18 - warnwocnnoulaz c‘l‘HUISDAY, OCTOBER is. are Don’t panic if you get called for an audit by the CRA > reason is a change in report- they are looking at and the books and records, invoices, income rate with a ï¬ve per feel conï¬dent should an audit log. taxation years that are being bank statements and more, cent interest rate compoundâ€" come your way and about \l ‘\ l\ 5 ‘\ You‘re a small business reviewed. only provide them with what edda'liy. every other aspect of your .“ ( ) \ |\ owner. a contractor or free- The audit process often they’ve requested and nothing in rare cases, your tax bill ï¬nancial future. . » lancer and report big swings begins with a personal inter- more. may be lowered or you could Your professional adviser in revenue and expenses, up View between you and the it's also standard prac- possibly end up owing noth» can help give you the conï¬- }. or down year-to~year. auditor representing the CM (ice to refer the CRA to your ing at all. ' denoe and ï¬nancial assurance $ Your company's gross ’lhe ï¬rst rule of audit: Park authorized representative Audits are just part of our you need. . margins are different than any hostility and be open and â€" usually your lawyer or msystem. is others in the industry. honest. aocounan You can take the sting out '" _ ‘ {Q5 E You collect a low rate of Often the auditor is there Depending on the com- of them by-malntaining good Manhunt: Isproulded by ‘ GST compared to revenues to simply check on some plenty ofyour books, an audit books and records. being able McEachnie Group Private j ’ ’ generated. details of your return and will can take a few weeks, or a few to justify the positions you've Wealth “WWW†Contact . I . On your individual retum leave without any changes. years. taken, and working coopera- Russ Mcmmï¬ CFRCPCA, 3 you simply claim a speciï¬c While the CRA does have If you do owe money at dveiywiththeauditor. CDFA, MC PW‘W' “519 deduction for theï¬rsttime. the ability to request docu- the end, the payment will be When your tax and ï¬nan- 8832380! ext. 52?) 0’80 ‘0 ‘ Any or all of these can ments from you, such as calculated at your prescribed cial life are in order, you'll nosmcoachmecom. » . . be red flags for the . ouï¬ledyourtaxretum CRA, although the in! i on time and paid all CRA doesn't pro- v . Q g yourtmles. vide any guidance , fag , ' - ' ~ At leastyouthinkyouhave on what may force an 4.3.5 v . ‘ - “if . and then you get that dreaded audit to happen â€" â€M“ g," g 2 . ‘ notiï¬cation from the Can- and, in fact, an audit - .- ' g ada Revenue Agency (CRA): selection may be oom- 71 ‘ r. ' You're being audited! pletely random, used a is t , . Allyoucanseeattheend awaytolreepCanada's "’ .' of this is a his tax bill. but that self-reporting tax sys- doesn't have to be the case tern honest a? when you know in advance if you‘ve been cho~ ‘ ' 7 what you maybe gettinglnto. sen for an audit, you'll i“ * There is no guaranteed receivealetterfromthe 3g ~‘,-‘._'i: ‘ ‘ audlt trigger but a common CRA telling you What _“g}. a; A, . Conesto a Colle e. g. , g _ . .. names Benmnger chair 4 . » , -- . Peter Benninger, found- estoga, one of Canada's >' ' er and owner of Coldwell leaders irl polytechnic edu- I . p v _ Banker Peter Benninger cation." Benninger said lrl a ' A; Realty, has been appointed press release. , . ’ aschairoftheboardofgow “The college's commitâ€" . enlployeeS, ; emors for Conestoga Col- ment to excellence in the - c’ ‘ \ legelnstitute ofTechnology delivery ofcareer»focused Chlldl’en, parents and ‘J and Advanced learning. programming and applied t He has served as a mem‘ research has made a tre~ I - bereftheboardsinerOlZ. mendous impact on work CUS omers ’ Benninger has been force development and the * recognized with multiple prosperity of our commu~ awards over his 39-year nity.lloolt forward toworiâ€" M t th w h I real estate sales career. His ing with the board and the ee e e r es ’ realty ï¬rm in Kitchener executive team to continue employs more than 100 to build on that strong leg- 0 n Fa ce bOO k people acy-' in addition to his busl- Bennlnger replaces ’ . x ‘ ness success. Benninger is Frank Boutzis, partner in ' ‘ well»known for his long- charge at GTA Enterprise at standing support and com- ICPMG, who completed his mitment to many oommu- sixâ€"year term on the board . any organizations, includ» in August 20"; Baum, it 5 called the sandwrch generation and the Wehrles of Kitchener are a perfect example of why mld-Ilfe can be so ing Canada's Technology served as board chair from fmancrally complex Wlth Lucy and Brett's unique approach to real estate, thls self-employed couple also have TWvQ-MUY' Hospital â€if-Wmâ€- parents and lourchlldren at varrous stages olllte to consrder Thankfully/Ahoy also havea UbroCoach,acarlng, and “M‘MHM‘ We 100k f°"â€"d to financial expert who gurdes their chorces so all the pleces and plans lead to the same place - that being. He's been recognized working with Peter as the t f r ll th W hrles for his ongoing efforts to new board of governors 070309“ y o a e e . raise funds. equipment and ghair,’ said Conestoga Presâ€" resouroesforï¬resaietyproâ€" identlohnï¬bbltslnapreu ‘ Kitchener and release. 0 . ngï¬ amen“, mm mm", bum,“ “ What happens next? Follow the Wehrles and the†s“ and has received both the expertise and lea-"dig lefO Coach on Facebook to learn how they ï¬nd hf? silizlfï¬sï¬rAgï¬ï¬ for: a] cmfjï¬w “In†ï¬nancial and busnness balance over the next several I ro nity Service Award as pan mmeï¬mnww months. Or vrsrt “but.“ for the whole coaching story cm,†“mo" of the Waterloo Region and evolzfe to meetjhmgd Home Builder's Association ing wor orce nee s an Awards ofDistinction. promote economlc pron- pmwrw‘ “I am honoured to be Wm†region “4 savrng- borrowtng. investing - shanng appointed as chair of the beyond.“ » board of governor! for Con-