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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 1 Oct 2015, p. 20

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' 7 if 77 7777 if 7 ', Ill ' W.“ l:Rll)()CHlONlCLIi ' “mutiny. Octobet It 2013 ‘ ‘ M7 . __‘_ __ 7 ______> , ,_< ’,__> ‘__ V“> - 7-» 7 ; j‘lst‘n‘qmtfldmmmnd j . , ”fl.“ ,, , , t ‘mmwfl 1h ‘ 1 " ‘_‘:_’t:; ' l : tin-uuuhw-m 1 ,»7â€"« 3m 7. I I ' I I : HENAHEMIE - ~ 1 . I | H , MALA“ ’ DVLâ€" ULPâ€"S' jqfim/LyLd; i l ‘ STMTSIETQPMXSTWH “NM, _, . m ' “’. HAMLET “mot pn’wnh the thus Nolan Quartet. “(L i. for smdmts. andfree to: childmn under I: : ‘ ,;4__,_m,, _ “W; ”WWI-"film|1'\ll\;llpn‘wnlsllutnlt-L(nth! H mum ‘ at w lung St N.,Watcrloo Adan F -~~ ~â€"-_ _ ”T.“ v 7 n. I my It All the 1 mm.” lht-atrv. 3:3 Gum-n St .\|r.l| stun tsSlh Us“wwwkwjaunmmxum. L 7 I Hilfigénefigs ,, ‘ ‘ turd \ Ml “MW slmttortltt-sttml t a "m m w ' ‘, THEATRE 0“ THE EDGE 11an OF THE SHREW . {He-4m- un thv I Mgr pn-wnn luv nnprm _, ' , Maxwell's Cancer! Hall. 3511111versithvck. CLAY AND GLASS “um . Iht' \lmtfnrt1i‘t-sttmlprcwnh lumtng “I ”w ‘ . y ' _ . “um-m t-wrx ”mum; .n Mp m M thv fl "h“? to“ 1 In 1! [he l-vsnval ”1mm, 33 “merino. presentsllBhR Hans, Oktoberfest, ThemayandGlassGauery presentsAwestmck : ‘.\.|h‘f|lh()( mnnmmn \rt\( cntn- 31 ”11,1!th 0120”; M Gum?“ For mu“ mum"), nmn' (kt! (0011, 1&11226'240-7020, Calendar officology, featuringanist lube l \ Autumn \thn|\~tun ‘\ S ‘ Fm mun- tnfurmalmn. th whwfiltfltfmdfmtWitha mulled wellh‘lwn- 33 Em St W.. Water Cakes. and FkywetVases “1m Hm m a minrnmlmn. \ Isl! “u“ ION- t d loo. prawn“ Happy Pappy. Thursdays; Romeo Vase, featuring an.“ Paul Mame“ to Ian. 3 a! ; “WY THE DIARY OF ”ME my K ‘ t 5“ Fighter, Sundav'. “A“ and the Hobbits. 25 Caroline St. N. For more information. visit ‘ [he Sttatford Patna] presents Iheptan n Mondays; The Duwnstmkes; T lays; Mike lheclayandgmsxa. ‘ I‘m-t t-ntrv tn tht- Nquun' prt-st-nts\\hnw [no -\nnt' Frank. mutt If). at tht‘Awm I'heatrv, 99 Todd V 1 “a“ , HMSâ€"8868170 cm OF "Ammum [ Amman ?_ (kt i H p m t at It)! Queen St N . “(Mme St, Stratford F'Awfi‘ ' V“ ,,,,j ' ‘ ' (WW ofWaterioo Museum nts Waterloo ' Kmhonm An t-wtttttgnftntprtMst-d mmvdv “was ‘ “Hg“, ”assws ' . ‘ ‘ pmse ‘ ’ v ,, - L __ Park. lt’we! uhhe C"). tobept. 26. at (nneslnga : ft'dlurmg "mm“ “6" RM" Sn)“. ("Pg Pumps, me Stanford [Ft-stival presents a rumedy called ' "‘*_”â€"bf Mall Visit tum-twalerloo ca/museumt t he] Murray and "fl B ”m“- “a?“ a” $35 to The thsicists, to Sept 29, at the Tom Patter m ' ' f 593 For more Infurtnatmm nsn son Theatre. 