D THURSDAY, ocroaans.mis-wAmwomnom1- 5 i o o o a Trafï¬c calnung plan proves dmsrve ~ . - A “Malian“; Louise Boulevard to city's tegically and up to industry ‘ fl ' £11515}. " ‘ " W Chronicle SUIT attention in 2001. Last year standards. Bike lanes are not '0\ , WINTER 1 M. " . \. ‘ 1/ the city monitored speeding required." ' ’ , ‘ i, "' ‘ fl ,~ , ake Louise Boulevard and moved ahead with trafï¬c David Heit, who lives on ’ ' - ’ will have trafï¬c calming calming measures, including Sandbanks Crescent said since _ â€" " _ , 7 . v measures put in place, three temporary trafï¬c circles he moved there in 1999, trafï¬c . at“ Q ' ; . . ‘ ' "- despite residents' demanding at the intersections of Elles» has only increased marginally “ ‘ “g: § s - otherwise mere Court, Coldstream Drive and while some cars do speed, r - “ ' ' ‘ At Monday's committee and Sandbanks Crescent. it doesn't warrant “unsafe' ' ‘V A t g of the whole meeting, council The speed limit is 50 km/ h trafï¬c circles to be installed. \ . ._ \ voted unanimously in favour and measured speeds ranged ‘This process has taken ,. £3. ï¬r of a staff recommendation to from 505 km/h to 65.7 km/h. way too long and we aren’t ,~ . a“?! .., f â€a†i ’ ' ‘ v j ~mT. r; . ~ install three trafï¬c circles and Trafï¬c circles are typically able to ï¬gure out how to get " ’ ' ' “F . two speed humps along the smaller and less expensive this done together.†Heit said. ï¬ï¬Nle ' 355 CONESTGGU RD ‘ WATERLOO residennal street. to build than roundabouts “Speeding on Lake Louise 'p W, r “This decision shows coun» and cost between $5,000 and Boulevard isn’t a huge issue " ‘ , cilisout oftouch with the peo- $20,000, the Chronicle report- and it shouldn't be turned into Aeqnpment 519-746‘7900 www,kwhonda.com ple,†said Lake Louise Boule- ed in April. Speed humps cost one.“ ' ' 7 ' ' ' ' vard resident Randy Taylor, between $5,000 and $7,000. A Mayor Dave laworsky said who's lived there for 13 years. budget has not yet been set for the speed calming measures “We are very disappointed the project. as council needed aren't just to deal with traflic _. V» w they did not listen to us,“ to settle on a direction. today. but also when new subâ€" /’ "' " .. . . As pan of a public meet- Last year the city also divisionsarebuilt nearby. _// - ~ d ing, Taylor and four other installed permanent onâ€"street “There will be increased r“, (a 1â€) 1} ‘F . Iâ€; y 4' \ ,ntro uc,ng residents made their case to parking spots and bicycle trafï¬c on Lake Louise,†he ‘\ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' ' council. saying trafï¬c circles lanes on Lake Louise Bouleâ€" said. \ H â€(H ,t g . . .. l c p L | F E S P A < E S were unnecessary, unsafe and vard. Ward 3 Conn. Angela Vieth \\ g/ 4“ ’ unattractive. At committee of the whole. voted in favour of staff's recâ€" \‘\~â€"â€"--fflâ€" "â€/ “My general observations residents disagreed with one ommendation, adding she are there are rarely any dan- another about the amount of also has to consider the "silent rs; ; , if f; gerous or irresponsible activi- trafï¬c and speeding on Lake majority“ of residents who ;::flip ' a 7 ties on Lake louise Boulevard Louise Boulevard, as well as also support the trafï¬c calm- . ï¬gâ€. 4 ‘ _ and the proposed solutions what speed calming measures ing measures. ' ; pig.“ ‘ ' ‘ are not needed and poorly wouldbebest. “l have to consider the _'_ 45 I ‘ targeted," said Robert Lake. “Speed humps are a betâ€" safety and well-being of the f 5? "u" ,; ‘ é! 'You're usingasledgehammer ter option,†said resident lay citizens who live in the area g; f ‘ tokill afly.†Boyer. "My perfect vision for now and the citizens who live 5 475.651 a 5 " Residents first brought the street is seven to eight in the area in the future." she '. fl" l _‘ ' .‘ H the issue of speeding on Lake speed humps placed stra- said, ___‘ " 5‘s," . “ f . ‘ i ' "y ’ ' 35: a“. ï¬ 1 ' _ / ,f “9 A: . r L, "« ,.. drayton " "‘ if! “H ~ entertainment 11K; ' x †t t .. . . 7 . A x a“ if (77 t , . -\ _ a... 3 a an I \. fl mm! §“ - - ' ‘ i _ z. i , - .| ill - to ,‘ | Q x Q3“ . i s w fl' h â€MI ’ I: H . yï¬fff‘w‘l i“ t ~ ' »- , _,;:;:v = <\ 4)â€:er . 1 ¢.- . _ 5 \~ ‘ ~ k..- a 7 7“ rum; -.‘ .'\ -_ . . . J “ v NOW TO DEC 24 l . FLOI Y IDEAS FOR SMALL AREAS IN ’ . . {baa y i J i % ' " MODERN. CLASSIC. CONTEMPORARY r [ 7 ‘ ' i it a; 2‘ a r . . 4, ) / AND TRANSITIONAL STYLES i -, 1- . . i ;’ ‘ 1 J 5â€" ‘i ~n - . . [h\ 1 y // \\\\ , â€WC!†‘ My V V‘ . v I I '-\‘u KCnm/‘mr P11 1.x \\ if i4‘n‘i iii a \‘ \!' ‘i\‘l~ ‘ , A 519-747â€"7788 m x'mt draytonentertainment.com