16 - WATEILOO cunomcu - nmnsoav, SEPTEMBER 29,2016 “WE It’ s in the can Duo behind Canted Productions encourage more local ï¬lmmaking BY lion me wanted to create content.†said Wilhelm. 'l joined Oiron'wleStafl' theDirectorsGuildofCanadaandgotontheset 7m" of Suicide Squad and the Next Step but at the he conventional wisdom is that you need same time wewanted to do our own sniff. Ta ton olmoneyandloadsofhigh-endgear “We muted developtn' gourowncontemand beforeyou‘re readyto makeaï¬lm. that'swheretl'rirwreallytookoï¬." ‘ Butloalï¬lrnmakerHelmanWilhelmcameto Tomabobroughtsomereallifemoviemak- town lastweektotumthat notion onitsheadas ingeiqierienoetoCantedProduaions . t he held a Workshop on how to microbudget your '1 was privileged to see the business aspect 7 productionandnotletthebarriersytintheway ofï¬lntbemusewhatyou'retaughtinsduxflisa . .I oftellingagoodstory.ilesharedthoseinsights lotdiflerent'snidTorresaboutherownworkon J ~ ,, duringasessionputonbytheWaterlooReyon aï¬lmaboutlolmnyCadL‘lt'sh‘ndottheidul. v, a, Ll SmallBUSinBSCenlreanddleCityoflGuiletwl’, andymlwnthemrcorre. bodiworldngtopromotetheculmrslmorasa ‘Butwhenyougetomthere,youseethenumâ€" .. " viablepar‘tot'thelooaleoonomy‘ bersandhowyouhavetoconnectandï¬ndan $55" - “lust make the ï¬lm and make the ï¬lm the approprianeaudienoe.’ way that you want to,“ said Wilhelm. 'Onoe you Wilhelm said another unhelpful piece ~ ‘ . embrace that, and forget what you don't have. of advice he received was to get out there and ' you'llenioyitalotmore.’ shootregardlessofwhetherthepieoesofagood ' The director ola number of successful short production were in place. He‘s a big believer in - a" . ï¬lms. including The Killing Time and Through pie-production and knowing where your story is ’ 5?: . Rosetloloured Glasses, Wilhelm's works have going. Ultimately. ithas tomakesense. ' ' " "â€â€œfksï¬rm’ been eidiibited at the Cannes Film Festival, the "One thing i talk about in the workshop is ‘ 1' National Screen Institute and the Orlando Film to pursue substance over style.’ said Wilhelm. ’ ' Festival. All of those ï¬lms were done on a shoe 'Ihat'swhywe've always applied this fundamen- ‘ string budget. tals to our ï¬lmmaking He's formed a production company called “When you're ï¬rst starting out people will . Canted Productions with his partner Ava Torâ€" discourage and intimidate you they'll call you ~w ._’ res,whohandlestheproducingueditsandthe aiokeortellyouyou'reananiatetrrâ€"don'tlisten cinernatographywhileWilhdmtakescareofthe tothern.’ ‘ writingandthedirecting WilhelmandTorresheededtheirownadvice erhelmgr'aduatedï¬'om theansprogmm at anddeddedtheyoouldmaketheï¬lrmbystaying w.†. . w .... Pasha/nod Collegiate and thought he had to go to within their means and calling in every favour thebigcitytopursuehisvisionforbecominga theycouldtoynitdonelheysoonbundoutit J ï¬lmmaker. wasn't money or equipment that was an obstacle \ 1‘ I, 1‘ “Growing up in Kitchener l was told if] want e it wasï¬ndingthat purpose, l '; toget into ï¬lm I was actually encouraged to leave It culminated in Killing Time making it to up: V‘ , ., . . V en town,†he said. “So I went to the University of Cannes Film Festival last year, while Through w > Toronto, and there I was told you have to go to Roseâ€"Coloured Glasses has been picked up by a ' ’ - V Hollywood. number olï¬lm festivals this year, lhey’ll also be . “So that's why I came had: here, I wanted to showing that ï¬lm at the upcoming Grand River SHOW people they can make great films in their Film Festival .- own hadtyard.†“It validated our approach to ï¬lm making." ‘ ‘ , - Wilhelm broke into the movie making husi- said Wilhelm. Ava Torres and her partner in Canted Productions, local director Helman Wilhelm, held a new as a script reader. and actually worked in 'We had the core but it was just showing poo micro-bugeting workshop on how to get films made last week to encourage local filmmakers. the assistant director department [or the Suicide ple how to transition those skills without items "" "mm“ â€â€˜0'“ Squad while it ï¬lmed in Toronto It opened to big sarily havinga million bucks to do it.†said Tomas cJointly leverage each surcess.‘ starter are great at giving fledgling filmmakers a box ofï¬ce this surnmor, Yryu need that (rimmmnenl and that support "A lot of people think “'8 about finding [hm chance. In [he end, it's YOU! friends, family and He also worked on the Next Step television to pursue the vision. and every challenge you face nth uncle of producer who will slap the money Community that will support you most, series. but ll all seemed to be taking him away is the building block toynur next propen. on the table and 81“? ll (0 you." said Torres. ‘lt's "Ihefre the people who are always there for from his real passion pursuing his own movie "’lhe point of it all is to tell a good story. and really about YOU! community and ï¬nding that “IV said Torres. making vision reach your audience.’ said Mlhelm. 'l)on’t cry (rimmunity to support you' For more about the duo visit www cantedpic “It was kind ol frustrating bet‘ause I always ll you don't get into a ï¬lm festival. you have to That's why crowdhmding options like Kick turesoom. I www.water|oochromcle.ca : _ From the latest lntormatlon on local politics, to minor sports scam, 2.," , , I! v to what‘s going on down the street, visit www.waterloochronlcle.ca for it all. .3 i m 1‘ 1‘ _M‘. w v‘ We ‘ Vrmï¬run‘ommumry tint! 11156 a 'I’ '- ., . . 7,“. N u .13 “I or: