THURSDAY. suntan 29. 2016 - wsnawo (In-0mm â€" 7 C O C Uber still I‘lleS councrllors . 0,. o ! Continuationâ€! tional.†said Kitchener Mayor ed outcry from the taxi indus» HEHEHL ‘ .l IE E Berrerbanovic try. it also fast-tracked the W‘ .. h. M .. .. ... .,_. â€MUN“: ( "I .... “It would give Uber a sigâ€" â€The thing that regional government's plans ' ' J ' ' ‘ .. ' ' niï¬cant lead and advantage to developanewtaxibylaw. because they will consolidate bothers me is that The experience left some The ONE that really works for you! the market with riders and politicians angered that a drivers.'Gururaiansaid. Whaveacompany company would operate ‘ s a t . . . , r r ‘ . He said RideCo was com that operates outside of the region's rules I‘ IQ I“ I“ ( ( ) \ S l I ‘ I \ I I ( ) \ ï¬dent they would have ade- illegally criminal â€" feelings that some council quate insurance by that Dec. . . members still harboured even i timeline, but ifthey weren‘t. aCtIl/lty that comes as the bylawwaspaseed. ‘ Safely Lose 2 - 7 lbs A Week...Guarariteed the local company would in and tries to tell us "Hie thing that bothers me respect the bylaw and not what 10878 isthatwehave aoornpanythal 0 Oneâ€"Onâ€"One Personal Coaching - . operate illegally. operates illegally criminal Conny Redmond backed â€FPO-93d to do. am that â€weâ€! and m - Individualized Programs For Men. Women & the new unplementatioti date. It really sticks in my to tell us what we‘re supposed Ad I ts ‘ calling it 'very comforting“ 71d ho to do.’ said “Minot Mayor lies 0 cscen 4 rim RideCo would respect the C’ aw a the“ Armstrong. “It really sticks in . . / . region-s mics if they Gown me a lot. " my a", and bothers me . - Quick & Easy Results Usrng Grocery Store getinauredontirne.Allother lot.’ 30“ tFood&HerbalSu lements councillors also backed the WWW Several Regional Coun- sh PP Dec. 1 change. The bylaw â€â€0"“ â€at" cil members said they were mould be “mew“! in I. muse: "new, to be done the has 298 W Dr., Waterloo 0 519- 744-7011 manner that 'suppom our Uber began operating in debate process -â€" which has Wm local startup company as Waterloo Region in luly of included angry delegations opposed to just houses on the 2115, despite opposition from from taxi drivers upset by , wishes of a very large mulrina- the municipality, and prompt- Uber’s sudden arrival. COMFORT PLUS LIFESPACES ï¬lm are you r. "i a myg; miture needs, ig or ~ . are ouse. es n Lam Ideas forSmaIIAmas small? Look no further I H a great teacher for us," than competitively t "a. ‘ ,_ Brent says, who took priced Comfort Plus. II i v over the family business 8‘ 19“? h f .1. d book Their spacious and ’ in 1991, with cwwner 013;; ((;rnrf0:‘ amPil; , 3‘ . :nuality 22:62:: beautifully appointed ‘ Brian, hisf brother, and ’ ‘ I _- h B ' ' ' El ‘ . Furniture & Mattresses 1 with plenty of s :wroom h hfariires riariswi 2 time has excelled at givmg it ' stora e for bulk ml T F0 ‘8 -qua “y , h , f ' s v . , lg _ , y furnishings for every room in the home. When you enter the store, don't be [_ we generatitlms ho . ’â€" [’k artic 65‘ convergiezm Accessorize with an area rug and other surprised to meet Buckwheat. the L:S[f’mérs in?†y wvlal it “(gage h l 5‘ accents. They cater to a Wide range of welcoming yellow lab, as your ï¬rst point I e) “if" ‘grsat St) 8‘ \‘~‘ an an“: 0:? 10‘ styles, including classic, contemporary of contact. "Most mornings, Buckwheat great ya “e if: a great ‘1 ._ more. d e 0 er a and transitional styles,all ofwhich can be takes the mail from the mail carrier and 7 t’l‘xll‘f‘nfll‘ite' “I S“ I"; .1, w; trfernen ous variety custom-designed in hundreds of leathers. delivers it to us," Brent comments. “He's . (I), l aw Winn“ y . ‘1)» ‘.»,'e;;:,r_‘_-‘.'5€" 0 â€fmsl that (a; fabrits‘ colours and conï¬gurations to here all the time and IS a part of the :la‘;i\r:;l'r::h aZd‘::£:: “ 14-5" $ï¬;““f’::(lnu:‘ma'nd suit Your perSonal tastes and budget. fazil)’ atmosphere." , V » D' . rf bed- ' thinking With current consumertrends. beauty in mind," he adds. â€Our “lofty misfgtfrr Trial-:15?“ szcdsestlt: (“83:55 lent: hieiferhto 131:: Edatwfgwa Today umdo luring has exploded ideas" addition exempliï¬es how we from m8 manufzcturers â€VS/e rid: p ‘ P PP 3 pa as the hottest lllt‘»$(ylt‘ phenomenon strive to keep ahead of the trends. ourselvespon bu in a“ main“, (anagram- and Comfort Plil\ refleits that trend More iondos are being built every day made [:0de a}: w‘: (an .. Brent says k "W’e've introduu-d a new area to our in the Tri-iities, and smaller units Neel} ex R an“, {Whether} you're ' l. lS,()()U square loot showroom that demand different types of lurnishings ust «mil: out need help With ’0‘ {1‘ " lot uses on mlllll~lllll(ll()n‘dl plt‘lt‘\ for to accommodate that lifestyle We :lownsizing Km “'8 1““ 100ka [0 fl ‘ 5W *' * smaller units." says (ii-rownr'r Brent recognize it's here to stay." « ‘ . . a .. - . t . . "lanthuk You'll see items, such as an find that 1:19“ attenth [Elï¬n lgthtllie é». . ex unite all-ID‘Ul‘lt‘ desk Lllnln v table knowledgea e, approat a e “a! e P l ‘1 q ‘ b l you. Experienie the difference that ï¬I'St‘ A ‘ rate sen/ice and a trusted staff makes ‘ n - ' Some in you might notice Big Hills» on 4‘ their sign before you enter the store The , A -- l family payx homage to their dad who _4~‘ _ l 3 started the business in l‘WZ in Kiri hem-r 3 'i‘ nâ€" I . 4 ' - 85 “new III. E., “MERLIN! g“ (has la- la Illa-sail It Plan! 1 V " ‘ “awn-"MW ,... ' - , l