4 .warmoomomm-munsmÂ¥,ocmsus,mis . w . i 1 1 1 w . “a! on“ City starts process to protect asl‘ “A“? 1 - , “as-“ENE“ . S cultural heritage landscapes ' K‘TC ‘ \ Brno- VllAlIAC munity. The Abraham Erb ishingitsvaiue. A WW grist mill and watercourse There is also a concern it influenced to how the city could add extra planning lay- . "003 ' e landmarks, land- grew. ers to the municipal planning \ "a “pods --“ scopes and topographi- What can the city do to process, with the city’s heri» _ shopPi “" cal features that helped preserve the heritage of the tage committee also requiring 2 unique ---- shape Waterloo will get the waterway and make people approvals. --‘- protections they warrant as aware of its signiï¬cance to Those were some of the Q. --- the city completes a Cultural local history? concerns that were expressed lmdscape Heritage inventory it could be a simple as in Kitchener in 2015 when it , - “RIGINAL SWAT overthe nextyear. putting up markers telling a became one of the ï¬rst Ontar- , Council recently approved story to designating areas and lo municipalities to undertake CLASSIC taking $30,000 in surplus restricting development so an inventory and study of its " “MING sn0Bs funds from the Heritap Study the history of the landscape is Cultural Heritage Landscapes ' 9†WHAT W's * Project to commission a Cul- preserved for future genera- and begin the discussion . tun] Heritage Inventory that dons. aboutareasfordesigntion. M will iden and cultural Waterloo Park is another Some landowners resist- map , “hi“ ’ touchstone: in the commu- mmple. it has been central ed the changes and argued nity that capture the city’ s to the city’s park system for against the inclusion of their ~ history.shq)eitscultureand morethanaoentury. propertiesonthedtyberitage . representitstlversiry. But what elements are landscapesiist. it will also evaluate the most often associated with They argued that the " state these spots are in and it and what can the city do city hadn't consulted them f whether they need special to preserve and promote mom protection under provincial, . them? Lee said the city under» 9 ' regional or city's heritage ‘lt's not simply about we stands those concerns and bylaw. serving a View." said lee. “it's will be doing a lot of work to .., Michelle Lee, heritage about capturing its signifi- engagethe public and proper- ... W 03129.†W,†7 plannerforthecity,saidwhiie canoe.†tyowners in identifying. eval- , most people understand the Taking into consideration uating and mapping signiï¬- sm â€BBB intrinsic value around proâ€" those unique historical vis- cant landscapes before going "’ A “USS tecting historic buildings and tas. or areas of the city with to the technical stage of plan‘ JACK“ ††structures that tell the story cultural signiï¬cance is also ning. That includes reaching 52 x79 . of Waterloo's past, it's the a requirement of provincial, out to individual neighbour- . . landscape features that often regional and municipal plan- hoods. a ' j contributed to their form and ning policy. it requires that “Public consultation will a A function based on where they significant heritage Iand- major part of the process at ,, ‘ g- f», are situated. supes be conserved and pre- every stage,’ said Lee. 'We ; . ï¬gï¬â€˜ 'What was the unique served hr future generations want to educate the commu- ‘- " typography that helped shape with proper legislated protec- nity about Cultural Heritage '{ f “‘ a historic neighbourhood,†dons. W and get feedback ,, c N said lee. “How was it impact- It doesn’t come without atom those places the com- , , _ ., ,‘ ' ed bythe landscape that sur- some controversy. Private munityvaiues.’ . . 3» , rounds it?†homeowners or landowners The ï¬nal stage will have . . y People might not see the have sometimes balked at the city identify those Com- ' laurel Creek as it runs under- heritage designations, wor» munity Heritage Landscapes _ m w 5 b ‘ | l g W 99 heath uptown Waterloo, but tied they will impinge on the in the Waterloo’s ofï¬cial plan n i m m h the waterway was lnstrumen- development or sale of their- and will establish policies to Q ~ tal in the founding of the com- property, eventually diminâ€" conserve these areas. 99 2 GWEN/T 54 PACK STARBUCKS \ l _ _ (I 0 fl ‘ v \ .' “ my 70 _ M K-CIJP CAP"! muons , L I - x a.“ " ._/ /L 7 I I} I I ' Q - om Fame») a â€A“ > v , -"/‘ to Yoms‘ _, C. m ,, , WEEKLY SPECIALS , _“ mosses-mosses ,, none in sum on mus only M25“, FRESH FRESH Store was $999 w 99 “LOCAL" mus ms mutt, mu on u u “we ~ 1... ~ GRADE A nonsrs mmmcmnrsmus as “49.03.9530 ~""“m0m mama's â€mm†WM s3.19"). “1.9910. m m.tssgm‘5.%m . mammals-mt “- hflnflMS-JM “TIâ€"WT;â€" an oer-ed Mare . ., laughing (has. each-eyes" res WWW l-lJ-QTIIMRflO-QI‘H Charms-rm! loCALThrhyerS-loked Hunted-y! hm-Mbflflhâ€"qdhnnnbâ€"qhuln “in“ 0-0! 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