; . l E N‘WATEmDOClml-Mmimls l 0 ’ " T t IH Ith ’"' "'““'""' m 5 {4’} Q a = 93A 6 v m"°--~'"m’° U ’ redi card th ' , ' Free Blood Glucose I ' Friendly mks-boll Tun... , r. , 0 You tend to spend more E , Myer! but lie-Mn i Mom“), & Teaming 2 There are than you can afford or make : fl "Iâ€! . ( (impounding v; ‘ ~ " admntages and < “pulse purchases. ; “" EELS T3103“ ' Fm Blood Pressure Check ~â€"â€"~â€"> disadvantages ‘ _ a , \ . it your monthly balance . . x H s ‘\3 5 IS rowrn .ana ze your h i’ s 3 iv f tO usmgt e expensesandcashflowand ‘ easy 73d. createa plan tobeginto pay I 7 . C It down the balance. ’ HIEHIEHL. ~ -r15° “"“"‘""“°““y “° 1 u _ w debittolimit urs ndin. T ‘ L btainingacredit card i 1 . you “Pï¬y [ff marge : ‘WOIghl Managpmnnt Nutrition Contrns ’ todayvgtshsimplerthan ’ gammanyoureauynee¢ . . CWT . 1731113 a“!!! Each time you apply for a : The ONE that really works for you! - umons mad scream-van ' 7 credit card. reporting agen- t ;--------»---~---~------~-.â€"--~~~------------------ Maomomrsamm RUSS cies record that action; ' : (we see vi we've = M You Waterloo a “M'wmmm McEACHNII-J éPP'Yfl'sfof too much cred- ; . he. ' i] : When used “If 118?“ way. it can damage your credit : ; V0 .' % . credit cards can be an effec- rating as it can appear that t : I MONTH Z tive way to build and efits of your card. Some you are relying too heavily i t . improve your credit score. cards eliminate the need for on credit 1 : FREE TRIAL 3m mm mm , making it easier to obtain separate purchase or travel . You make cash : : 1L A w“ on! : ï¬nancing for other larger protection. such as trip can- advances on your cards i . t \nm Aug it. , s > - purc ases. suc as uym ce anon an interruption Remember, ou are ' .§uppkmfll hm r c t It!!!“ at WWW ' h h b ' g n ' d ~ 4 y E ~----~~------~--~~--r--~--'-------~----------~------- yourï¬rsthome. insuranceorlextendedwar» charged "new“ from the : . On the “mm? they can â€My protection, day you take the advance » . WE’VE MOVED mmwwmwm- «anvcrwncamoï¬er “mummymayofl, ; fall it you don't use them some kind of rewards pro- making it even more costly. I New US...NeW YO†“mm“ can mange gram. giving yofu back gprur When used correctly, 5 usewa ' one per cent 0 MTV 0 a: credit cards can be useful E 298 MM D11, Waterloo it card responsibly. there spent in the form of cash. financial tools. But it‘s : can be a number of advan- points. travel reward miles, important to remember ma. ; 519-744'7011 RE NO mm (ages; inst be sure to follow merchandise or even invest- the“. are many other 10°15 { 75 m m thwsimple suggestion merits. ' ' and strategies that can help i Although “5 “01 recom- you achieve all your ï¬nan- : . Select a card that meets mended to use credit cards cial objectives ; your needs based on your just to earn rewards. when Start ï¬lling your ï¬nancral l Eiome and spending you usea rewards.f card wise; moi m by mung w a pm. , its y. you 891 eatures an fessionaladvisor'toda . I P ETER ' Charge only what you value you don't get with y ‘ a can pay back at the end of cash or debit cards t 8 RA' D the month. ifyouare unable Despite the advantages ' “â€"’ ‘ to completely pay off your of a credit card, take caue ... H;i'c".i'“'"i' card balance each month. tion. Using a credit card “AT.-|.%°- always pay more than the may not be rig“ for you it: minimum amount owing . Thummmnupvwidedby and make payments as soon °You can t pay your cred- wartime an“, him my}. . as you can to reduce daily it card balance in full and on MW“ (Joanna mm J°|n “3 fat interest costs time. if this tends to happen MM“,(}p(m(DFAm _ ' Make sure you under- to you. stick with cash to 5,9mmmzalmpm I . , stand the features and ben- avoid additional lees mm 5 MP Peter Brand 5 , . , t A We re there for all your transportation needs. : ' , . : Annual Family BBQ 7 l t ? I Thursday August 20 in 5 5 00-700 pm a J . , . .. or ‘ , Waterloo Park (West Picnic Shelter) ' : i, ' 1 E X Come out to meet With Peter. ’ -- ‘ Q i r N, and enjoy a summer evening a M. .. i 1 f - 9, n. ‘ y y with family, friends and . - .. ï¬g ' . a i i ‘ J . . ' neighbours. We â€II have lots of , k _ . ....----â€" 1 I i . ' ' activrties for children, and " ya, 4“ ‘ , . ; . great food and refreshments ,. -. u. x , 1 4 A, 1 Hope to 3“ you there] râ€"_â€"_', ‘ 7 w i , Mum“ rrrr A“. Ems] a lawn-mo We. - 4 ~ can l_l,' ‘ ' m * We. W‘iit‘tlnoldll ( to or