12.wnnuoocunoulcu.mmmv.mmnutzz2016 . - . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . - .t _v __., ., _ .. _______â€"_________ : O 0 ï¬"“’ ‘A"""" f i'†’ "‘“ "‘ m g e centre mom 0 I C I I Parkmmster United Church reaches out with labyrmth project ' . " “.0.ch Take Back the nght ChronicleStafl mmmmmmm .' set for Sept. 22 my?& ofhieforabtt . Waterlooltegion‘ammnualTnkeBads'lbeNight Malocaldmrdx'mtumingtheconoeptof .‘,~V .. ‘N wmmmmw'zz'maspm-m 8- g mmm-a topmc- a?" “5"." â€I Wizwdoometodtemntmmme new some [[5 new labyrinth I ‘15: g .1. , _ -f" 3‘" 3‘35 ï¬ght, of women and unspecple to be sale, without This isn't the labyrinth made famous in :1: :51“ .- , “‘ ;: __ 3.37%“; violence. regardless of use. creed. loam number: or mmwmgfm W m; 2.4. ~ ~ 1_ :2 *9? .. “ T“*;?:§g?ï¬iâ€%;£ mm“ . W. my m. . m. be... on a. m. £pemm 3?; tr, 25‘333; :f .., 71'? 2g; ; inf: gngéï¬-T»v;.g based violence mm by New» women and ' _ i“? a «at? €&;"-’i:.,..{ ‘ “'7‘ f1“ ' "itâ€? "‘ 333:5â€.w5a1': 3.922;" two-spirited folks in our community. who dispropor- ~ WWWMSW ’7“ ‘ â€a†“aw "-““ I“ - “‘““9"‘“%§L1$ =$¥§=5bf- â€' dorwtelyexpet‘lawelï¬e-dumningvlolattalmeo. " mm k W to take you on." W 0‘ â€an?“ ,1. “itâ€. . 127“â€, ' é“£"""§"“â€mh nae-1‘3: This car's highlights also include a community wâ€"memmflmw :9â€, w «Magyar Q5†taint. 4w “gauges.“ Y . wanes ofllieasyuutnkethe path throudt the *ï¬Ã©â€˜fï¬imt. gaï¬ï¬‚rj-eg; if '. eager?“ “‘32.“;803-5 59,10“) “fl- 5mm I children : nod-l lam story-team; table, centreuzdmitfldlewaymtheend. “"j."\f‘i;.wa., . If“; » ‘t. “gutsy“- 4:; .. .3“ -;’1‘."."- M, “_‘ sidewalkchnndngandaphotoboodx Whopebmmbydnmneywmdlme .-' h a; 171*‘~m\-3tf.¢ 5,. t ~33 :; -.-' Whommuqnonernabywiulead endwhatevertmublesyouhavewillbeput “« w . 4\_’ ‘;§m§ia4l§%‘n.‘\‘. “‘ L- ‘ daemy.Mmlcmdreï¬euhmentswillbeavaihbleafter mmpequeotiveuyuusyncupyuzmhdwith Thenewlabyrinthati’arkminster United Churchisintended tobeusedbythe entire memrchaxitdmfltyflnli yuubody‘sm community as a way of practising things like mindfulness and meditation. noun-macaw Get route inlonmntlon †it comes available “d 'A labyrinth is an ancient structure mm other rally updates at mots. hcebookoom/TBT- peopleusedmcumethemselveo'saidBI-uoe lt‘sthesplrlmalaspectoftheprojectmat mwn'nlthmn'Iluearesonmny NWRmdonWOSASONKIM‘NWR. Miniatpattdthednndtoamnimeatl’ark» mmmmmmmm placesmtownwheretiueismtnqnsdng, mlnster um: who pitched the med and the project is located a. . church, it; really m is not one ofthose places, you an Preserves workshop gotSdewtromthebderalgovemmmtto aboutreachingomtothewlderoommmuty mmallyoumntbecausethisispublic oomtmctitthrmifltneyflormmsforSenm andmaldngoonneuions. propatyandywmwalkthisthirgandmlnk ThenenmeetingoftheWIterboHorticultunlSod- “mate's all kinds always to build them. but ‘lt’s more spiritual than anything else, abanwlmyou'lemduuigh etyis Sept. 23' 7:30 pm, n the Adult Recreation Centre. oursisapathwaymade upofinterlodu'ng that’sthekeyfsaidMutmn'lt’saoommm 