1 l l lakeside 0L. Stratford, Fur m manic” m“ m 0770“ film 7 ' . www (t'ntrvmth (taro mm - - v - ' , t . . The Uptown ballerv presents Strength and ’ “q mute mformanon. Vlsn stratfotdfesttvalra. The k-W Chamber MUSK Sometv presents The Boautv featuring Man (hot (1mm. Flame I N THE ADVENES OF PERM Pfindert‘rki‘String Quartet, Oct. 4' 8 p.m.. at 57 (Jowan Melissa" Kristensen-Smith and [nuise 1 sexv WHOM Th" “mm“ “WW“ PW “S “W “WW“?S Wu“ 5“ W “cm? a” ‘35- $20 f” “den“ Mame. to Nov. 15, at 75 King St. 5 Visit f Dram”: [intenamnwnl ptPscnts Sen I‘ntndrx ‘gandelsi first 59's: "5 rtémrgatterson H" mom mformatton. call 519-8“; 16, 3' wwwuptowngallerywaterkmrom. ; to I)“ 20, at the St lactths Schoolhouse l'ht‘r Pant est e " ‘ m 0 ' K’w m m m m t mm, 1 l Mbt-n St , SI “robs, Performances SHE STOOPS To 000001!!! The kttchencr-Walerloo Chamber aches“? Be m” Of the scene I I man“ In Sammie“ lichen are $42. $25 for the Slmtford Festival presents She Stoops lo hosts Its first concert ot'the yawn. Oct: 4 , A M _ and ’ mutt) Int mom mfn (all Irafis-JTZVQM Conquer. to Oct. lo. at theAvun l‘heatre. 99 p m.. at [max Presbytenan (_.hurrh‘ 50 ht) St v "5 bio“ ofupmmmgam ‘ TBS LAS‘I WIFE Downie St. Stuttord, Visit stradordk-sl'tvalra W ‘ Waterloo? Called Belonging: The situate to f"""“‘"""’"‘ (mm “(WM “M and , râ€"- w A ,_ â€"~ â€"â€" â€"~ beheard_ncketsamszo,s|5ror seniorsjlt) rmunfia.levdttnnalvuuwborhmnwlcm lht- Stratfnrd H-sttml prov-ms The last “mu tn \ \R I N gyms I)” T. «I ”w Slum“ ”Hum" 14 “(may St I t h___. ,,,,,__7___* 7â€"1 . , » w 5 4 7 E xtmtfnm tut ("HIP lttfurtnntlun um 'm CROSSWORD ‘ If anA \”-Hftlr("t‘\ll\d| 1 A 5 v ,, + A , ,, n , +, ‘ T A ' LOVE'S LABOUR LOST K" POETRY sun 1 mm + 4 ‘ i ’ (4110 firms hmts the K ME Poem Slam and L ”L 7 , ’ t I [he \U.Hfl)r(1it‘sll‘ulll)!l‘\('fl!\ln\t'\Lift”!!! 0 . {H k - h r! 10 COM “I! t , ., put. nontghlikl Ltpm.atlb( 3 es Ohm“ \ t t {mt m t ht «a at ttu- lt-stmtl lhmttr \1()\I(‘(‘H , v _ . _ , , , _ a . t \ E St I Am ht m r \ htgh ( nt rg} spnkt n wnrd 13 mm", than,“ 13 “n ,,,7, ,, - . ,, ; _ ’ M “Hymn! “it mum lllftbrnldlll)” um I““'“" t”!mlp(‘llll()n110”th fiml Saturday of one i . t ‘ I “h“ “Nth” “Hui ‘ A urn month Admhsmn l\ $50! pav what vnn 35 Lm_wwm $15 ,,~ ‘ up, 7 ‘ 7 ‘ > THE “CHEMIST (an Lmatl kwpm-tn slamflgxnatl t nm 15 WW 0, "W 1 u [ Hthmtfumt-Mttmlyum-1m”w \ia ht‘lhnl .~~ ’«~ ~â€"~7 ~ ,_ w _, -, 15 mmgm am “7 ’ 7 , v ‘ ' . 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Int mow”Autumn”. um! nussmmmn f“ W‘Wnfim’“ T5; ‘ w ‘ ‘ ‘ ' . I .' ‘. ‘ ' mn‘ \,,‘,””””,t\,,h,1 M Ihv 1.111 Room at "w Imtutn Hm~tht~t <7 2‘ WM ramaqo’ ‘ ‘ ‘ “4 793m (W ‘ . . . » a L t ~ . . . 4‘ “0014an van 14 vnmry A: film ii) ‘ . . t , . t . , DO 00 NEED C EE CHENGE’ “WWW" ' . 47 type at heme am 65 . . . A . . . t 40 M511 My t -x, WM“: l‘thtewmo'swmw . (‘1sr"’r“(’/ ' .“ ‘LL‘J wwmm GmbMarca ‘H‘MJ‘MN "9 Marm- ' I, i; i ‘ '-' ' ‘I X if?! m‘ym “Mm v 7Watpamsar P“ Rum-t ‘thafv- " A“ 1 WM “U4, ' ' 1“ _ "om“ anmmqm tiwnfcmesmn N‘Wv‘t’vwwt 55 W“ 9 54mm amt. 16 N0 vats ammo w mm A" ' ' " ' ’ ~ . 61 Q‘Nm'w 1mm) m tmwdmary mmm ’ ' ' - 6? 9 N“ WWW m mm An thsram “. 1:â€" 63 Format Gumtmmx t! Sammy fl hm mfiwm' to LAST ‘ y: . 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