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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 29 Sep 2016, p. 8

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8 - VANILOO WHICH o THURSDAY. SWMBEK 29, N16 17‘) Weber 5L N.,Suit£ 20 Waterloo. 0mm N2l 3H8 519»88(~r2830 Fax: 5196863383 Donna LUELO I PUBLISHER - v . . , ‘ ' " 7 . h-” , .- a? '95:, {:4 m“ 5: 2-3 5:; ‘1‘; - it: (a it 53:3": .-- H t is: a z: ii iii. . in is- ' is. .. i is . EDITORIAL ‘ ‘ ,’-_‘..-t¢7n‘s"‘1ea ;, ; ӣ5??§5~ {if F3319, E {is ',, ‘ ii: 3' l l- g “‘i, vifi‘fi. ‘53:; , t?- it, 4,7532; ' :5 g ; as: :3- “ ”BAN“ ‘i s $5.. i W-ir is: "1: is iii Lass-s :3: :2. "-13: EDITORext 229 I; i.‘§§§;“2§’? if: ”is ‘ . is”. ESE} fifiti 51'- editorialawaterloochromcleca . ._ g Exft‘fi {éé‘lmi §Zi; L53: 1 :1 .3," £2} , 1 1:3”: ,1 :7 z: j}: ’ at): 3: sporwwaterkmdtronicleca l i; kin} WE; trim ES; 112:} '30 3:; >1. £234.. ' I"?! -'l£h”‘: .1. ' 1;.is in s 3‘1 It» as":- ‘;;:~ "is its iii '. i.- :-‘-i Si Adam JACKSON I Hi"? : 5&3? is? : :13 s: 1:3: if; i?” . .. 1 its?“ 3‘s 61 REPORTER ext. 25 9 of; 33,5 ifs-.32: 3:3; :. 2;. _ gt; :33? ‘ 35.3fm ;‘ t: :2 -‘ \ . 1 5-,;. ayacksonewaterloochronicle ca 5 12.65531 :3 Eli‘s: {:1 i. if}: ‘2 1253‘ ‘ . {tx'f-‘x‘ 3‘ 93'. l : is?! . . . . 5ft 457 .' l ' .7: . 3 ' . 3:1 . l;~‘:“..:‘;si3'i"‘r§§?I-“ n? L :- L".i..'; 5113‘ §§z91 'srtgi ‘é-zfil ‘7'; S: J g . ADVERTISING 519-579-7I66 ;::;;{igw?§?t,xm-s.iii:i‘x (zj . ,s; .=.+.~ _::: 2:”: » “ 2.1%; ;; 3 its; Ted ANDERSON, 579-7166 '32:: “fits”??? g.;: .331"; 1g; - Fig.2 ~, ._ j ”3, 51» i ‘ '- REGIONAL AD MANAGER ‘ .51"? ,5;‘_.:~ '_K;-‘é§:t $315 ”.1 “a; . ‘ 33’s.; 2 in it _ : underwnétwaterloochronidcca ‘ i! ” {’3'9‘: , {*fi' 3; v; M! 2-25 page? i > e"? ‘3“), a *. , "; swims l t _- i . i e :- ii . ; v Michelle STEVENs.ext. 2232 i, ; ‘ gt- 2 s ., g* to . . ; .;. . msteveva/aterloochronicleca l _:;;_ 37g " . » ’ {I ' ‘ , ; .1 ‘ SALES REPRESENTATIVI; {,3 , , y , 3' . . Cassandra DELLOW. ext. 2306 3,3. g 13 , ’ I V cdellowaaterkxxhronideca . g E j} . i . 11;}; :‘ ‘ fir" \ a ’ SALES REPRESENTATIVE j; is p a i *2“ , ‘ s‘ s“ . Aaron MURRAY. ext. 2304 ff: - ' " ‘ ‘- 4' ‘5‘ " ’ . ' amumye‘waterloochromdeca 5'4: 5% “I; ‘ ‘ v i” u '3" l ' " . SAIEs REPRESENTATIVE E ‘5: ,, , . ’,; 4.21;”: ’ '* it, s '- Remel()ANDASAN,ext 2303 E ;.‘.7. ’;;‘f{ (:7 1' . y roandasaanetroland com "4 t 2» i v ‘ .';‘, 5...!“ fl ((1 ‘ CLASSIFIED ;’ ' I" “ ' 30‘ :2} I I"! s t- . .s- . . 519895 5230 '3" ' ' " ' ‘ j ('IRCUIATION . p I - , , 5193361830 ext 2n 5" J ‘ Canadian Publnanons Mail Sales ' PubllLIIlOf‘l Agreement Number . 40050478 _,. ,.... ., Wm, 77 ,... 7,”..- .,_..*._#.._._ International Standard Serial ‘ . . _ . _ ‘ l . NumberASSNmUZ 3410 . (.llRt);\l(.l.l; lxl)|l()Rl.\l. I Plctures often tell the Sta Audited Circulation 31,292 W1WW,,~._._.AH.A ,_.A _. "7., ,,.,__.._.__.,_J m “‘9“, Kee in a close e e be start of the school decided to pull a prank on a ~-â€"~â€"- A' p g y year brings with it that . . . ‘v t I it . classmate and pretended to 0’ msofCanadianswererivmdtotheirWsemonMom‘lay annualrlteofpassageâ€" 3“ ”“11 \ pantshim. 90C] la a", m’ mwhatpmvcvaasedbeingudibmed as the debate ofthe gens pinup: day.h d k ._ t H . t l 1 d Whip he attempted to pulll d â€"â€" ' a ' a enoeomernillionpeople. T at's t e ay we mar own is pants t ey lost e ' The when"? (.hmmtle ts puh In one my, wehadthepomposity and themrdssismof our growth, at least physical- and fell over another of the :Lfi‘d‘agtrx‘f‘fnfijay by Mm" Donald J. Tmmp on display along with his orange hair, while ly, from the year before and ‘ girls in the class. ONTARIO Pith“; t;()UN(lll tnthe odwrwehadthequeenofthepantsuitanddreulu‘mate record another milestone on 'w“ That started a domino The Watetltm (:hmmtle l‘ a mun Washington insider HillaryClimon. ourwayto adulthood. ' . effect and another one of the it" 0' The 0mm“ PW” ‘4"“mils Alotofpeople mlghtaschhyweshouldmreabout anoth- Some of those pictures 3 1 Grade 6 girls stumbled. She ““LTEX'" ‘yfxlrtnzffi‘; er country's election no matter how close neighbours they are should never escape from our ‘ . managed to catch herself at $0“, ”WK “gm“ advmmfig m to us? That's their internal business and they should sort it out mother's photo drawers. They J the last second. Unfortunately. tfifldULl should first be taken to the dwmselvesastowlmshouldgovem the US. overthe next four Show off our missing teeth, BOB she used my son Dylan 5 face newspaper Unresolved mmpblnn years. our ruddy complexion or ‘ ‘ as her soft landing place, He SSH?