HURRY IN FOR BEST SELECTION !!! Furniture & Mattresses Since 1971 Since 1971 MON., TUES., WED. 10 AM - 6 PM THURS., FRI. 10 AM - 8 PM SATURDAY 9 AM - 5 PM SUNDAY 12 PM - 4 PM 519-893-8118 85 BRIDGEPORT RD. E. WATERLOO (Across from the Bridgeport Rd. Plaza) JANUARY CLEAN SWEEP EVENT O N D ISC O N TIN U ED M ERC H A N D ISE A N D SELEC TED D ISPLA Y M O D ELS SA VE U P TO60% Thursday, January 5, 2017 • WATERLOO CHRONICLE • 5 By Adam Jackson Chronicle Staff In just over a year, Bardish Chagger went from being voted into office for the first time to making Cana- dian political history. The Waterloo MP was not only named the minister of small business and tourism after her election, she was also named Canada's first female gov- ernment house leader. For Chagger, who took the Christ- mas break off to refresh and relax with family and friends, it has been busy. "I'm getting reacquainted with my bed," said Chagger, a former director of special events for the K-W Multicultural Centre. Since being elected as an MP, beat- ing out incumbent Peter Braid in the 2015 election, Chagger said she has been impressed by what's going on in her riding. "It's a tremendous experience," said Chagger. "I believe in my heart and soul that I represent the best riding and the best region in the best prov- ince in the best country." Since taking the role as house lead- er, Chagger has been exposed to a little bit of controversy. She has been questioned vigorous- ly by the Conservatives over a "cash- for-access" scandal. At $1,500-a-plate Liberal fundraisers, hosted at hotels or sometimes private residences, guests were invited to lobby government MPs and ministers. Anytime government ministers are lobbied by corporate executives or lobbyists, it must be reg- istered with the government. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has denied any wrongdoing, but the oppo- sition is pushing for an investigation. "What's really important to note that when it comes to political fund- raising, there are really strict rules. I'm not just saying it, that's a fact," said Chagger. "Even the chief electoral officer … says that when it comes to Canada, these are some of the strictest around the world." Over the next year, Chagger expects a lot of promises to be kept. "We know that we ran on an ambi- tious platform," said Chagger. "This government will remain focused on the middle class and those who are working hard to join it." Bill C-33, the Elections Canada Act, is going to be a big part of 2017 for the government. Last year, it set out to find out what Canadians want in electoral reform. Those recommendations will come back to the house in 2017. "It will increase voter participation and will repeal the unfair elements of the previous Elections Canada Act," said Chagger, adding the government will remove "unfair" changes, such as ID requirements, put in place by the previous Conservative government. With Waterloo Region at the begin- ning of what seems to be a challenging fight against fentanyl, Chagger said the government has a plan to tackle the problem. Just before the House of Commons' Christmas break, Bill C-37, the Con- trolled Drugs and Substances Act, was introduced. It allows substances to be stopped being shipped by mail by Canada Post. "There is a crisis taking place in many communities across our coun- try," said Chagger. "It will restore harm reduction as a pillar of Canada's drug policy alongside prevention, treatment and enforcement." MP Chagger said government committed to delivering on promises