I mammalianu-waI-flm-s o O O x . New mum-million dollar .. . . .5. '3 .111 all % ‘ A v ‘ WINT‘CD a», plan hopes to cut EMS times a ~ Mikaela are out on calls, are sitting conï¬rm also regrets for a ' I †_ _‘ g {frag '5‘? FwtbeCllmnide at“ peroentâ€"sixpercent newsmmlllionfleetcameto ‘ 4.x“? I‘ , V -; , ._ ‘ . "i’ '. higher than the region's cur- bebuilt. :3" ti" ' ' ‘i g .,’ u ' 3 ncrealing ambulance rentpalof35peroent. The current model of a" a ‘ " reapome times has pushed As a result. reapome times operation. which was adopt- " v ‘ a, . the Region of Waterloo to are now up to 10 minutes, ed more than is years ago, ‘5 1". _ overhaul its emergency ser- where theywere previously 95 means all employees start and i ,5 ’ ‘2 A;- vices, with potential changes minutes orevenlower. end their shift at the centre ' ' ’ ' , V “a“. "l ' worth around $18 million in In addition to longer based at Maple Grove Road " V " ' capitaloosts and mor than 54 response times, it means that Prep work, inspections and A v p JP? (2 "'7“ a .J Hi? my R (53‘: million annually in operating paramedics are working more supervision all take place at - :iON ka " J ONE) ‘ ' (1‘ ' 5' ATE L ‘ coats. overtime and under more the centre. which helps create " w- ' ‘.‘ ,m medians“ come in the PYBSSl-IIB. arnoreefï¬cientworkï¬otw. EiltllLHEM-Hl 519-746'7900 WWW k"“‘"“‘m COill form of a new master plan 'The high utilization we But due to a rising popu~ ' approved at a regional com- ninentiy shoulder puts undue lation, and particularly the mittee meeting on Oct. 4. 1t stress on our paramedics." rising number of seniors â€" will now come back to a bud- said CUPE Local 5191 presi- increasing at a rate of 3.2 per get meeting at the start of denthBesenschek. cent annually â€" the plan rec- [/7» ,, " , x , Number, and would be sub- 'There‘s less time to clear amends the region look at , x†_ ‘ .. z ' ' lectmfulapprovaionbudget your head after a particu» buildingasecond centreand ,â€"~ “V" “4 3‘ intro “C'ng dayinlanuary. laflytoughcail,andlesstime adding the staff required to L x. "WV/t I 4‘ :’ :Lx’.‘ v intended to serve as a to perform a crucial vehicle runit. . ' ., ‘ basis for future decisions, the check.†â€it's time to construct a ' ‘ updated master plan con- Another recommendation newfadlitytoauynentMaple ‘ ' ,_ A, _ fl , ,, " - tained many recommenda- was to work with the Ministry Grove,‘ said Marvin Rubin- tions to bring ambulance ofHeaith toequipambulanoes stein, president of ApexPro. _, __ responaetimesbackdowntoa within-vehidedigitalsystems 'Ihiswillmeanevolvingfrom "é F l' desirablelevel. that auto-transmits calls to central deployment to divi- E a ’ g}: i 1': Highlights of the plan the closest ambulance to the sionai deployment...a change ;:{ 3,. p j ’ l ' ' indude adding more than 20 scene. that Peel Region has already "7 j :2 f g ‘ paramedlcsandothersupport This could help reduce implemented.’ 3‘: ' " > mumboktermalreadyover- responsctimesbysotosowc- Waterloo Coun. Sean 3}? â€7' - worbdroster. ands. Strickland asked to include 1 ‘ z“ _. 'lhat would add more than in the past couple years. education about when to use ‘ ‘ i.‘ ' n 54 million per year in oper- resources have not been able emergency services as part of ‘ ' g -* ‘ sting costs to the service, to keep up with the rapid the masterplangoingforward. ' ‘ ~. ‘ ' 3 although the province would growth in demand Around Waterloo Coun. lane ‘3, ‘ ‘ Q ooverhalf. 45.000 hospital calls were Mitchell disagreed, stating , ‘ ‘ ' , ' Additionally, five new made in 2015. which is almost that she feh the region had to A: if 4’ - ' ambulances are expected to 50 per cent higher than 10 be. "verycarefulwhenwestan .‘ 5-... 4 1 ' be purchased as part of the years ago to educate people not to take 5' . . ii proposal. and the report rec- ‘The only way to remedy theambuiance." '1 ï¬x ‘ ornmends adding four ambu- this is the addition of resourC» In the end, reponai council J!“ - ' ‘Vr 3"? ‘ lance shifts during peak peri- es, and fast,†said Besenschek approved the master plan. A "agree . I ' ods to help deal with call vol- "If this is 'managing' it's only preliminary repon will come V ‘u‘k‘ ‘ " ume. just barely, and it won't be for to council in November, with 4 Currently utilization per- much longer.†final approval during the “"“â€"“““‘""‘ â€Tl, Ill centages.whichareameasure The recommendations region's budget process in . i l , p 1 ‘ oftheamountoftimevehicles from ApexPro. the region’s lanuaryr fl, { I. I," . E a l - ‘ If a 5i ' . I l' 1 ; . ‘ dugâ€"c I 1 l -. ‘ ’. E g i . [ few l I " m‘ f ,2“- {p ., \ n â€a. t , #333; u \- r / V}][)}] L D Fl’f' Br‘afi'wvv‘ L * '7‘: j ' L , "ml I i'i'u‘l â€#*Â¥V___Vi ' Li, L fill,» ‘ " -__,, ___V_._________.._c_j "" WEEKLY SPECIALS M W“ ‘ " ’4' OCTOBER 11 TO OCTOBER 15 new , LOFI Y IDEAS FOR SMALLAREASIN PM FRESH Store Made suns ans W 0" Wm '15le MODERN, CLASSIC, CONTEMPORARY £393» mums Store e - - ammuaswmron AND TRANSfTIONAL muss 0m W m masses moses. wt BIBS ’329 it ~--â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€" p.99. more b. Locally made ‘ ,,/'~â€"*~‘\ [199.54.9911 swam @3221“). 1.99 . 1 . H- Ana'Proce-edPrnhctSIreMSJL. (UNI/lift ‘ H5 ‘ g Glnta I: Leda-e free! mos." _ g Weaken-knew “‘th _ ‘,-.< ,‘ g Mutahtheirpmdactioa. mmmmfltlswaekl .\ 7/,-/ amt Low mum I'm Hleva 519 (:00 4590 “mm" Mm N : > Y' t " ‘V n H ' i“ V wwv.‘ wh‘mmu HllIHlY'v u' .e