'Iheptojeotalaoyewomdawnytostay RepeaterlsKenBrownonPuttingyourGarden bridt. Iabyrlnthanditsaplwethatywmngomd connectedtoseniotsandglvethemaway ‘omlmm‘mmmmwiumefls 'lt'snotlikethecommaleswhereyou wanderandttmkabmneventxmlthaveiust ofsuytngengagedandhenlthyasmeygrw "Mattmsced'andmmflonfo'mupcm walkdumï¬txldptbaHindnsoneyou'll happenedtoyou." oldu’.'nteueareimpentlvemaeateadlmate WW- , magma,†The psychological beneï¬ts are partiwlarly of emanate," said Mutton. This is about 0n &‘mday' the society hosts is annul preserves ltbutldsmabtofnewmdtmeonthe bermï¬dnlfuthooewhohaveexperienceda pamlemllysupportingeadtodier. Workshop. from noon tolp.m.. at the new Sobeys power chalking maxim andthe power of recent mum Mutton said ï¬rst responders Parkminster United has already been “one. located near the corner olWeber and 1.30“},pr~ A sauedspaoesmhebpeoplcthoomptuslmm hmafllloedtheconoeptmotheroomntw Wmtomeoommunltythlsnunmer membslofmmmmmdmmmflm theminthdrllie. nitiesnawuyhthemtodealwlththethw bylwstingabodmtdtevu'nmlledErbStteet InstructorsluneanhunandKimSilvawllldemon» They've popped up at other churches, they M with on a daily basis. He’s hoping Em myWednendayalme May. Mutton said some the basic techniques Dim mumbuawyhpewlemï¬nd mmmwmntepuhnmwymm lt'sellabmnlhdimthetrphcemaodety. Com,““my.(519_747_18570â€hn_mn@mg_ WMMM tumoryoum-mmmd Oll'd'nldlhflmundelmthefltï¬ mm,“ form" mfonmnon ortorogister.Vtsit me Mmtonnldpeopleanpluglnlnll’od ywvehndlcanmwicexperlenoewhere lutlonolwherewbdonglnmuoommwuty. W‘em’mtahoflgmeHHthm‘ andmkednelrwayamtmd.0rtheyunme mhudledmï¬mtdymzeyuyw're saideton.wlwalnowaspandthed1umh mmwmmmgmm Wampumandwondetwmtimthup W‘meissonux‘hcompedtlonona M A“ n Studio tothlnkmoredeaflymtheirm pened'nldetmwiwwurlslnmeatiom mm ary e 'lt's about creating the wt atmosphere althenpyhlrmelt 'lt'siorpeoplewho needto "We're not looking at how to get more fotmnelfasyou'rewalking'saidMutton. camethermdvuâ€"thisisnlldxnnwlmym memberstomrchmdee'rebokingathow tour sept. 24 'Peopleczndottontheirownorwithsome~ wumtomakelt.‘ manhepnnofthelimermmumtylhish onedsedependingonthesltuation.’ WUnitedisalsOMpingtoconr ornwuywemndolt.‘ ThezathmnunlM . . ary Allen Studio Tour ls set for Mmalaosudalabyrnnhinngttbnln neawlthagendesltmppomllltethefloued mammaoffldallycpmdte Sept. “‘25, 101ml t05p.m.. “ locations throughout maklthwolvestidngxlikelntultiomaeatlvâ€" PriemllhlplndMaty'sPlaoe. labyrintlth’ISEtb.StE,SnmrdIyntlla.m. uptownW-terloo Enioytwodaysofflnennsandcrnfts lty, and vlsmlintlon while Wilma name of “The“: are vulnerable populations and with I spedal dedlcuion service foaming MP For motel i non visit llentour com ' balmwetonirdbodyimdm drydtm'tneedthepermisdmtommemrt WW. ' ' ' I www.water|oochronlcle.ca - “0-5 mefltehhstlnfornnflononlocolpolhhtomlnouportsm. . ~ 9 to what’s going on down the street, visit www.mtorloochronlclom for It all. 34%;5 "in: ‘ â€"-â€"s(m‘ng your mmmwu' one: 1856 â€" ‘ Q WATERLOO CHRONICLE “a“