- B . wamLoo anomémOTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2016 279 WeberSt N.. Suite 20 I N ' Waterlooomarlo N2] JHS 519â€"886-2330 Fax 5198869383 ‘r , â€" » -~ ~-â€" â€" â€"â€" ~ ~â€"« mm Donna LUELO PUBLISHER IT’S GREAT HOD) ll-lE 1 . v». , as,†- EDITORIAL '_ I 1 ‘ j . f mm scours AND GUIDES -. EDITOR m 7.29 K v .- t‘ "."*J z , '* ‘q' editortalG’waterloochromcleca Hap THE FOOWANK ' 12 f ‘f‘ 6 ‘ # bvrbaruLOwatcrloochromclera ’ t' , i‘ _ h†4 AdamlACKSON 1. _. , f “by. t: u. ll - REPORTER ext. 215 T mE P A" v 1 I .‘ 19g, A ‘ y I. a boan-aterloochronicleca ' ,‘ " . ' .‘l' 1. f» 1 » 5:21am. BEATTiE . . l 5le i , xvg l REPORTER at. 201 F '. it; "’ n; M "a? sambeattieOwaterloochromdeLa K- L A" ‘ ~ g - L “If-3730 tâ€: a , ,. , ‘ “if“ 3 ii" _‘ _ X J . a l! ADVERTISING Sis-5797166 N. t " i ’ o , - Ted ANDERSON. 579'7l66 . 1 *. REGiONAL AD MANAGER - " . . y Y‘ r“ underwoawaterloochronidea ‘- 1 .\ I“ .‘ l sures LEAD "Q ‘ I 4 » Michelle S’I‘EVENS.m. 2.232 , 1 . 1 mstevemeater‘loochromcleca . 3 = e l SALES REPRrsEN'rAitVE \ ' i. , , Cassandra DELLow, m, 2306 l , cdellowOwaterlotxhronidea . , SALES REPRESENTATIVE g . " Aaron MURRAY. an. 2304 amumyewaterloochronicleu ‘ l , , , , CLASSIFIED m j ‘ E ‘ ' l 1 519-895-5230 fâ€, 1 . Ia _, n , , ' ClRCULATlON , , 4 “ _ ‘ ‘ ‘ 519â€"886-2830 ext. 213 ’ ~ ' I ‘ J (hnadianPublicaoomMatlSales - i A““" ‘ U l in. l 1 | ‘_ ' Publication Agreement Number 40050478 l“ .. _,,, , .. ,. 7 - 7 MM, 77; 77 ,., 7 _ lntzmatlonal Standard Serial 1 . , ‘ . , . Q “menswear“ 1 (,IiR()\l(,l.i~. l:l)l|()RI.\l, 1 I t a“ B] I f t] Audited Circulation 31292 L A W â€" ,,.,.., 7â€"77â€"77? 7, 7â€"7 W†. ~ ~ “S c me a ue ays ana c an v?“ Changing the market Tmmggngmgmms wgnmgï¬mm -~-â€"-â€"- er a g 1 . 5 , . 1 my 0/ t‘s about time we've had some new thinking on afford- you have a problem â€" l ‘l l 5 ' 1 ’ l \ If my favourite Blue lays ' £0cna aâ€! Iable housing and a new plan proposed by the City of I'm a Toronto Blue lays [anat- \ i, 1 l l I [ f l hat isn’t working for the team. â€" Waterloo and the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Cor- ie. I have been known to wear my Th? WWI“? (Ahmmk'f N Pub notation might justbe onelocal solution that works i would say fan, but it's a Expos hat just to chase away “ï¬gmz‘lht'gfnï¬j†by Mm" It couldn't hurt There are currently more than 3,000 people little more intense than that. n the bid mojo. ONTARIO his? tLOl'NClL on the Region of Waterloo waiting list. and depemï¬ng on the l have a shell dedicated to _ T “‘ it's not the players on the The Waterloo Chronicle is a mem type ofaccrmtodation people need it could take years ifnot up my favourite baseball team in ï¬eld that win the game, it s h" "f "it "Mm" PW“ (lounfll to adecadetogztthem intoappropriate homing mymancave in mybaaement. a, whether l'm sitting in the right ztgtgr“m$p:1mf:;"$n‘lï¬m: Without tth fundamental necessity in place in leads to It has all the bobbleheads, spot. And iii move and some- about news. uptmom advertmng or many “he, ml ms and is a (“1mm but)! “) mm] ill» player “8011565 mm and 41 WNW? conduct should ï¬rst be taken 10 the nasamicommmuty breakdown. baseball paraphernalia l've Speaking of my wife. Tara. "twin?" â€WWW?" ‘f‘mPli'm‘ While we don't have enough new affordable booing oomâ€" collected in my more than 40 BOB she knows it's not a good idea 8:11:21 b;‘(’ml::m";"$"::1'l“'tl;if: ing online in the City ofWaterloo, what we do have is a surplus yearsoflollowingtheteam. WAC to talk to me when the game is “Hm“,fUNVMQB m ‘ ' ofstudenthoudng, TheretsalreadyasurplmoflJSï¬ bedsln We've recently added two on and l'minone ormy base- ( (er1(.1l1 the student catchment area otthe city. and with new mmtrucâ€" baseballs acquired by my sons it any ways? Play with it? HOW ban moods. She can tell which â€I!