mum“, small 22. one - Hartline we“ . 7 o o o 0 Cities worried about DC unpact - - . g manned“ l " intheir rovalprooess t. "'“ I "4W1; “ ‘ ‘ m At keg such a now beagncelled due :33: _ I â€11:13. e ~ ‘7‘ l The region is looking at rapid change increased charges. He asked d‘ WIN ’ ER “it ,- )3 V ‘ \ï¬ : three wa s to s lit the new - - ' " .» . ' , chm gm “5mm PM is creates uncertainty, $11!; mmsrway - a _ J v . $2118 only midggdpay 596- and all "1617,6813 Regional staff said that , ,‘v‘ I†‘ fâ€˜ï¬ . 1, , 5 ' is e opment ' †d scumldbedlmcul but . “v. Cosimo†y in an mum-d. fear uncertainty, 32,1me cm is mice" n _ r ’ { $749 panties, or a compromise third Kitchener Conn. Soon Davey “59¢ , "’ t option that would see rural antimonplememation ofnew Kitchener Coun. Scott ,' ‘2‘ _ townships pay a smaller charge regional development charges Davey said at the public meet» ‘ ‘ .3 '-"--'~ per COM“ and Cilia pay ing that he was concerned by V" $3 ,. “ï¬r V v â€'1' ‘. '; 313?: amount. . t' Ewen Sowebcï¬ï¬‚gie Waterloo this sharp rise in development ' - ' " ‘ ’* “o e com romise 0 ion on ome ers Associa- -â€"-â€"â€"â€" ~ would see apnew charge of £2.1me Sept. 13 public $235; fliï¬â€˜iï¬â€˜ï¬gfl‘; momma 465 conesmuo R0,, WATERLOO $3,707 on sin le-dwelling meetin , He sajd his associa. d dverse effect†0 l e Privy» r homesmriiediiisandslmx tioniscgoncemedthenewfees mm H mg fimwmw, 519-746â€"7900 wwwkwhondacom for those in the townships. it would put unfair costs on the 'Atbestsuch a rapid charm wwmmmmo region’snewbomeowners. creates uncertainty, and all ipalities, the development 'Almgw‘iththeae newpow- markets fear uncenalnty,’ he . drargewmildbeflï¬llonnew erstheprovincealsolmposed afl'lheregionandlfluilener was“, .. Wedwelings. new responsibilities,†said riskbeoornmghrownasahiyrâ€" .- .. " . ‘1' â€"1 4‘ lithe blllisslnrldaedonly Howe. “These large hikes in a-flskmvironnrent' {f ‘3’ ' , . is! 1 ~ by the cities. it would be $3,935 development charges exac- A M committee, made :7; ’ \ . 7* l 1†persingleâ€"unlthome. erbate the serious problemln dupregiorulmï¬andoouncil- f ’ 'l ' mmmhipswrreudypay respeatohousingalfordabil- mummeetSepLZImoon- O L A ’ noDCIforulnmwhilesilgle ity.’ sidertheoptionsandinputcob : , l A . Wmmmmw WmdooCitycoundlvomd lectedatthepublicmeetingA r: 1/ w . $794. The new charges pro on Sept 12 for the new devel- derision will be Mon Oct. 4 is posed in the region's proposal opment charges to be shared at a regional committee meet- u / . wotddina'easeurbanredden- withthetownshipsâ€"atleast ingandanewbthoouldbe ‘_'r._._ ., . . mammby l7 partially â€" and also include mplaceaswlyasoam. ['35 . “ l to 19 per cent and rural resi~ Kitchener and Cambridge's â€a ï¬x . , _ dential development charges downtowns. which have been - 3;: ‘ ’U , ' byleZperwnl. whomsomeolherdevel- Adding these new fees will opmentdiarpe makeltlessaï¬adableï¬xpew Waterloo Mayor Dave pie who want to build a new Iaworsky expressed concern ‘ home in Waterloo Mon. said thatdeveloprnent projectsearly costs of owning a home. you are most terms of aï¬ordabilityf' likely going to have to cut back on some ‘ i f . of your other expenditures .' i An affordable home may mean moving †‘ ; I to a smaller community. In the Greater ' ,. _ V ‘ l†‘ ‘ Prices will likely continue to climb, albeit ‘ Toronto area, homebuyers have begun :5 " 1 more modestly, Cooper said, as new looking in cities like Mississauga and .. 3!». On ,_, ,~ ; housing starts are not keeping up with Whitby. while in Metro Vancouver, “ .. .3 h g 4‘ i new household formations in Canada, people are looking at more affordable \ ‘ ,. She does not anticipate a price decline. homes in cities like Port Coquitlam and in" . . _ particularly the kind of steep decline Maple Ridge. 5 ' i» . " .. ' needed to make singleefamily homes . T ‘ in cities like Toronto and Vancouver ‘ _- ’ 'x 1‘ . ' j’d.x affordable for average families, 35 I J ,' "The kind of price dedine you would . ' V ' need to make a home affordable for the Dr. Sherry Cooper: Possible real estate slowdown "my Pm“ i“ â€W cm," "W“ _ _ actually be extremely negative for the provrdes opportunity for home buyers economy. That would be extremely negative for the average person, because By Gordon Hamilton professional about all the costs of they could lose their job It's partly a owning 3 home. matter of 'be (areful of what you Wish ‘ A slowdown in real estate sales oflers an for " opportunity for potential homebuyers "This is a good opportunity to save 0" She", coop" to take a breather in what has been an more money for a down payment, and The slowdown m pnre inflation is a Burnimmu emotionally rharged market, armrdlng give markets a (hanre to adlust to what welcome (hange, she said Bidding wars to Dominion Lending Centres Chief I think Will be a slowdown In prlre led to â€fancy-la] derision making. leaving Eronmnist Sherry Cooper inflation and in actIVlty.~ Cooper said in purrhasers vulnerable to spending more ml an intervww "Figure out what it would than they (an afford I Purchasers should now take the time rost you. on a monthly basis. to live in Ill . ‘uli\ It .\ | l \ M M. needed to assess their ï¬nancial Situation, the home you are about to buy and then "Often it bemmps so pmohonal and assess what they real‘istlrally (an aflord imagine what your lifestyle is going to irrational that it becomes very temping 1mm_mo and talk to an art rrdlted mortgage be, berause in order to meet the rlsmg m go beyond your real (omfort znne in "twimmgg ' - 7 v “ earâ€"amulw ‘