IZ~WATEIIDOWOMME.ZHS L l we _ c ‘.~ 7 ‘ . r ,/“’ . , 1‘ ' » â€3 7' Nutmhutheheart : construction Ahead \ « gmmxk ‘ unmade; ‘ meantime-his r Construction Update: CN railway tracks on " “mgmwm l University, in Waterloo a. saw-mm: I . a activityisgoingfor I Construction of Stage 1 ION. the Region of Waterloo’s light rail ' ~ 31*" Wm ‘ transit (LRT) service, is underway in select areas across Kitchener ‘ ‘ N. m g and Waterloo, “Walk“ 1 Beginning on or about July 27, for a period of approxrmately three .7 time in tbs-term l weeks, crews will work on the CH railway tracks at University. and histoster mom r During the week, University, from the University at Waterloo’s W†â€â€˜0!†“0m" Ring Road to Phillip, will be open to one lane of trafï¬c heading E\ :i‘ixgs‘t"; my“; ‘ eastbound towards Highway 85. Over the weekends (i.e., Friday - - 9' r Ming thisdeservmg ‘ to Monday or Tuesday), the road will be completely closed to all boy my. a mim ‘ trafï¬c, including pedestrians and cyclists home. visit Norton at theK-W Humane 1 This work requires temporary closures of the Laurel Trail between WW 3‘ â€OWN" l Unrversrty and Seagrarn Signage IS In place to inform pedestrians a, bend 0'“ '72:???" ‘ and cycnstsrnthe area . 4 z "'0'“ mmpgm Generally work Wl†take place Monday to Friday between 7 am _.I and 7 p m ‘ however, over the weekends. (July 31-August 3, and ‘ “I“ I2 Celebr- mmï¬ August 7710, August 1417] crews Will work around the clock for m an 88~hour period These extended work per‘ods ensure that the S Aug. 13 ampleflnthentdlal: trams are able to resume therr regular weekday serVIce ; | ‘8 WW‘ ‘ Major achvmes lnclude removal of trees, cutting with saws and M.“ All!» Is CHM'OU'JM removal of asphalt miravahon and backfilling of soil, installation of CooIdngChaoSchedule new uhlrhes and asphalt restorahon ‘ August A1152!) mg": A ‘ Anglo Ash-Immuta- ltncmgh roads Will he r rosed to through traffic during M‘ (boldncB-b IOI‘ ‘drnomhandJ-on 000“"ng ‘ construction, local across for emergency servuces, busmesses and resldr'ntes Wlll be niarntamed. Timing of construction Is Aug,“ WIWAPefla-t Mrmorrdrmibwlm'hlrlnulnw sublr-rt hr weather r nr‘drnrms and construction constraints sum Pairing tmflgiï¬nlh'rflb’lfuilIIIQflzg’Tgiw In i‘OIflDIi‘ » , u. please wart www Mormon (a ‘or the latest tn construction news or â€7'â€"* Vâ€""' “* h_ â€J mutant Ln lyr m My.» lJlH")r‘l mm or require additional assistance i t . ' I A Grandl ma l (lnrrnrmrr, representative wrll respond Within one we re there for 3†â€our h d '1 Spo Hallo" neerls' hummus may and Wm work wrth you to address any ronterns ’ a Burldlng a light mu transit HRH wrvrce to support planned growth I‘ in Waterloo Region is an enormous undertaking and we recognize . ‘ that this work Will muse some temporary Inconveniences , . , ‘ I We apprer rate your when“! as we work to bring ION t0 Waterloo 9 “v! j .’ l Region A A; a Questions About Construction? 1 . ’ "" 7 Connect With Us: _ fl“ 9. U Eiwmmw Dario-aloud .mmNa "" " -v~- _._.__._, a s__-.(,'_rl Emma “MWrMI/W 1H ". , - 519 was 7777 6 . .1113 r» v; .l r‘,ATA \\ I-IV/rV WdtPtltnlldll r .1 or