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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 13 Oct 2016, p. 14

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14 -wi\mtoounomcuonwnsolw. ocrom 13.1016 W 711136517? ' fl ‘ ~ 1531-5511: L 3“ "5 > ' . Ii” ; fiv” ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘“â€"" "W ' ’ ’ ' ' ' ”flfifi . at; 3 . -' a? if ' ' ~ 3 .- ' ‘ . , , 33 _, Armin I) 1 ' up.» ' t; i ’ “ i?“ 15, g '. "355; if} \ 3 , . 33 3 Up'l‘own BIA Barrel 3 7:1 “is . e " I l . l g 3_ f - > Races Oct. 15 .‘ f; u I W’ , ’ 4 _ ' ' 3 N Roll out the barrel and register for the UpTown ”3 ii ' , £3 33“: .,-~- Ail m l' 1 5 7 Waterloo BlA Barrel Races, relay-style keg race, in the I: 3 ~ , '-* 1” ' citycore, Oct 15. 11 an). to 1 pm. [any Inn Ryan Adult mens. ladies'andcoâ€"edteamsoflourcanreg- ister.Childrencanpartidpatewithwheelbm-relraces. . Ahvaysgreatprhesforthewholefamilytowm. 98111 e re me ”M‘mmmfim“ theWaterloopuhlicsquare. Proceedspw'lheStmufe Financial UpTown Waterloo Jazz Festival, supporting ' ' ’ free inn forthe community. See Me campatgn helps people get to know kids with Down syndrome For more Momma vim mmobemm, ‘ Brno-Vanni“: 3: 3 a! drome. it was a my to after her support a he Events/Great_0lttoberfest_Barrel_Race. “I M ‘ I If" or mmrprlselater lifeandhad lot S f t tf 1.» f _ e was a in a Itstartedwith a31 faces for 31 days ml 3 _ ’ ”7-5 ofliiechallenpswhenhewasban.’ Gauld- ausage es se or endar for the Waterloo Region Down ~ 1» if: 1 ' Camillerisaid ‘Healmostdidn'tmakeit. Syndrome Society that tried to reveal a ”21, 2 ”To see the little boy now and to see what the square OCt. 1 5 little of the character of the kids included 5” "fl 3, ' he'sbrrmfltttoherlifieandsomanyotherpeoâ€" inside. ~. 7 " ple’s lives. I thougit this is mnething i want The second annual Sausagefest is set for the Water- The new See Me campaign, launched this to do and what can 1 bring photographically loo public square, Oct. 15, 11 am. to 3 pm. October hopes to build on the momentum. _, toit’!’ Local restaurants will have the opportunity to Show and weifiteanpviral. % Huron. who volunteers with the Waterloo case great-tasting sausage and sausage products from The response was so enthus'astic dm 3 iv - Regan Down Syndrome Society, said the ht- their current menu, as well as specialty items people theptblictoreoonsidertheirrnimweptiom f' pdtisproiectytsthebetteritprovidesfinan- mightnotnormallysee. ofkids with them disorderthatthe mlen- \3 3/:3 cial support for progams like speech. music. For craft beer enthusiasts. this event will also serve darainmstdmlihdinsalesinitsfirayear. av L, ocamatiatalandphysbdterapy. updelicbmbeerrecipestosatisfyyourthirst. More importantly for Hilary Gauld- sham hahotackiesthestigna October is a special month that has long celebrated Camilleri. the photographer who was able 'Youseetlmselookxasaparentwith a spe the traditional combination of sausage and beer, and to capture something specialineachchild. respasewxoverfitelming dalneedsdrikl'saidHel-rmt'Peqiekmkl UpTown BlAisproud to bring this dynamic pairing to itreveabdsomethhgabommeldrhthatmeir “Wendpetpleihwwtddmelnw youandfedingsorryiorywandunoertain. thepublicsquarelromadifleremperspeaive, iamilyandlrlmdsalreadyknewâ€"theywere theylovedlarnihgavethemadmwemmke unimtlterntoapproad'immdseethat Pormoreinlonnationwisitwwwrwaterloora/en/liv- justlikethereatofmwhhalthesamehopes amallookntthingamirealydbstwhat Calebisadlytluoeyear-ddbaymhrsjmt ing/SauaageFesLasp. anddreams theywaesedrg' asmuchpurposeandvoiceinthisworldas ‘ ”Whathasnanedoutsamlermwraise Theoommartsevenmchedouttoother anybodyehe.” Breakfast fiom the much needed money has morphed into a communities The Waterloo Region society Heston said she had m'noonoeptions her~ vehidedtatoonveysarnessagetoeverybody,’ hasheardofofDownSyndrumegrmrpslooL selfbefixreCalebcamealongandshesaidh shesaid instoatbptsimihrmmpaignsuhawayas mmwdisooverlnsmandbvhg Farm at me Inn 'i‘hatkir|ddtookusallbysmprise,and Cdlhrnh. WHeisoneofthemostopa-randlwnea whenwe Masada-Marimba! the locally,theSeeMecaman-rthhyuriea» peoplesheknowsmdshelhdulrxofbown The Inn of Waterloo presents Breakfast from the prmeritlndtndbctpeofle. “Slthflglmfiunthepeofie Wkidshavethesamelovemglve FamOct 15, lrom8a‘m. t03p.m.. at 475 KingSt, N3. "Isawhintheparutts'facesaruilsawitin wlnlrrnwthun. Marenfisflaalttaedhanpeople Waterloo. thekith'fams.’ mmmmmdwm- msoafiaidofDmnSyrxhumbuywwlnt Acentury ago. morethan halfol'Canada's popular The campaiyt was augmented by social munity what they see. The messages so far to tell them this is actually a QR.’ said Hm (ion farmed Today less than two per cent of Canadians medianerwor‘kaand ultimatelyhadafarther havebeentmlyinsu’ratimtal. "i'mabetterpersonmwthatlwasthreeymrs arefarmers.Asaresult.mostCanadlamhavelosttouch readithaniustbdngamxhercalmdaronthe GatM-Camilleriaportraitandmmercial ago,andmylitehasdefinitelybeenenridted withfarming.Farm&FoodCareispleasedtopanner wall. Theideadisaturing3l “M31 days plintoyapher who owns a studio called One by the people who have come into my life in with Kitchener-Waterloo Oktoberfest to present the gave'rt a momentumofksown for the Wall. also had a personal connection. dielmtthreeyearssinoelhad Caleb." inaugural Breakfast from the Farm event. Come enjoy "lhese law are special and they deserve A good friend of her's named Kate Herron For more on the See Me campaign. visit a tree all-Ontario farm median. For more information, a bigger platform.” said (“mildâ€"(mien 'Ihe laid a son named Caleb born with Down synv marinara visit olttoberfest‘ca/Events/Breakfastjrumthejann. AI IENTION BUSINESSES!!! as? “a: , _3 3 ‘ m-a is. -3 3 a t if; : .Wz'j' ,. . its; ’ v , 3 sag- ,= ,. .3 .- 3 3- xtMPnessmm 3 rt ' - > . 4:3 31 : . 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