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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 13 Oct 2016, p. 15

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_..__ mammals: 13. ms .warllwoclllotllcl.l.15 ‘ o . 1. My cover is blown and my ea. family wants an explanation wafe"°° think l've been caught, l told him that even if I - - - - - NOT|CE Ifolks. At the very least, l'm \ in , a t was organized enough to plan now definitely under sus» ‘ ‘ I l l“ ( ' ahead, I certainly wouldn't picion. ( ' I \ [S reveal my subject matter in mm mm m I knew I was headed for advance. trouble when my daughter .. a,“ ‘ Curiousity getting the bet- To M “E mm m “E m recently asked, “So. do you a? ter of my declining memory, 10 “mmmmm PARK ever mention us in your colâ€" I flipped through some news- umn?” paper clippings of older col~ on: MMH.MG 'Us?" I asked casually. try- ‘ umns to remind myself just I“: “it”?! ing to sound innocent and .. . what beansl'd spilled over the Putz: mmmfilfllm nonchalam- # ' years. 25 Can-n sin-i m m “Yeah, you know, me. - ,, , _~ “Uh oh,’ I thought to _ . _ _ , 7 sis and dad,“ my daughter ‘ myselfwhen finished. “I have MWNme-MMSBMJJINMaMMEMMU replied, * somexphinjngtodoatsome mmmwmummmmmmmmnmm "0h, l’m sure some stoâ€" point." m ries about you have come up individually, these stories ' ‘ mammmmwm- PENNY Manhamympshmof omisamwasumnmwommsrwmbmm if mpfiflqumycwngme WALFORD myWsM_COuecflmy, MWaMmmmms-mntemnmzma.mmm - subject. however,theyspeakvoh|mes_ WaMMHMMnNMBMmaWanbmm } 'So. how was school wasbrouyittohisattentionby lt‘sallthere ~ from holi- mmmmmmmwmwmmmm, . today?" someone else. day misadventures and mmpâ€" m ‘ My daughter didn't take l'm pretty sure he's of the lug disasters to the constant the bait. Instead, she started mind set that since I almost shunning of my cooking skills “is m we W. Mil! Mn WW" lid 7“ W W W” . digging for more information. always write about running (albeit rightfullyso). mnacumwmmhhmmtthbemm MIN“ ' “What exactly have you and he doesn’t run, there’s no Compared to the stories unable t) allend the pink mm m but at! M "It halting more MM project ‘ written about us?" she asked. need for him to worry. l've told about myself. though, m m the cm m w, ‘ “I mean, what if people actu- It’s not like i haven't tried my family comes out squeaky : ally read your column? I don't to warn him. l've suggested clean. mm mm want them knowing everyâ€" over the years that he might The truth reveals far more “nonhuman-rum thing about me," want to read my column every about my own foibles than it W m ‘ I tried ignoring the fact that now and then, just so he’s does their's. It's akin to find- . . _ . _ she'd just given me a huge aware what folks know about ing out that all those lnsta- WW m m m m him!!!“ W W h 59 W h be W mill 5 vote of non-confidence, but I him. gram photos you thought long El ”it." w M with couldn't, “That's okay, I trust you,’ gone are actually still out in S“ -Mhd Inn-w i “i know for a fact that at he'dusuallyreply. cyberspace. mm“ ! least one person reads my col~ Oh, the guilt. Wait. 1 take that back. Bad unm,thankyouverymuch,'l lastweekwhenmeet'lnga exampleldon'tactuailyhave mu~mmwdm ' replied. formeroolleaguebrhmdmmy anlnstagamaoeount. “MNMth'um “ lust like that, everything husband was asked when he mum“ ' changedlknewitwastimeto wouidbemadefunofagalnin o.” t‘m‘1‘7m _ find myself some new subject mycolumn. Afiwlam writer, “032er T"- in.“ matter. it used to be so easy. When he got home later communionu’omconwham E: ' I I . I I ‘ My girls didn't read my colv in the day, my husband made basedr‘n Watedoa, Penny Wu!» ‘ umn, and my husband only the inquiry, supposedly on his firrdregulartyrunsonabout J read it on the rare occasion it friend's behalf. It]: at www.Sludc4Wordscom. IO 43 "s ‘ . __ - W 7 > o o Q Q v“ 7 , TWO Banting researchers 10m UW ff 0 Mreaeamhersoondmxing behavburfmeoearemindude oftheSdioolofPhnnhigwill , ‘z eardrum-titre work it areas as ererdstng making healthy bod focus on helping Canadian \ . diverse as software and mnifi- choices, saving energy, or deal planners and policymakers \ v cation.andtramportationand ingwithdepnmion mutter-urbansprawlinrapidy \ Mth M___. landusewillkxi‘ntheUniversity She was a postdoctoral growing metropolitan areas by MM \ i oiWaterioo afierwinning pres? researcher at McGill Univer- developing compact, multi- 5 5 ,. tigious Banting Postdoctoral sity, a visiting senior lecturer functional, pedestrian-friendly \ ill I M ‘ Fellowships at Nnamdi Azikiwe University and transit-oriented living envi- r i Rita Orjl, of the David R. in Nigeria. and a postdoctoral Irmmems. ‘ ,.~ . "r a i E j Cheriton School of Computer fellow at Yale University. She Roy-Baillargeon earned his ‘ a ' 5 Science, will focus on design received her fellowship from the Phi) in planning from the Uni < 4 p ' . f ing individualized purposeful Naturd Sciences and Frigjneerâ€" versité de Montreal in 2015 lie at ' andpersumivegamestoerw ingResearcht'nundlofl'anada receivedhisfellowshipfmmthe ’ ‘\ ' people with the pmpose of pm (NSFRC). Social Science and Humanities g x \ ., muting desirable changes in Olivier Roy Baillargerin, Research (loundlofl'anada \ a M“ e \ ., .' W“ 0 ammuwm i i ’ ,/N 2 w. _(.#,). TOtal Health 519-7470320 a E a 3 ms 4. t D H A $1 M A r, lemwm , 1 . g {x ~ \/ mmmmrmm TW ‘ , * i ‘ _ ' l‘ree Blood Glucose we Leaâ€"zâ€" F'm" ”Mam" I""' " Monitor 81 Teaching 5 when». far-Hiram. w . ("ompoundmg “H . g mumbmfwl Door -, . rm mmxtpmggmcrhn-k ., P. S l9t886.I550 TTY. |.866.786,394l waterloo.ca/publicnotices ' “ " ' “’“.-.-m ' "‘â€""â€"”m ' '

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