THURSDAY, mount 13. zone .wnnwom - 9 7,7,...†.. e. We r I LETTERS IOTIII: LHROINILLE Awar n “11' :_ fl __________________~___, ._ a ,_ ., , e 888 on sunday library hours This policy needs to be revisited and to change the world. bod movement need to be misted revised. Eliminate poverty, end hunger and y don't I lwhypubliclibranes boriStrothard achievegenderequalitywereamonga . M'aterloo few of these targets. The set deadline, Karen Toth of Healthy Body Mom is a teacher of awareness In Waterloo stay closed .0" Sundays 2030' is fast 3PM and if Canada W movement. til the Sunday followmg Thanks- Plan the rest 0f the wants to continue its 90b“ km. :5: really b: aware pf “mereï¬u :thnhspaw and tigelrnost ï¬ning Neda“ wemustaotnow. o e never avc a c ue, sal o , o wor WI c lents Students need “'9'“ ‘0 be 0P8“ on region as we“ as LRT in 1970 [Jester 3‘ Pearson set the sherough movement to create new neural connections in the w] mmï¬ï¬‚gmm So the city and the region have a global target of giving 0.? per cent of brain. > _ ’ be ‘ ryo . them . plan for 30 years for the LRT but nations' Gross National income (GNI) A frlend 0’ mute has been taking Toth 5 classes for the 965‘ ‘° We“ ‘°°~ ‘ â€any Mk Pans for int Needles Boulevard they ï¬gured to international assistance. Fast forward year and raves not only about her ability to improve balance. open mmgggxoï¬ï¬‚hblmn twolaneswasOKforever? 46 years and weare giving a shameful but '0 connectwithpeople ofallagesâ€"worlcingwith newborns. gnomes†m dose on Anyone who has lived here for a 024 percent. rat from the Canadian-set children. adults (even sememuianS). museums and athletes f mt â€an“: . m sums longtimehiewitshouidhavebear four target that was initiated almost haifa â€" using the Feldenkrals Method. also known as awareness or a ew wee Iunng- e summer “â€01,“an . . _ am. through movement.†mmbnqmsfss‘mmw anissimprethasmelast menpalssetmywcanmm . Curioustoleamrnore aboutthe FeldenkraisMethod,iwas â€a“. â€'5' . , . ditch etion‘to correct the Conestoga With only 15 years allotted to achieve Invited hymn to attend a recent Awareness mourn Movement In a city with two unlversrtles, a Expresswa that should have been a them‘ttis' ' diatweactnow. C1338 heldinthecalming Oasis ofHealing 5P8 “11153313001351“ community college and thousands of Y . W . W l m sulfa includ de ts attending schools with ro‘- complete clrcle. We knew it, but they ITO do ourpart. Canada mustcornmrt 8'" 00, every 08 ' Stu n th lib p ’ didnotortheyblewit. to mcreasmg its Ofï¬cial Development ing the 300! Mid celllng are covered ammthozmmmmiz “wwwm “New AW (ODAWSWW avwfor “imwmwt- , . \l \IN i Mi Mmmmm furrlanescarneonlymondlsafteritwas dienerndireeywswidialo-yeartirne- in this particular SQECCWWID ‘ y ' A loti of i can be done ifstn- openedmwitisamessagainaxneon tableforreadilngmeOJperoenttarga today, a 33" roomhyou re breathing \I x 1 \ dentshave athome butthis guys.Plantherestofthecr’tyaswellas WillCanadabeamongthecoun~ naturalhealthysaltmtoyourhrrtgsso is m m MTVâ€: ' the urr. tries that contribute to building a better it 5 some to make ‘breathms so {nuch . "HOPE Wm] , WW um [mum to; all. â€will we m 3831“ show better while cleaning out your stnus- * are paid I W Wiener up needy halfa centurytoolate'.’ 95v and helping With WW 0'3““ and 9 ti" . “0"“ â€W“ ‘9Ԡthe “me “Yr We overall life force." Toth told her small "i WWWO‘MPP'. _ canada muSt Step up mm classofthree,spreadoutonyogamats. ‘ . .Clzgdhbrgry; houralggggefiigs: A year ago, 193 leaders gathered in 0mm Roth i‘ ‘ movement specialist and â€v on “n a“ u" ' ew York and agreed on 17 goals certiï¬ed Feldenknls practitioner radio studied in California with Ann! Ban- _ . ° lei, a student of Moshe Feidenkrals. Lots to be thankful for at tins time mammoth a... MARSHALL , , . onstrated how expanding our aware- WARD Ivebeentoldbyafewreadersthatlmsoundingabit hestepsmtoplay-andhesureis.thlsOctobefâ€"die