†“Wm" “1 lh" “WW-P“ W tion alreadyin theprpelinethereisanother potential 7.0!» beds during Blue lays batting prac- could he diminish its impor- way the conversation will go Sisz‘ixlj»h’l“;“p:r':i:'alâ€:l‘i::xmh' in the “Km. tire to add to the shrine I lance in that way? just by the score on the screen. mmm “Whit A11 "mu ugh“ A lot ofthese beds are in new higher density apamnem and mean (an zone. The ball: have He m gives me one of She's told me to get a life arc reserved and commercial use H condo (mm leaving rental hill“ and Old?! low rise 10 Ell just the right way. Wllh (hou- 'Are You "My. Dad? on more than one “(85k)“. l""h'b"<'d 1" mil“ in? "W "t "l" developments potentially vacant. ihat problem only promises eitherthemaiorleaguelogooor looks With the appropriate Maybe, she's right. "mm" "m: "hf“ "m "may" ‘h,’ to be more acute in the future as students will naturally grew the Blue lays 40th anniversary amount Of We "ï¬ling t“ R0 lmoenlly used up all of the ï¬zï¬â€˜j‘iï¬l"g},,‘,,,,",‘,",2f,’,,',',,',(,n‘j?f,‘. rate to the shiny new buildings instead ofthe traditional boos logos fadngoutiorallto see. With it when 1 (Ell him “m to extra roaming she paid for on tau Nob \'rbanar Managing iditor mgstodc I can tell it someone has tot-ch "again. her smartphone while on a trip WWW“ ‘ “with F“ Writ" V Smite landlords have seen this potmt'lal and put their prop touched them lithe are no lon- I'm not crazy. OK. maybe I to Europe in August. The extra mam“ “0 “mm†“mm" N†enter; up for sale to someone who can build up a big enough get in the right position, or if have a "til? 053855“? K‘Omthl' $100 was worth knowing that i} H , R\ M11 11 \ block of land to build a bigger building, But that potential is the Blue lays are losing, Sim. but with the total random- the layswere all right. 11mm to W “in." mm: tnnllm Ibe dimirushingeqiedally in the himly desirable student housing Then I search out the col It?“ fit the tleNSP. and the But now it's playoff time much mil â€amt addrru and lrlr arm“ around themmmrvenittes prit, usually my middle son way we have no control over againandlhave to take It to the Pm'mnrn'n'xl': A‘l‘l"|‘“"l‘;':" at Other landlords have wind the opportunity to rent to Dylan who thinks he owns one our destinies, this is the 0"? next level. £13," Inâ€)...“inglxwl‘nuznlnm N “vent reï¬igees or others lookingior longer term accommoda of the balls, and ask him why time l can think can manage i got my eyes on this losh withheld w rrv'rvr (hr "gin u. «in tion And while the returns might not be as low initially. it pays be touched it. the fates. Donaldson figure online. Sure â€with" in mm in» mntntnmon 0m off in the long run with better tenants and less turnover The fact he has a legitimate Is it irrational" Totally. As is ly, buying it will help him break them; Tntl’fL'f‘Lm"?! â€If: â€I“: This is a ntade-ianaterlrm solution to the local affordable claim to the ball is beside the my insistence on wearing the out oi his recent slump. m‘mntmlnrn ' a I I m burningmmch and (hillkl be untamedwmurhasrxnsible. l point What would he do with same lucky shirt for every hlg Go laymGo. ,» “a .. ;~ . v-.«, y. , _ â€":y . mufï¬n .__ ‘ _ a .. ~m mu momâ€