“minnow-m razors I “In ‘ “new..." Startu 5 Win E Specraltztng In a†Courts-seditious.†gnorethansimplyaschool rentiyh-iipgl‘orafewnnie E U R O P E A N W Collision ‘Over the past year. our ‘Slnce graduating the They hope to follow the AUTOMOBILES W focushasshifted fromMLD supportive K-W startup successenioyedbySimeayr toward production and ecosystem. and Velocity andEyedieri } logistics. We needed to program speciï¬cally, have ‘We know the teams > make sure we can build a been a blessing, providing from Suneayraswell as Byeâ€" . robust and beautiful prod- us the workspace. mentor- check who both perfomied BUSIHeSS owners: uctthatpeoplewould enjoy shipmouroeaandenvlron- enremelyweilintemation- using menthelpilgtomakeGnep ally in last year’s award." P l t 'The world of manufac- successful.’ said Bethane. ‘We ay 95$ 3X turing. shipping and inven- would like nothing tory management can be rnore than to ‘ Are you taking full advantage of often mfg: £533 . A . mm r missed tax minimization strategies i, W out “,4 we m m. M- tor successful business owners? do," to put- ~w, ,9. Talk to us today about a complimentary WWWWWA ““3 the the â€mum" tax check-up for your busmess and you "ml" 3:13;!" "ll/e- The Grasp ogmï¬egm'mnding could pay less tax, desks of beyond bike W_ng engineers and locks. Where there Fill ll! L135! W W "a mum-acorn hobbyists all over are many companies nmmmmamwuo 32m bnnginshbiomemzsegamy ‘ l . 51 â€we†2“ a mm to I e ome I“ 0 CC. mm Willi W W m M (1 @2380“ 241 at the University ofmâ€" there are countless items loo Impact the develop- that need scarring outside . â€N,“ l m ' these environments. These MCEAggng ® WEALYH , “Our education at UW Almeida was equally portable items is where we lnvestorsGroup playedanintegralroleinthe eil‘usiveinhispralseofthe seeourtechnoiogyhavinga 1‘ ~ < . , .. Fimmsewgceslnc. devekipnierttofGnsp’said supporttheygotatUWand large‘tmpacL' $433123†W“ " " “a "‘9" ‘ Berhane. The first class from the wider tech com- That potential is already v, ,, engineering education we munity. being realized by theVoltera receivedgaveusthetechni- ‘Whenwetirstbeganthe V-Oneteam cal skills. in addition to the company. we would have 'We're honoured to have invaluable industry experi- been lost if it wasn't for the been chosen to move on to encegained throng: tlieco- help and support of the the international phase and y . y y . ‘ op proyam. Velocity program at the uni we look forward to receiving ‘ ~ ‘ “More directly. Grasp versity,‘ said Almeida. feedback from the Dyson began as our fourth year 'From a technical perspec- engineers.“ said Almeida. design project in which all rive. we received a lot of ‘Earlier this year we f engineering students at UW guidance from our past pro- launched the Voltera V- One must complete as a degree fessors and T/Ls. and the response was phe~ requirement Hie higi pedi- “We even sponsored a nomenal. We are now work gree of projects that have research partnership with ing hard on manufacturing. . historically come out of the university to perform continuing to grow our . _ . . . _ fourth year Mechatronics R&D and get access to spev business and trying to give SpeClaIIZIng In: _ â€"â€" â€" Engineering projects (e.g. cialized equipment. The .back to this community that â€" .7 BufferBoxl really inspired us team has since grown to still supports and accelerr . Spa Pedi . Mani = : to think big and View it as eight people and we're cur- ates us ° Ar“ A l C d , “0““ â€81's cce erator entre to expan . Nail A" . waflng Last we“. the Accelerator (Icntre Momentum and developed a one year cut announced a maior expansion of facilities riculum that is tailored to the needs of earl) ‘ and services to better serve early stage comr stage companies; validating their idea and t y , ‘ 1 panic-s and entrepreneurs tn Waterloo preparing them to enter the Accelerator Pro ‘* g. - ‘ Region, gram and start scaling their business‘ y ‘ Reactor, the centre's new 8,000 square "There an- limtted resources for an mm : "’1 foot facility located in thc lnnotech Building stage company and as an entrepreneur ll _ , “WW S‘amp Card in the David lohnston Research and Tech- can be challenging to play New role from ‘ nology Park. represents a signiï¬cant expan product development to maria-ting, by your I , wedding & Graduation sion in both space and capacity for Us. Dedi» selves." says Peter Whitby, ( H) of ()2 (aria rated to early stage clients in the M' da 'But through «it Momentum we have a A ' y 0 Packages Available Momentum program. Reactor nearly dou place to develop our technology and access â€l ‘ “fl; .. him the number of companies that thc M, to expanse in those key arms: that allow us will house allowing the organilation to help to mak the best dot isions as we build our own more technology businesses. business from the ground up ' fl - 1’ “At Momentum was launched in the fall leveraging rcscarth from thr‘ University W of 20†to address the growing number of of Waterloo's Air Pollution Rest-an h and HOURS: early stage companies that won- coming to Innovation lab. Whitby and his to founden .. _ ~ ‘ . ‘ us, but weren't ready to enter our flagship Brandon lumanl and Rich \Iasl. are work MONDAY '0 7 ""5"“ '0 ‘ w}.l)NF,SDAV '0" Accelerator Program." explains (iii) Patti ing in Reactor to develop thc world‘s ï¬rst : THURSDAY â€'7 "IDA" W 7 SATU‘D‘V ‘0‘“ SUNDAY I†Salvim “We :ould see the tremendous connected respirator. With a replaceable ‘ A?» potential of these companies and, rather smart filter and accompanying application ‘ ’ ' than turn them away. we created At‘ for monitoring and tracking. ‘