteer tir tireres areare meanmeant toto bebe operoperatedated dururingingg wintwintere condditioions ans and md mn ay ry equiire a high herer coldcold inflatiion presses ureur thanan alll-sea-se sonson tireetir s. Ss. Somee condn itiot ns applypp . Consulu t yot your Fur Fordo of Cof Canadana a DeDealeraler forfor detde ailsails, inincluding applapp icable we arraarrantynt covev ragerage. ^̂F-SeF-Seriesries iss thethe bestbest-sellinging linne of pickup trucks in Canaanada fd 5or 51 ye1 yearsar in aa rowr basbbased oed on Canadinadian Van Vehicehicle Mle Manufanufactucturers' Asssocisso atioa n stn s atisticacal sl salesles reporeport uup top to yeayear enr end 20d 2016 a6 and YTD ST epteeptemberm 2017. ©©20172017 SirSi iusus CanaCanada Ida nc.nc "SirSiriusXiusXM",M", thethe SiriSiriusXMusXM logo, channenel nal mesmes andd logoos ars are tre tradema arkss ofo SiriSiriusXMusXM RadRadio Iio Inc.nc. andand areear usedused undu er licenence ce.ce ©201© 7 Ford Md Motorotor ComCompanypan of CanaC da,da Limiited.ted. All rigrightss reser rved. GET BLACK FRIDAY DEALS ON F-SERIES. THE UNDISPUTED CHAMP^. FIND IT. DRIVE IT. OWN IT. VISIT YOUR ONTARIO FORD STORE OR FINDYOURFORD.CA Our advertised prices include Freight, Air Tax, and PPSA (if financed or leased). Add dealer administration and registration fees of up to $799, fuel fill charge of up to $120 and applicable taxes, then drive away. ≥ BLACK FRIDAY CASH ≥ * Available in most new Ford vehicles with 6-month pre-paid subscription. Th ursday, November 23, 2017 • WATERLOO CHRONICLE • 31Serving your community since 1856 Continued from page 29 As Kate's con� dence, skill set and basketball knowledge grew ("I've always prided myself in being a well- rounded player who understands all aspects of the game," she said), Mina then convinced her to give Team Ontario a shot. She was a thirteen year-old try- ing out for a U15 team so the other girls were one grade ahead of her and most had more experience with rep ball than she did. Despite those chal- lenges, Kate made the final cut and was added to the roster as a practice player. As fate would have it, the team suf- fered a lot of injuries that year and a week before the Nationals, the coach called and asked Kate if she could join the team in Edmonton. It was big step for a girl her age to take but the Morans had always encouraged their daughter to be will- ing to step out of her comfort zone. So at age thirteen, young Kate got on board -- both � guratively and lit- erally -- and decided to simultane- ously brave an airplane ride and the national stage for the very � rst time. And with her parents blessing, she did so all on her own. � e fact that Kate got some playing time is somewhat important. So is the fact that the team captured a silver medal. What's more important is that that summer, Kate was willing to step out of her comfort zone in order to experi- ence personal growth and to take her playing career to a whole other level. � at fall, Kate entered high school at Sir John A. MacDonald and as a Grade 9 player, led her Highlander junior team to an undefeated season in WCSSAA play and the school's � rst- ever girls basketball championship. Coach Dan White has fond memo- ries of that team and of coaching Kate, who he describes as, "easily one of the most talented basketball players I've ever had the pleasure of coaching." In next week's column, I'll out- line the highest high (a gold medal in Mexico) and the lowest low (a career- ending injury) of Kate's playing career and further explore the person White describes as "truly a special young woman." ••• Brian Totzke is a writer and is on Twitter at @kitWatGuy. � e second part of this two-part column will appear in the Nov. 30 edition of the Waterloo Chronicle. Moran described as 'truly a special young woman'

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