munsrwr. 5mm“ 22. ans - wAmwo anoint]: - 3 ‘ Chasing the dragon I O O Q What started as a means to harm reduction is now a virtual drop-m centre “Brahma .1 ~ - FormeChmnlcle _ ~ A; t 3:: w“ v; s , .4: - . {@127 . t used to bring crack pipes, con< 53.5 I A: V. ‘ 7-K ' ‘ " â€â€˜3' '- Idomsandlubeâ€"nowitalsodeliv- “was! i ‘ , \,.___.__‘k asunderwearandfood. -, - 53’ . _ ' ‘ SincehittlngtheroadlastDwem- 31:; . f * 7‘ a ; “w bet. Sanguen Health Centre's Com- l ‘ - -;= ’ ' . .9 : it ,. $17,â€ij _ ;- ‘ ‘ munity Health Vmbasbecomeavir- 54"“ ' K r- - E e... \ .p ‘ ‘;""“‘* , gl 1 .3 , maldrop~incentreforsomeoflife's ‘ y \ WI ‘ mmmwmmâ€" .. W< _ mtg,“- 'Inirlalythhstnnedoutasawayto ' ‘ ~ ‘ ' get out and provide harm reduction." ‘ shesaidoftheformerBelltelephone - ~ vehicle. which was purchased with a WM- e- “" ' ‘ community grant from Green Shield ‘, - Canada. a not-for-proï¬t insurance f , ’ ’ .3 The former utility van is nowdeu- ' .- " § â€" , ,, . ‘ luv-1‘? ledwflhSans‘m'ssisn-nmwddms- , p . “guy, a»; ' a "37. new variousoompamnmidiareideel - ‘ t ‘ ***g%‘ V k, t ‘7‘“ A ‘3 Sangucn is a not-for-proï¬t. com- : ‘ ' ' ‘ :13 kâ€: : i “a†a mtmityhuedhenlthureapncywhh - _ _“ ‘ " ‘ 7 _ " ‘iï¬ ofï¬ce: in Waterloo and Guelph. [ts , _v.~ \ - ‘- ~ ' ' 1; ‘ ’ 1" ~ ‘_ mmhdonismhelppeopieliving *3: we jg†. ~ ’ As a smaller community health Violet Umanetz is the outreach manager at Sanguen Health Centre in Waterloo and says the centre's new community health van, which hit the road last pm, ananetz said it has a mug December, has turned into more than she expected. In men more more flexibility than some to try new mmuwm. Public health nurses perform The most startling revelation since tampon, I particular shoe size or a ty. That. she says, led to wider behav- ï¬lwï¬mnigitwewemoutwetook abscesscareandcantest people for dievanwentirmeervloelsthenmnber sodalwodter. braiduldmtety,HepatltisC somehotchocolateandhadZOpeoA HepaddsABurdCHlVandvu-knn ofpeopleâ€"meILwonmseniorsand 'Wegiveoutwhatwehaveandwe 'Ithinkthevanbrirpwithitaow pleshowup,andwethou@itdiatwas semallytranxmlnedlnï¬ecdonsatthe dilldrerLindudingnywlngnmnber takerequeets.mdifoneweekweget tnlneknplidtyforhlhseddngservioes phenomenal.’Umanetzrecafled. sidedtheroad ofSyrianrehrgeesâ€"whouren‘table adrmationothOsodmwetakethem maladieydomthlvetngothrmgh Since then the van'sbeen trans- ‘Theycannlsodoanyrefemkfor tomesbalayndeuforanistmoe. omwhhus'Umanetzmd. sdiedulinganappolnnnentorfhda fonnedintoatravelllngdlspemaryof mmmm'deme- Sorneofthemareltvirglnparksor 'Wetrytohelpasmidiaswepoeâ€" waytntheoflim'shenid‘Wemea basic necessities, including hygiene new. who’d like to see more primary hotel rooms and need owes: to food sibly can, while recognidng our big- peoplewheretheyareat.’ products and clothing, It now serves healthaire Wm on board. anddothing, goat task is to link up wih other agar» Umanetz heard from some indie 200peopleperweek Butfundingiskey, 'We were just blown away; we dethnybodycanoometothevanand vidnalxwhohungmmdthevanbut The van rolls through thchener on Mobile outreach vehicles in other weren't prepared for that.’ Umanetz we'reveryhappy to seethem.’ didn’t approach it at list. citing a fear 1humdays,(lamhridgeon Fridaysand communitiesranpfromsmallmrsto said Perhapsthemostlmportnmaspect ofoostorreligiousmotivu isoomingsoon to Waterloo and Hmira Rszith shm Unranetz said. 'When people tell me, ‘I know of the van is the acceptance it oï¬ers. "It's 100 per cent free and non onSanirdays. Sanguen, which has its core sexy there'sthis place lmngettreefoodbm according to mobile outreach worker judgmental, and you don't have to Uptake hasn't been a result of vices funded by the ministry ofhealth, [can't ï¬t to it.’ that Wes my mind NatashaCampbell Martlef dies-id. advertisinglt’slniiltdtroughtrust and. recendylearnedGreenShiddwillhrnd inthisarea.†Campbell. a former drug user WUmanetzwnntedtorefrain moreover, need the van for another year. That fund- Partnerships with organizations herself. believes the van would have hunpt'Indngthematimes and loca- The van still provides harm reduc- ing includes one munch worker and such as the Cambridge Self-Help hdpedherdurtngtimesofneed. donsofthe van. whichare tnduded in non materialsiorlomldmgusers. such some day-toiday operations. Food Bank have been paramount to For her. it wasn't always easy to aflyer. anyone can can orten ESE-159]» as syringes, sharps mmainers and ml 'The rest of it comes from public connecting people with the help they amass harm reduction supplies. ape- 4826 to ï¬nd out its whereabouts and nxnne. an antidote for opioid overdose donations," Umanetz said require. whether it's a walking cane, dolly while living in a rural cornmunl- hawtheycan which). ‘ 4““: a i i ' \,\f:\@§9’ if: ‘ Your 3Ҡ4' IIII n9 COIIIIIIHIIItV newspaper \ K ‘ ‘ "l, 3"};Ei; ° « 5;; delivered to 52,000 homes every Thursday - ’2’; g: >3 r (c) ‘ a .g. , ‘ a y c -__,. . ‘- a ootOC' “\v, K /‘ I 1:. m y it ’ ~ ‘