name/w, oer-0mm 13, 2015 - wrmmwocnloracu - 25 f * ‘ Win-â€24 defensive backs working defence is finally getting the . ' 5 For VanMoerkerke, towardthesamegoeL reoognitinnitdeeervee. “ . , § Minimum. Laurier is currently in no For VenMoerkerke. it's ‘ i - ‘_ ‘ t 'lt's special as a foot- 0nd place‘ in the OUA with nicemeeetherecoptitiorxnot ' . 1 j i a '_ belleoeditoluveekidwho 153pointsnliowedperpme. onlybrtheteamandthepro- A g , ‘_‘ ‘ ,‘ iscommittedtolcbooland Theyareeepeciallytoughon grambtrtiorthemenonthe ‘ f -, ‘ †t ,. . :_ football...ontbe'l'hnnksgiv- therusluallowlngonlyetotal gridiron. j?“ I - it . f j higDeyweeIuid,yw‘revery of105.2nuhingyerdseohr â€Mmakesmehappylor , 5 z i ‘ ; thenkiultobeinvolvedwith unseeuon.0nlytheMcMu- theplemetallwsustomy ' . " ' I enableteflbthet.’ ter Marauders are better It inuuiMngamee.‘ . ‘t. " . ; _> 3 , Butit’snotiustBoetengon Gledlingynrdspergame. TheLaw-ierGoldenHawks . ' ; the Laurier defence, which is Boateng admits it’s a little head back to University Sta- ; ; ' ’ f ' now known as one of the best frustrating seeing the flashy dium on Friday for the annual ' ;, . , it ' Â¥ inthe league. positions â€" like quarterback School Day pine. hosting the g u?“ , ‘ While he patrols for and running back â€" get- Gtrelthryphons ; "- : / enemies in the backfield, ting all the “fame and for- Kickoï¬is scheduled for 11 2 fh‘f‘ï¬j‘fra‘ ’ ï¬t; A? -_ » i» \“' there are linemen and tune," but now the Laurier tun. ' ‘ ' P bl' N t' i , ' ‘ ‘ ’ V r â€" ' a; m w to ' Notice of First Public Meeting I 1 I TobeheldbytheRegionofWaterlooregardinga ; "in“ M ~ Proposal to Engage in a Renewable Energy Project : way-mm ! Dribble drive Project Name: Waterloo Wm Treatment Plant Cogeneration Facility 5 . . , , . Project Location: 340 University Avenue East, Waterloo 3, Madison Sherman, right, drtbbies down the court past Gait Collegiate lnstmtte's Kate Wilson while teammate Griffin Lock-Shore trails behind. SIAM won 51-23. W at Waterloo "it the 30“ of when 2016 _ Tt'teReqionofWeterloomegioniisplmningto Whmw 2 «whomebleenergyproieciiorwhich Thleproieollsbeingpropoeedineocordence ' “mm-MEnergonproval withtherewirememeoltheActandRewletlon. f (RENisrequirethCogenemtionFecilitywillbe ThoDraflProtoctDesmmbnRepofllPDï¬itmw installed eithe Waterloo Weeteweter Tram-tom “Dull Prowl MW Report: Waterloo f 2016 m""‘“‘“"†PlenthWTmaMwilusebiogeeprodtned WWTPCooowaï¬onFochwbesm ‘ “a atmplamtoproauoeheatwuecmcny. Mwsmwmmmorpowmdby ‘ q râ€" . “go-cage- This heat and electricity will be used tinâ€"site mmmammftflsfldmfls E); . attmwwwmmmm-sw storagemembrenenndrelatedepputerm. \ \ __ \\ ‘~ “ mé‘éz'ï¬ requirements. A written copy of the PDR was made we!“ ‘3 mmmwmmmiem Guam mmomsonormemotrmpuuc WWWMN'MM (gum?) Meetingandmepro‘tectiteellissubiecttothe NPropctepqeoltheReï¬on'swebetlez mm / . ' ' provisioneotthe'EnvirorvnentaiProtectionAct' m'mmmm (ACT)PMV.O.1 andOntu’ioRegulllion359/O9 C I | I I II M, I' Tutu.†18,1016 (Regulation). ms notice must be distributed in To ml m mm†protect W to w,1.-7flM-WIIIS accordance with,section .'5 M the Regulation oommuntceteomcernspleesecontact: ammonium-m W ‘° °" “A WW“ °°'"° “m“ and assessed by the Ministry of Environment pm Law, a“ ' and Climate Change [Motâ€"ICC). There will be a Senior Project Engineer . MEETVENDORS. CHECK OUT summ' Ming Wtome submissmm mam/mm . THE BEST PRODUCTS& the REA appltcationinolufluchyouwillalsobe WaterServioes SERVICESINTHEREGION. Wâ€- “W'wm'mca ‘ 5196754095 ‘ ‘ b 4 , ‘ l , . FiretPublcheetlrtglntormetion: sunwmgm Will A WM MUN NH 1 ‘ !W() m DOMlNKAN REP" . c Th y 3 2016 Aocesstbilflszhiseventts accessrblelorpeople 15'30pmlto 730°,“ ' with disabilities. il you require assastanoe to <_ m mâ€, AttendthMmtmiamdmem-nmalme‘vxmh(z)mto ':F'“M Pg“ ‘(Rooén‘ 104) _ 2001 attend or participate in this meeting. or to f ‘ mmwmww my Aw wwmm ï¬mflmumxt ] to Fly from home With SUM/mu. uzK 4m _ l m: autumn-“monument DflOl' to the meeting Aim umuue-mmnutwemv PM.“ W: Under the ‘Mumcnpal Act" personal mlormalton mtmmrmnuuâ€"sm Pursuant ‘0 th may“ Regulation. ‘M'm'lmh '†such as name. address, telephone number ‘ rosewolwh‘tchlhopfqedb'obeefmgows and property location that may be tncluded m NI II. I) “NEETLD‘I‘ considered tobeebtogeelecillty (harem reterred m a Mission becomes part at the public "' ' 1° 05 ! Wit“? Full“) N WW. "its record Questions regarding the collectton oi EVO © leclllty would have a total maximum name plate this tnlormetion about: be retefred to Pam Law ‘ ceoectty at 600 kilowatts (Winn (as above)