i #_V__ _“_ __ H m munsnAY,sanmnt-zit semis-vamcmmizu- 1‘7 2 \ltlsltuilx ‘ é ' _,,, ’ " RegionofWaterloo s , - I § Public Notice I a 55?“ Regional Municipality of Waterloo 2017 t i" f 3" 2.! Citizen Appointments to Boards, Commissions, ' ‘3? Advisory Committee. and Special Purpose Bodies anhyeartboflegionalMunioipalilyotWatorioo TWotWeï¬esley.WilmmorWooMiehorihe - . ' ‘\ advertisesiorapplioetionsirorntbeptflcand CityoiWatoriooareirwitedtoapptthoLmirel g f -, mainstovariotisaoards£omrriesiors CMWEMWWM ! , WWWWWWW LandscapePubticLiaisonConvnitteesemsas i â€.3, {/61 Bodesrequledtoraparttouaryeertslorm ammunity-beeedtoruniornonitor.disouss 73%.; , V Z41; â€ï¬‚aw†â€WW. â€"°"“9“"°"‘°'" andptovldeperiodcadvioetotbeflogimmm , f J g“ aimsnegionJromavanetyotbadtgtounds. ‘ . i . , . A» ,, 73,7, . bestio tmpiementtbe Wanna Regional , (it ‘3". I : 3,92 anopporttntyiovoiuiberandbeoornewtlveiy . . . , .2 _: , ..=~ _‘,1§ . Planning Policies iorttte Laurel Creek Hemmer: g; 333*â€? . ‘25,; Wasamarberdasoanwm. E . I S ,. r a '3?- v: f Advisory' Comm or otter Snow Expose Body. ' - Q a i if: t inleresbdo’nizensandirmmbeotrnembers WWWMMW t. rm. areWtoapptyiorappo‘ntmeottoanyoi mm may†She 'll ‘ u 33% H ' insthis attheK-W "I | “I | I Sin â€db†l- m I oom. vvi perfonntnsupport r aibumGreenRiverSesstons. Oeuernber31.2017.TbeSpeoielizedTmait R f l o (MIC) Services Advisory Cerium wit advise and Jazz 00m eatures two e ectnc mmwammmwm flammwmw ' . eodingDeoernber31,20203ndonepsnon W WSWWWNW that best meet the needs oi the W. e ormances wee en “Wt-WWW - - A . . Wr31.2018;applioamshomCambodge WWWMWM â€ï¬‚ieGrand RiverlazzSocietypresentstwo “WWTMWWWb â€WMWLUSWW' nightsofarnazingeclecu'cmusicmjsweekend Mbpmueabaisneedregionalperspectwe ooendrvniaitbatisamerrberoitbernedtoai at the Ian Room. on oping and Winn issues community (LO. Nurse, Occupational Therapist, Singer Hannah Barge kicks off the week- The “49me Comm WW 0' W“) "959 M 3'9 azidzlihbiupport from )azz harmonica great ' “maamummbmm Mammaryâ€. ' 9mm“ meaniouiaraclivetransportatiooiswes Pemnsinterestadin - asaCommitiee sammmmenmerMBm ,1 ' mumwmmmflmm lfl'it’ilï¬lemsem' mm ' Vista Soctal Club sounds odeessa/Havana. . . . . . "all“ WWI WW . “WMï¬esidehtsmtbmestaod Clerk . ‘0‘.†, Osbbe72016 Burgé has just released her debut album, W W in M m W W . ~ pm. 0" â€Iâ€! V - ~ Green River Sessions. it's a synthesis or conâ€" m a W w W n to» The Watson town-and the Terms oi Relevance temporaryiazzandworldmmcdemeuts. 7 ' iottbeiistedCanrmesareavaiiabiemthe Burgéhasbeeuacitygrlxincelsss,when 45* WNW-0mm Begon‘swebsihorbyoomaaingtbeRegiooal she moved from her hometown of Orillia to WEEK?) Clerk‘s om. . Tomntotoptuuieacareerinmuslcflerhack- awn-Wham“ Toviewthe . , andtheTemtsoi ground is English and M? and the land her ' D l 31 2019 Pa with , W" _ â€weâ€? ancestors settled in provi ed inspiration with . ’ '. w '0' the W ms 0" "‘9 W's m“: ammmtmmgiirugzme m "momma “m wmmmw dencedlinhermusic. ' beacbdaoblinesandpoiiqareasasbioiogy, °Soiedthe'fle¢onal , For this Friday concen. Burgé will be joined . W‘ m W‘MII'I pull-down menu . _ by Vibraphone and harmonica virtuoso Meur- ' s W, WW‘ . so": W'm “I“ ‘ Whamandurbarmiralptammgare -Seiaot'AdvtsoryCornmtttees' Meurlu'ns