netsofhowwedunhsensedieetand m "I“? (â€Vi entire Blue lays organization shows “P I" ï¬nd“- move can help getting through life Fair enough â€" there is a lot to be cranky about! He's the ï¬re starter, the catalyst, the glue of the team. c.5131, while providing greater comfort performing everyday But that's not my preferred state of mind, so i took He's the greatest Blue lay ever, in my mind. for what he activities at work or home, or greater skills in athletic and artistic time over this past 'Ihanksgiving weekend to take stock of does on and OH of the field. pmults. . the many. many things that i am thankï¬ll for. What else? Whether dealing with back. neck or shoulder pain or strain, or I am thankful that the road and rail con» i am thankful for the amazing men that a child with ADD. ADHD. or autism. Toth strives to connect with struction projects are easing across the ' 1‘, l [\r i know and have worked with, who never, each and "'07 W“ as a whole bins and take them '5 Ear “5 region. ‘ ’ ever demonstrated an iota of sexist behav- m3†81* “>80 ‘0 89‘ the but results; I am thankful for our Canadian health 8( I \\ iour. 'l tummy intuitionand Wt "id Toth, who hnsbeen care system. which is allowing my father and And I am thankful for the fortitude to " body movement instructor ‘0' the past 25 W“ W “Mb my close girlfriend to get the quality medical * stand up to the ones who did. teaching m fitness classes attire local YMCA in 1991‘ _ care she needs. when she needs it. ‘ ' I am thankful for the news team on “with†' W I ‘0'!" M “W my heart. she i am thankful for the thoughtful readers W CNN, How they stop from laughing at every and.“ "55m "Pill“ 1 mm (Inbound I “m"; who readied out to me when my dog, iler '~. Tmmp surrogate, l have n: idea. I'd be roll- l in Tomm discb It): Felde ml mamffgs shey, died In April. ing on the floor. laughing ysterically, every justsodiï¬erent, we! ll didan II ltwasslowandwehad I am also thankful for my new puppy. Joe 7 single time one opened their mouth. all these rests and l rememberthinking what is this? Biden the basset hound He's making me I am thankful for fact checkers who lnvigonting and efficient _ withouteven breakirgalweat _ laugh on a minuteto-mlnute basis debunk the steady load of baloney that is howToth's students described her lesson alter the recent d6“ ()n that note, I am also thankful for paper exudes from Donald Trump and his weird They also told me how cairn. self-aware and well rested they felt. towel. poop bags. veterinarians dog Miter-st “‘H‘““â€"“‘ team of facials. mes-t let, the brain “nomads: you, body and in, you feel and everything else making puppy rearing I am thankful that women make up ï¬fty the differences, because there are subtle different†with every easier percent of the electorate in the United States, movement." said Toth. 1 i am thankful for my children, both [Pt lplt-nts of a i htipe in high heaven that they kick this disgusting Through Toth's teachings. we learned how anyone seeking to ‘ solid public school education, well on the" way In «with clown out the back door improve their quality of life, whether athletes or artists. children itshlng healthy. productive lives Oh no, there] go again with special needs. adults or senior: can succeed with awareness i am thankful for the greatest friends a person timid Cranky! through movement, 3 (we, hope to have ... For more information, visit healthybodymtwescom, email I am thankful for my students, both old and new Karen Scion is the cafnunder of the Talent Business KEYED T0111 I! or call “#7435375. th constantly expand my understanding of the world NIHWO'IS. an MUN!!!" undo VWO‘MMF‘O’POWWOL ‘" . ‘ ’ around me You can email her at heinscmnaigmallcom orfouow Marshall Ward is a/rxlance Wand arm! [mall is «rim 9 i am thankful for Insh Donaldson Serinusly When M0" Twitter @M""’d"l a! â€Weunmeiwm-mlmm “a... m, ‘m‘< ..., l