16 • WATERLOO CHRONICLE • THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2017 By Bob Vrbanac Chronicle Sta� A local startup is getting ready for takeoff after partnering with Air Miles to launch a new search app. Reebee, which already has three million users who have downloaded its app to get the latest fl yer deals, has part- nered with Air Miles, and the 11 million members of its loyalty card program, to develop a new search feature that allows people to see offers from their favourite retailers and discover more bonus point opportunities while also pointing out members of the popular program. It all started when a mutual custom- er of both Reebee and Air Miles sug- gested that they should join forces in the endeavour, with Reebee providing the technical expertise and innovation and Air Miles looking to bring an exten- sive client list of participating retailers already in its program. "Loyalty programs are a big part of how people shop," said Martyniak, a Mechatronics Engineering grad who co-founded Reebee back in 2013 with classmate Tobiasz Dankiewicz. "Air Miles is the most popular in Canada, and with Reebee we're trying to make that whole shopping experience as seamless and as easy as possible." The new integrated search feature on the Reebee app uses geolocation and postal code data to allow collectors to search Air Miles coupons and pro- motional off ers at stores in their imme- diate area. The local retailers participating in the Air Miles program pop up on the app, as do products that give out special bonus offers, and can be seen by the shoppers on a weekly basis. It allows shoppers to plan their shopping experience by adding to their Reebee shopping cart and maximizing the points they can collect. "It's about getting the most out of the money you're already spending," said Martyniak. "This was a natural partnership, and they're partners with some of our biggest customers who are already in the space." Air Miles partners available on Ree- bee include Foodland, IGA, Lowe's, Metro, Pharmasave, Rexall, Rona, Sobeys, and Staples, to name just a few. The number of bonus mile offers varies from week to week and across diff erent regions in Canada, but users can expect more than 90 off ers in their area at any given time across participat- ing retailers. "We were already working with a lot of the retail partners working with Air Miles and digitizing their flyers," said Dankiewicz. "What we've done is really resurface the additional value that Air Miles brings to those off ers." It also provides an added benefit to the retailers, highlighted by off ering something more for the special o� ers in addition to pricing -- the bonus points. "They get the best price in addi- tion to the Air Miles," said Dankiewicz. "Th ose points are very valuable to col- lectors and have an associated cash value." For Rachel MacQueen, vice-presi- dent of marketing at Air Miles, it allows the loyalty plan company to innovate without having to do the expensive technological development part itself. "We're thrilled to be working with them and think they are a great exam- ple of the innovation that's happen- ing in Canada, and in (the K-W) area in particular," said MacQueen. "We're looking at ways to continue to give our collectors more access to offers and make it easier for them to do their shop- ping while getting bonus miles along the way." Air Miles was impressed by the reach that Reebee already had and the ease of use their app had to connect col- lectors with o� ers that pop up no matter where they are in the country. "We were able to enhance their experience on the Reebee app by mak- ing searching for Air Miles offers that much easier," said MacQueen. "Th ere were so many of our customers already on their app, it just made sense we would partner with them to bring even more value to our mutual customers." MacQueen said traditional com- panies are looking for opportunities to partner with tech companies like Ree- bee to spur innovation. "We're always looking for new start- ups doing innovative things in the mar- keting, communications, and technol- ogy area," she said. "Our partnership with Reebee is a great example of that for us." MacQueen said they are already seeing new collectors joining up. "� ey have seen Air Miles on the Reebee app and have joined up as a result of that -- it's been a great success for us so far." Flying high with Air Miles Local startup Reebee partners with loyalty program Air Miles to produce new search app BUSINESS WATERLOO CHRONICLE BUSINESS WATERLOO CHRONICLE Michal Martyniak Tobiasz Dankiewicz Local startup Reebee has partnered with Canada's largest loyalty card program, Air Miles, to provide a new search feature on its app that highlights bonus offers for collectors at retailers. SUBMITTED PHOTO Call Ted Anderson 519-623-3050 ext. 232 or email tanderson@cambridgetimes.ca GO "MULTI-MEDIA" with Metroland Starting aS low aS $299 • target geographically using IP addresses • target behaviourally using consumer habits • target "on-the-fly, but close-by" with our fully mobile programs for phones, tablets and other devices ADvErTIsE yOUr MEssAGE On-LInE! 20,000 to1.2 million views or more annually