SEE OUR AD ON BACK PAGE OF THIS ISSUE Call Ted Anderson 519-623-3050 ext. 232 or email GO "MULTI-MEDIA" with Metroland Starting aS low aS $299 • target geographically using IP addresses • target behaviourally using consumer habits • target "on-the-fly, but close-by" with our fully mobile programs for phones, tablets and other devices ADvErTIsE yOUr MEssAGE On-LInE! 20,000 to1.2 million views or more annually THURSDAY MARCH 2, 2017 Visit us online at ® Chronicle.WATERLOO $1.00 CONNECTED TO YOUR COMMUNITY WATERLOOCHRONICLE.CA ® Chronicle.WATERLOO $1.00 CONNECTED TO YOUR COMMUNITY WATERLOOCHRONICLE.CA BOB VRBANAC PHOTO Worth the wait Regional councillors, including Regional Chair Ken Seiling and Coun. Tom Galloway, centre, chair of the region's planning and works committee, give an enthusiastic thumbs up to the delivery of the � rst ION LRV Friday at the LRT operations centre in Waterloo. For more on the arrival of the new vehicle, turn to page 4. Siskins set to clash with Winter Hawks in GOJHL playo� s Page 21 SPORTS City to spend $800,000 on new glowing path through Waterloo Park Page 3 CITY NEWS By Bob Vrbanac Chronicle Sta� As the province brought in new legislation last week to prevent the disconnection of hydro services during the winter months, a local man said he was incensed when he received a pre- mature threat to disrupt his service from his local hydro provider. Waterloo resident Gary Berwick said it all started when he went away for a winter vacation and forgot to pay his last hydro bill before he left. When he got back he said he paid it and was about two-and-a- half weeks past due when he got a notice back from Waterloo North Hydro. "All of a sudden I got this letter in the mail box that said � nal notice," said Berwick. "� ere was a threat to disconnect our service by Feb. 26, in the dead of winter." Berwick said the note came without the courtesy of any other previous contact from the local hydro provider. He said that he had been a longtime cus- tomer in good standing and never had any kind of issue with his billing since he moved to Waterloo in 1997. Berwick sent his own note back, and sent a copy of his complaint to the Ontario Energy Board, which regulates the province's electricity sector. "It should be noted that we are exemplary cus- tomers having always paid our bills promptly," said Berwick in his written response. "� is is a � rst o� ence, if you call it that. "� at bill has been paid, but I categorically refuse to pay the trip charge for a totally o� ensive, arrogant and unnecessary action on their part. Unless you put a sanction on them and compensate me for this insult and abuse, I will consider legal action." Berwick said he eventually got a call back from Albert Singh, chief � nancial o� cer of Waterloo North Hydro. The trip charge to put his account back in good standing was waived. Contiued on page 11 Chhroror nicle. $1.00 CONNECTED TO YOUR COMMUNITY WATERLOOCHRONICLE.CA Hydro disconnection threat riles local man