“ byzgm’rflng‘lxl; :13: But that‘s ignoring the fact that when the ”.8, meson in when parts of our body grew ’ . MAN j had a shoe print to show for it. “mm"; < )N . Mitt Il‘ ' ‘ ‘ Canada catch a cold. and some of the policy pronouncements faster than others. . W To add injury to insult. the ( ()PYRHM'I and the direction the US, might be headingincould have-sen How do I know they're so 50 when it was time in! my kid that Dylan originally tried [he “TEE" ot this n'ewsrdvapcrvatr‘: ousinlpactsforout (Gunny dawn the road embarrassing? Because every boys Dim"? day this year W? to pants grabbed a hold (if his 5:3“;th L'r'l‘vr'filllarsz‘am There are winds of protectionism blowing through both time one of my three sons dEClded they WOUId have in shorts and pulled them right menial import All "the! ugh“ political campaigns with Tnunp promising to renegmiatc the stumble on to one of those make no similar explanations. down to his ankles. If? rml‘ ed and Ulmnlt‘hldl use N North American Free Trade Agreement while Clinton has old photos they start laughing They each got a hair cut and He was now standing free prohibited To make any use ”I «in; raised concerns about the Trans pm pannemhjp; uncontrollably were one of their best shirts. in the wind, but luckily he said "um"! "I; Elhmr‘qw‘rzlt' The US is still Canada's largest trading partner. and when So what if I had shoulder Aft" all. 8 '01 ofthese shots the shirt we specially select my“ For further Inlurmatmn (:5 it rattles hasworrl about protecting jobs and repatriating man length hear in Grade 97 It was end up as gifts to the grand- ed for him prevented further tact bob Vrbanac. Managing him" ufacrurlngmu‘k from foreign lands, we can't help but wonder the style of the times. even parents and 0th relations embarrassment by covering Wamloo Chmm‘l‘s 1 "’ Web" 5‘ iftheydon't mean us too though it looked like a brush We didn't want 1" 8115‘"?! a lot up all the sensitive bits. Eli-“5““ 20‘ W‘mh' ”mm“ N” The fact that this election cycle has had a ramival-llke never wenlthrough it 0' questions about our h0yS' 'Please tell me this all I HTFRS P01 It'Y atmosphere with the bluster ofa showman like'l‘mmp and his And why is it we always appearance. ‘ happened before you took 1mm in the edrtor mint “mum the personal attacks on his opponents means we can‘t tum away looked surprised in those old I actually dropped the kids the photo?” I asked him as l mum s Mirna": filth?“ ”‘1’ :':' We haven't seen this type of name calling since the school photos? We knew the flash 0f 3' school that morning to inspected he latest beauty h num n t ram am e r : . _ . 7 ; . 52"“: numhm m “a, "I“: M "n yard. andwewonder where is theatvtlirym politics was coming yet we hardly Take Slighthsyi wogildnltogfet mark. : "um" Purim" mm" "I“ n“, b, the fan that Hinton pan-es out the truth headland only seemed prepared. oualed. 0| nt ave ! No. they took my puttin- ”the” W. («we the man In not deals it out In morsels. (loom I make a compelling case for her Thank goodness that hy cred because by the end 0! the an”, wlth (big mark on my minder“! m mm 2m um'r‘h'm“ "" potential presidency either graduation, I had the sense to day I had Ieamed it a“ went for face.‘ he said mm" M lffi‘l‘wrl‘t‘mt] 3.22:1: “WY both raise more (premium than answers, and that's buy a comb and a least wash naught. Well at least we'll have a ‘ lithul‘flhlsm I: '3 why ( ‘anadians and the world contmue to watch so closely ‘ my face before my grad photo My middle son Dylan story to go with the picture w I t ,

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