is the most important jazz har« ' mm m m’ ' 50'0“ 90““ 9399 '0' .2017 CW monlca player since Toots Thielemans. WWWWW) AMM' German»born. but now based in New York. , t t ' I' . I , Meurlu'ns' recordings and performances gar- ' ~ , mmc â€gmzomawm ‘ mm in, the my 3?: W12? tier worldwide acclaim because of the tran- ' - V m n ‘ n ' â€9W ntng 0 Mai WWW scendent beau“, a, his music and us universal g3 , v 1:“ . Macy Wholesome†on Regions heritage animator at 51s575~4493 or by erratum appeal. 1his is a rare appearance by the artist ’5‘ ' 5-3;.5‘33; { fz{‘ .: ‘ I WWW [1 mm with the _ MWIGWMM-w and should not be missed by fans of the ‘Mis» A; "1Ҡd 1†'- . ti?" W W M“ Gamma also M's Advertised vacancies on a timer COMMON ‘ , ~ -,~' " “Roommprmmmflegtooalhemageaodn 9° stsstppl Saxophone. . t . . . a ‘ _ MW 04me maybeï¬iiedbymnbentsvmoeetermshave On Saturday. awardrwmmng trumpeter and W “9 a t and theretore the nu ï¬ber oi actual composer David Buchbinder teams up with a KM BMW Advisory Board ‘ , ' ' ‘ crew of top jazz, and world musiu'ans to present < , vecanoes may m from the number 0‘ W's†this unprecedented project 0‘ musical dist â€vi a r?" :7 The. person requrred tor a three-year loan vacancies All appttcants writ receive written Pry the Jewish Cuban connections 2 ‘M Wm WM’ 31, 2019 Pam who are "01W 500‘" the WW Oi "‘9" 309mm" Recent reviews of Odessa/Havana said n W a ï¬_ __ â€w ,, ,, 7 7 “I?“ W Don-'8"? law's ‘0 WM ‘9'?†It IS expected that all appomnents wil be ï¬nalized presents, "delicately textured and dazzllngly David sodium performs with Odessa! “m 5"†Tm '" W °‘ "‘9 mums and approved by Regional Council no later than tuneful music, with powerful. swinging and Iyn' Havana this Saturday at the Jazz Room. m M "‘3 Tm '5 locabd are encouraged December 14, 2016 tal playing," that is 'passionate. dancing and “mmnmm ‘0 39W. “‘9“:an W Board m the completely irresistible " singer Maryem Tollar along with Cuban per Cam (I'M-"9m and “99'0""I m" 0" "‘9 Km Field»! ‘ Arising out til the musical ferment of thy MISSION, Fastem European violin, and the great MW and management 0‘“ Tm Director. Council 5‘ Mormstratrve Servrces/ most diverse. city on the planet Toronto lohn Ioh‘nson on reeds ‘ , Laurel Creek MI W Wei Clerk this truly original sound is a collaboration [he Grand River [an Sonny Is an all volun W m m W cm 150 Fredorldl Street. 2“ Floot between the writing of Burhbinder and Gram its! organization. Volunteers are always wel- (LCHESLPLC) Kitchener. Ontario N26 US my nominated Cuban piano master Hilario â€th in help greet patrons at lht‘ door and g m ‘ I n :1 undo the utho at Duran. backed by a band of killer musicians generally assist in manan the events â€V. m "WIN '0' a W W n. W A“ “b“ be M to ohm"; Show Together, these forces take audiences on a All shows «an at 8:30 pm. For more inlor arm 0000'“ 3“ 2°19 Persons Midi"? 0' tot W mm the m at )oumey of cross cultural discovery In addition mallon and for tickets. you can visit WWW M'W PM h "‘9 â€UM CM mam“ Donut-l hummubsrsbrredb Tim Show to Buchbinder and Duran, the octet features kwjauroom com EWMW $003M UM in "18 e15195754408.00aol lbs Mortal Clem » , ' . ‘ ' < 1- v H . . 1..» A .324 - . _ v .