mummy, more: 13. zonedn‘rmoOCBmmcu- 17 Lehfflr> Vï¬wwv ,, 7,7", ,A_.,_ . Keeping it fresh 0 O O C C I Johnny Fresco celebrates I 0 years of havmgfun with the community whde servmg up quality ‘ In Bo- VIMNAC an accountant.’ said Johnny. "1 volunteered at Citron-idem anaconuntingoffloeandloouldn'teventmalteit ‘ W WMhmnslmssosueosedm' probably passed the Iohnny Fresco Sign it wasn't long before he decided accounting a thousand times and wonder who comes wasn't for him. He needed to be in the people Yupwithailthose sayings Wmdwnumhersbusmeas , 4 Afavouriteonet'Ouriambburgersaresogood Mswlmh'shthfl-in-Iaw,whohxastalre - they" re Mad.†in Gail’s Steakhouse and Seafood, asked if he ltstiiigetsadtuckieomoflohrmykwrvetaris wantedtogetimatherestaumnbusinessCus , ‘ andhiswifeVivianwhohaveoperamdthepopuâ€" tomerservioewasacallinghewasusedtohis 1 larrestzurantatthecomerofUnivusityAvenue wholeliie.'Sinoelwasï¬veyearsold.mylamily andWeberStreetforthelastdeoade. mawlxksï¬andvanetymeï¬olmalways ‘ Heandhisbyaistaï¬oomeupwithmemes Mum'saidlohnny.'lalwayslilcedto ‘ ' somwrittatonthebt’llboardomï¬ontpopulariz- wakwithpeople.’ 7 “uninhcï¬slmu'eatedatflielocalhotqiotat HemmdwithaSubwayï¬'andihebeforehe . 1 244WeberSLN..iswell»lcrmnforitsfreshpltas. deddedmgoom'mh'nownandbringhbvidon 1 creativepoutinesamihomemadehamburgers ofï¬ediloodmï¬'uition. - ' t "theybounceideasoï¬eadiodierallthetime ‘Wetrytohaveevemhingveryï¬-esh,’said ; untiitheycmneupwiththetwttonleitmales lohnny.'Wealwaysstmestpeopletotxyour themlaugmheylmowitwillmakeodierpeople Mmenrihmmit’ssormdiing , , i laugh too. whanndmudtlunprwwtives" \ ' i ‘Peopletelimetheydrivebyallthetimeto Headnmsthenmyeaxwasabnotsuug ‘ readdiesigris'saidlohnny.‘Peopletellmethey gie coming from the franchise model to run- ‘ \ gooutot'theirwaytoseethem ning his own place, but business eventually , i"; ‘l'maï¬mnyguy,andiwanttobelievethati’m doubled and doubled gain as word of mouth 2 ~. g afunnyguy,soldon'twantpeopletoptbaed.' grewabouthisemphasisonusingtheï¬'ediest ‘ g E Maybeitevengivesthemareasontostopln‘l ingredients. \ ‘ H ' . Vivian admitted lohnny’s even misspelled "Peopkmï¬edLMswlntlm'said ~~,~f‘1q’?’:i ! things on the sip] on purpose, That gets a lot of lohnny. 'lheywant qudity and quantity. some- _ 7 2451" «ï¬g ; people to stop by to offer a correction. and maybe mmmnmigtmmmastbod mam. ; 544 trysomethingoï¬the menu. “The fast food industry increases the price- 1 j; ._a;;.'v"‘".?3_f2?’; f: “He's made spelling mistakes on purpose." while deaeadng the product Our food costs are : ’ “£5 ii ' it? , Vivian said. "People come in and say, 'Hey you much higher but the quality makes everybody g _‘ e; , [it "a L spelledthatwrong'andwesay,’Welmow.Now ham.†5â€"1, A, . w \ ï¬g "is: Eff" " 7 . ' diatwegitywiril‘mwouldywliketotrythe Hisbestadvertherrmtiswordofmomhand m“, , 4 . if 7 " ' spedal?†once people taste the difï¬rence they’re hooked. T“ 335.4“ 5 Fiï¬â€˜lm t- .’ Q,» i .:' Thatcreativethinkingmendsinsidetheres- Wwdm'tgotonianyplaceswherepwpleare "3“ in '-'~ if? ' _ , I taurantwheretheypositathoughttochallenge witcdabomwhattheyateandtellywverygood v ‘ l , â€a Mmdï¬tgetsdiemthinkingandtzfldng. iobom'saidlohnny- ’ \- , r \ lohnny'sdonehisiob, They also get a lot of compliments on their ' He’sC‘eeltaï¬eraEerynotthmwlnalitfle mm~mmeoihisstaflhavebeen =‘ ‘ phibeopl'ryï¬omdtehomeofweetemtimxdtt withhlrnalnmfmmthebey’nning'lgetmany v , _ 'Ihey can tell us it's a good one, or dkr their compliments about my employees, which I'm : f’ A)?“ ' suggestion." said Johnny. “Sometimes they‘re verypmudoL'saidlohnny. t / ,»' Fa ï¬e†"t; funny. mmwphilosophical.’ His staffeven dedded he should celebrate the , 7 3 \ W’sï¬mnyiswhenldmnycametoumada restaurant's 10th anniversary. While lohnnywm ‘ L 7'5 ‘ ‘ Q, l "i from southern Greece, mnning a restaurant was being modest about the milestone. they ï¬lled up . ‘u , \ the furthest thingimm his mind the restaurant with balloomnn on. 2 to oeletnate. it ~ t He studied ï¬nam’e and au‘ounttng in his They got him to put the anniversary up " >- ‘ homeland and planned to pursue a career as a on the Sign. Of course it came with a message: " t" \ ft certiï¬ed pnetal acmuntant, He even spent some Time is ofessence.†’ ' . " ' l .) ‘- time in an accounting office to get the lay of the it you want them to add the "the" to the Sign ' ’ i - land. come on in. they’ll be happy to have the conversaâ€" Vivian and Johnny Kourvetaris celebrated the 10th anniversary of their restaurant, lohnny “when I ï¬rst (‘amc‘ m (anada I wanted tn be [ion For nmrevisjt wwwphnnyfrw‘qca Fresco, WKh one of their patented thoughts on the billboard outside 2“ WOW St N. l wow-now f a 0 $75 ( ‘ College Fair is A if???†' “W E â€UM W WHAT YOU [10 HERE Ht Wt f , A ‘ tM'i‘t fl Hill 5°‘YE‘R5 COUNTS OUT THERE ' ._ ‘ n v ‘ pi -- 4 ï¬rst, no... .â€" ï¬rm, . . â€" ,