16 - want-momma); . munsnu. canon 27,2015 Raising a glass 0 I O O O O 0 Local hardware startup Bartesran making drink mrxmg a lot easterfor all cocktad fans BY Btu lACBON cucumber bitters, strawberry puree â€"â€" all the ’ For the Chronicle real ingredients that are required to make the â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€" cocktaiLweputin.Webollouttheexcesswater You're having a party and want to otter your so it’s concentrated and the machine has a friends a choice of cocktails. water reservoir in the back and reconstitutes That probably means a trip to the 11380. but the ingredients so it‘s extremely fresh. There's also gathering a list of ingredients that aren't no preservatives orartiï¬dalcrap.’ sittinginthe fridge or cupboard. Close said developers of Bartesian have , You'll likely require jugs of juice, mixers, worked closely with a mixologlst and Guelph ' possibly even a blender, not to mention time. Food Technology Centre to get their end prod- Cleaningupailthatcanbeasloppy.sticky uctsâ€"thewchailsormocktailsâ€"tutinglike diore. they’remadeirornscratch.wbichtheyessen- w > ‘ Butthere’saneasierwaymmingsoon. tiallyare. j". Founded by Velocity entrepreneurs Ryan The panel on 0305 Dragons' Den oertain- ., a, ' Close and Bryan Fedorak. Bartesian is poised to ly enjoyed the flavours when Bmeslan was “ “a“ , hit the North American marketnext summer. pitched to investors earlier this year. Close . > Unofï¬cially coined the Keurig of cocktail and Fedorak â€" a University of Waterloo mixers, the small household appliance oper- engineer who designed the machine â€" ended atessimilariyindiatitusesbarmdedinsertsto upmakingadeaLbutitlellapartaï¬ertheshow make happy-hour favourites such as cosmo- duringthe due diligence phase. politans, martinis. whisky sours and sex on the “They wanted to see a little more traction. beach. but because we're young we didn't have the ‘d ‘ No muss. no fuss; single, double or triple. metrics." Close said, about the show that aired ‘ ’ ' alone or with others. earlier in October Sure. there might be other cocktail Meanwhile, the pair landed a multi-milâ€" machines in existence, but they can't do it the lion dollar deal with Beam Suntory. one of wayBartesiancan. the world's leading spirit companies. Beam "(he difference between us and them is all Suntory. which produces lint Beam, not only . the juices, liqueurs and bitters are in this cap- invested millions in the product, it also signed a I ' sule and they never go into the machine at all.’ multi-mlllion multi»year licensing agreement. kt said Close. “if l'm going to spend money on a 'So we would have said no to the deal from A ’ small luxury item. 1 want to make sure there's Dragons' Den anyway,†Clo“ said. 'We would , never any contamination and I never have to have walked away from it lOOpercent. ' " clean it and mess around with it.“ 'We've now got tons of money in the bank. it also cuts out the expense of buying ingre» We're ready to move, we have the expertise in R dients like bottles of liqueur that are only need» and D to do it and the patents are done." _‘ 5 ed for a couple drops in some recipes, Close The startup also has deals in the works with d ' added. major corporate chains including Delta Hotels “A lot of the other cocktail robots, you and Bed Bath and Beyond, to name just a cou- actually put in the juice and the liqueur and pie. they run through the pipes and mix inside the Bartesian will allow any restaurant, bar, . machine,’ he said. "Well, juice goes had very hotel or home bartender to offer premium 5}. A» quickly and all those lines can be ï¬lled with cocktails, Close said. Ck 33:- “N:- '* if mold and ï¬lled with all sorts of things that go â€We already have some of the largest retail- ~ Raj? , ‘ '~ ‘ , w: * bad We don't have to worry about that because ers in Europe asking for it,†h“ * ' , ' . . t , . none of that stuff is going inside the machine." He admits the company is still in the launch Ryatl‘Close, g940‘t‘gadff Of Rimes“: “mgrnezetge ï¬ght“ Of use ‘Of h" m cocktail Bartesian operates with four 950 ml, con- phase with about six machines manufactured mm 9 M mes are a ready “an m or m 06" WWW tainers â€"â€" one each for your choice of vodka, and just eight varieties ofcocktall inserts. gin and tequila, and one that's interchangeable “There's tens of thousands of cocktails pre- to help bring them market he made irt St. Catharines for mm/whisky programmed in the machine,“ he said. "We just It has also sourced parts for the machine, Bartesian will retail for about $299 (is , The cocktail inserts are made with all natu need to make them to marry them up.†Sub~assembly will be done in China, with about $399 (1M), ral ingredients. not the "ready tormake, syrupy Each mix requires between $10,000 and final assembly and quality assurance done It alsocomes with a shaker garbage" found in grocery stores, Close said, $20,000 of research and development and right out of Kitchener's Velocity garage The Allynu have to do is ï¬ll it with ice, “desired. ‘lt's actually things like muddled cilantro, the company is currently hiring more staff inserts. which will sell for about $2 a pop, will and pour, said (limo ']t's stupid easy ' , ' ' ‘ nâ€" â€I“ TRA' EXT - Windham RONlQLE __ - ting the reset button a m â€"â€"~â€":‘ __ . . ..__ _ mgaway “(lite Wémlxi‘f "a j , a? ,..-, N - ---â€"~ ~- ~ READ ALL ABOUT IT ~ . 4/ a†' I \ - / ~ W_.--...- k _ l Vrvmg wurmmmumlysmre my) ' - f . 13513? \ if; "0 ' TERLOO CHRONICLE “‘ ‘ g " “ ‘ local news local sports loco! happenings f». i- a f °~â€"'â€" i f “Fifi"; ‘l‘f'Wi’H‘JWW‘ www.woterloochronlcle.ca .; r; g, , 1:4, {cg-5 . l , A w a!†»a-.m.â€i°'-‘