10 -'A'rllwomoma.l-nwltsmv. ocrom 13.2016 g O O l . . . Resrdents asking for redress g Hard water is tough to “ve Wlth Conthuelronpagel presented an alternative idea toHermgandGirelli,Lindner ; ‘ , Those trees ended up hav~ to a retaining way â€"- a may wrote. “Per our discussions. ~j . . . . ‘ ,.,.. . g g , .. _ _ F , 1M . lug to be completely removed elevated sidewalk and sloping we have adjusted the design 3 ,- .» ~ '~‘-~ .~ f w , " - ‘ - _ ' f ‘ _’_ kw“; , q13"? ‘ ' 14“ becausethe'yoould blow over grassboulevard separatingthe andareworldng with the con- Q g" - -. . ' . ‘ fl \ ~ ‘ f in a storm and pose a safety sidewalksiromtheroad tractor towards minimizing ! L«5' ., 1 _, ~~ , ; g n ’ ;_ " a} ; risk . Herzog’s plan was reject- the impacts to private prop- ' .' ""~“ 0 in '- ,-‘-_£‘i "We've told residents once edbythecity,butasfa.rashe erty,andspeciflcaliy the veg~ 54 g“ ‘ We." ~ 3;- If; . . the retainingwall is constma~ and other reddeim were con- etation along the frontage of .. ' .« n; \ ’ ;-:-.j I, 551k 7 aw" ed. we will work with them to cemed, engineers were still 38and462lfln5t' , ‘ , _ T's. r" . _\ â€Qt; » replant the slope with what- committed to protecting the Those addresses are where a »_ ~ 44,3 ‘0 -. ': ï¬sgԠever shrubbery they want,†meet's trees. HermgandGirelli liven ,. “ ‘ a ' Q: T ‘-jâ€" “ici- said Davis. “No trees though, In an email dated Aug. 23 in another email dated - _ is ‘ fl, ' . n w‘, . t f ' because ofthe slope.†Sept. 12 to Her-Log, Lindner $5.3â€:- “ ' ‘., ~‘ 3" ~' , it's too little too late for conï¬rmed that's where the ‘ “ 1...“ r. 9 ,Ҥ,~.. - > HemgandGirelli, ‘ projectstood. 1 ‘ ~;-. ._ u on»; . ~'-. a; __ it“ ' 5.5“ "they can't replace "... The design has been 1 . 1_... . “J - J § ï¬ts: v.33“. loo-yearwold trees. 10 inches adjusted to minimize and/or 1 "f“? _> ‘w ‘ 2 . ‘. y 1 l" . 4:73 -."~ . . , in diameter," said Herzog of eliminate the disturbance to ‘ ’“ ., w H . ‘ ' ,~ "g," .' “if g r J g the leafy buffer that made he existingvegetationasmuch as 1 , r- 1:4. ' , w z"? w- r-. ., , r. andhisparenfshomefeelm possible." 1 if“ 4» . . ‘- “fl 7} - . "r {k~ a; 5. _g whiff; abreezy,shndedpark. With the trees now gone, ' , ' y . .. "7 ' u ï¬my“ “for if; ._, , N The residents fought to pre . residents are hoping the city servestleastsomeofthetrees won'treplacethemwithwhat . Rent Ou r W ater Softener Since a public information Wright called “stick trees“ - y fseasionwasheldmApflLGh'e- ‘ dnnedsqï¬npwithweakroot iii and Her-mg were in contact systems planted too close to ; fo r a bout $1 a d a I ‘ with city staff, Uptown Conn. hndscaping that have a dif- 1 ‘ < Melissa Durrell and the eng- ï¬cultdniemrviving. l K neer hired by the city, Duane "We'd like to see the city i R I ’ Lindner of Associated Engi» have a neighbourhood cano- . 1â€"866-RELIANCE e lance mm â€WWW 1 meg-Mat" ‘ Herzog took inspiration dons by planting much larger j , _ y . " from his father, architect and trees.’ uidWright. “Right now (Sewimgflwmmï¬m ï¬gmeï¬mmémm T Uniyersity of Waterloo urban it's not taking urban canopy misaootwbtaxeslalmwm WWW-smegma,“ Whammwmw,ms 1; design teacher. Saul Her-cos. preservation seriously." acuglelstesluttexz cab-wet memvmwwmnï¬ï¬glfl mum my and created some of his own Durrell and Lindner Mm crummy we as 01mm “Mirei'fldmce MT ' 1 ‘ ' an mflwwwm â€mm,mm Hommeme d “Med ‘ designsthat he sent to protect , did not respond to several pmm : I 5 a“ 1 engineers. To council Herzog requestshrcomment. ï¬x . _ _ Turn . “Jim "J ' / SIG“... \ I n a l 7 r n g m in ' __ _ _ A." w “ ’ 1 P ' { as . ‘ ‘ . Q ' , ‘gi’i . . , , A, y 1 f _, .. r - i " i . . é ' N â€of; w , a; 57W 9m . .. - a» e , . Back Up Tim newspaper! i 1 m EvayThnsduy,flanterboOttonibiskupittglieMimï¬yhiwmd,by . 7 ., . r w. brhgilgyouflnbostsimiosondodvonisitg.lymwihning526imdoivuyoillw ‘ ' ’ . ' H t r ' I ~ ~ . ‘ Waterloo Grenada, you on showing support for your (mutiny Newspaper. ‘ ‘ Wmmmmï¬da..ï¬wmmfummmyml ' - H“ r-â€"---------â€"â€"-__-------â€"â€"â€"-----â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"1 : I‘d like to contribute to the Waterloo Chronicle! | iï¬h‘EQCUp CUM TlCKETMASTERrCA | () Pleascï¬ndachequcforSZbencloscdforalwyearcnntrihulmn : : l'd like lopay by 0 VISA 0 MASTERCARD u | . (‘ard' v W; n , Exp Date ,V,,A, â€a, , . . : I . I Signature w_- ,,‘_A _,. _ __s4 n- ' \ I Name â€"__.n,.m..n .__ _ _ : : Address ~ .V_ __ i 7, ' L (‘ity __ Postal (‘ude . Phone! J .; -. f “ / For more information call: _'°"""‘ â€""""""“""'“"" â€W" * b 4" swam-7109 ext 233 WATERLOO CHRONICLE Fax# 519-886-9383 279 Weber St. N Sunte 20, Waterloo. ON N2] um “fl†“Pin“. - »-Www» a†r l†,_