1 THURSDAY, OCTOBERâ€, 2016 -wnuwocnmmcu- 27 . :.:' a . l 3 1 ‘7" 7: § ? ' , - 4 .. Fairuuy Lumber Wither lou A Happy Hailoueen) ‘ Pirate Remember The Kidsâ€, . Don‘t Drink 0 Drive! , F .- m f ~ 3 1, ' ‘- éLQ‘zzï¬iï¬ * a gang ' ‘ 1205 King St. N., St. Jacobs % y a a o . Call today 519-664-2226 or 519-684-3400 f Statistics - - n~ O ' about - ‘ W f , 1 Halloween ' â€t? ‘ f v . 32A» v; ,I ' 5. . , . ' L a“ 5: ..‘1 $3? - ‘ o s e _ ,â€" t i "' â€A": ‘ . a _ , . \ ff: , . ,ai¢ty... f , v. i “i it???“ ~ 0 1 if» i. ’ , ' . a v A A y» z , M f , , fern-ytrvtwrt' ‘ y» , . On average, more than twice as many children are killed in pedestrian/car accidents on Halloween - between 4 pm. and 10 pm. than during the same hours on any other day of the year. Darkness and P speed combine to multiply the risk of a pedestrian fatality seven times on high-speed, limitedâ€"access “- _ roadways; five times on urban side streets; and three times on slower local roads. ; Fashionable , AND comfortable! ' \“ ' THE mammals BOOT an 3 \\\ Please remember to drwe Made in Portugal of the finest leather ' ' and available in a rainbow of coloursr ' safely! The kids are trick teal, mm mm“, M, t or treating. black, saddle and forest. Extra deep construction surtable for nrthotics With a front lace but inside zip descgn Mm urmmmumrynm [£156 " 1 ’ WATPRLiio CHRONICLE l’ETï¬ï¬HP SSHOES 4 “1954 This message is made possible by the busmesses and community “7 m i ll ' I â€9-7‘53‘42 l partners appearing on this page. “- _ 11 10-6, M 10-7 & Sn “4,