lllURSle. DECEMBER 29, 2016 . wATutwo CHRONICLE . 15 Teaching machines to read 0 . Q Q Waterloo-based Maluuba partners wzth otherAI pwneers to develop machme teaming Bit no: VMAC l A ' ‘ ' ~f '3 “E: " :, Kaheer Suleman, coâ€"founder and head of Malnu- ‘71'0'1‘44’ 91017 ‘ l . ' l ' 5‘ ‘ i a“; 5 lag i ' A.» ba research, at the time. ‘Teaching machines to i «. .. l. , m n h "EH-"1 x; understand common sensewilltake the com- Teaching machines to read isn't the same as _‘ .» ‘ “' ’ ‘ f " ' ‘ ,; bined effort of leading academic researchers teaching a toddler. } ' ‘ -, > ‘ U“ L if if 35 f! a 5 .; _> a"; l j with the resources and data that a company like They don't have the nuances of culture, idir - m‘ ‘ $535??? 4! H u ‘a‘ , : Maluubacanprovide.†oms, tone and other social cues to understand '~~' ‘“ T i n it ‘ , v-, ‘4 a 2 lite hope is that Maluuba will be able to take what ou'rewri ‘ bout. ’ , 3 j 2! !- ~- -- a! ’ "it“ 5. those research advances and develo co erâ€" 3 “8“ “was . : P "m But they†re getting there. Waterioo's Maluuha ; “ ’ . f . E! Q! m i ii . ~. 2; ~‘,.j cial technology that will move the industry forâ€" is leading the way in teaching machines to think, 7 ‘ m7 4 ~ . . i l s. .i in H g ,: » 1.1 ward and have big players like Google and Face- reason and communicate just like we do thanks -, _ if? ’ . ï¬â€˜kï¬ï¬i}; booklooldng to them for insight. to a growing research and learning lab in Moii- -y _ .- . cw if f a“ It’s heady territory for a local company treal that is working on those types of common _ 4 m g it? that is trying ‘0 SUM? the language problem for sense problems that could lead to the next break ‘ «f , h“ , , _ ,. 1.15 if machines. Someday they might be able to deci» througits in artiï¬cial intelligence. 9 t; "‘ 3~ '-'~ in" , f A g . pher a mountain of legal briefs and distill it down The company, founded in 2010 by Universin ‘ ' f f “Fig: i A; to an opinion that a lawyer could use in a coun- ofWatedoo students at the school's Velocity pro ‘ '= ~ 11, 4,1? - EEW' a; at; _.; mom, said Gray. . gram, took another step towards that last week * ' ft 1 , : 5 iv "What words would it say?“ asked Gray by releasing two sophisticated natural language ’ V 1 ‘ j I 4 ; "That's reallyMaluuba's focus." understanding data sets ' f ' g When Maluuba started. it was looking into instead of guarding their data sets like a a ' ifâ€: voice assisted apps similar to Sin" on the Apple secret, they decided to share them to advance ‘ i platform. It soon realized that business uses innovation in artificial intelligence research and would be a better focus and has since been fatilitate future breakthroughs 5:3 deployed on upwards of 50 million devices. Paul Gray, director of ptodltt‘t marketing for ;f- “This was clearly an advancing space,†said Maluuba, said the field of artificial intelligence is Gray. '50 the team made a big. bold bet on what very much open right now to share that kind of research needed to be done to make changes information because maritime learning is con and that involved talent.†sidered the next great area of exploration, where ’- Two people started last lanuary. and there are search engines mil be able to read or listen to now up to wresearches at the Montreal lab con queries and understand the questions by how tributingtn research in natural language. they" re ashd â€They are very smart people doing very com "We're focused on language and it s a his“ plicated thirtgs,’v said Gray. "They are focused mating space," said (tray, who recently itilnl’tl on research and coming up with breakthroughs. the company from Kik. whit h “as doing its omi and then we can think about how that applies to work in developing thalliots With better under . enterpriaein thefmure." standing of verbal queries “(hi-r the List 2“ years // The recording of text has really helped com people have been doing .i lot of stuff oil the inter M ‘ pound human intelligence, and (Gray said they net and all ol that data has lit-vii rm oidt-d .iiitl _ hope thesameapplles to machine intelligence kept some-“hert- “language is what deï¬nes human intelli ~Computing pom-r has also imprint-d so you gence and let us communicate with each other," can train these neural tit-Modes to do “hill was saidGmy. “ltwillhelp usdevelop ways to interim impossible In lilt' past with services. “lhe long dream of M ln-tiigt-ift-itivt' .it things 'We're building models and algorithms and 15 8mm“) llfll’i’fl‘lflk "hm“ ‘“ the “Wt!" h, N" A researcher at the Montreal lab uses a white board to share the research local company YUU need data to l?“ them, and there's Whl‘fl' also the I oiiipiitirig power and the fat t that Ilu'tt' Ma|uuba is dorng to develop language understanding for machines “autonomy†Maliiuba comes in.†is so unit it data " “lhat's where the excitement comes in for pet) that’s why (“Vt-n traditional players iii the- “hr-wont» is very idealistic and wants to set» nixed as a leader in the field, especially iii devel pl? working at Maluuha andinthe industry. technology set tot, liki- ‘\p[ill‘, Whit h gt‘llr‘rdlh ,\| do â€a,“ â€In,†and he WW useful for society ' opiiigcomputational methods “You canseethe applications that are just get guards its rest-an li illt‘ making it more tipt'ti Maliiiiha took a big step in developing its goal has been to treate machines that can ting started now, and the ones that could corni- soon r, so .ltl\.lll( vs I All hr made â€Hill" quit kit that deep learning by partnering with Mdiill understand context. along,’ said Gray "hi-none is Illlt'lt tltlllt1it‘tl .iiid sliariiigtlii-ti lliiiu-rsity's Reasoning anti lr-aming Iah last â€Montreal is a global hub for Al research and Maluuba has a interesting inftigraphtc of its “mum ii ' Miltl (mu “ lilt'lt' s ii I oiiimoii wot] 14mm“- we are proud to partner with Mctiill University progress on its website lilt'lt' [lit- Motrin-4! st liool has long been recog to provide this opportunity for research,“ said ltiseeit visil.www.maliiuhatorii ' ' ’ ~lmunn~ in XT R | , â€" WA rtttibo culturing; .. ll ting the reset button ‘ ~** ~ ‘ "“ ~1-"" _’ iiig .i wary of life W. S†." A 3:31 ' l' £_~ -t--v.a».-....< ‘ czar: ’ f ‘ - READ ALL ABOUT IT. ~ » .~ “t H \ t. V": ‘tli,’ wt†“WW/HUN Hm!“ M‘V- l‘\/ ~ ': A \ "â€" C, WATFRI Of) ' ‘ ' i ‘ ' ‘ l s 1 LE _ ____. as; , local news tor (i! sports local happenings sit ,. _ , -- e " ‘? i -. ' - laur- "' ' ~ . 4 Ham's ii .. m \ www.woterloochronicle.ca ' " ‘ . ~ ; W f N"?! N . u ' m"? aah . ,i an " H _~