It WWW-mmzzzoison ! . , W ‘ ' W 2' 3..-: .4 wâ€"WW .. _ . . _ WWW... my; '1 H, ‘ l IRIS DleruI. ‘ Ewï¬imimiflamm _ - _.---_--.__ .MMWM... 7 l ‘t , “J .. _ .7â€-.. . .. _ _._ -._ - .. . .._.... .4... _, 44.... .“W 7 7.7.... ..r ._ Iii) Sta a AmiannLtoon. lo.attheAvon11teaue.99 FestGrouleulthBabyOnmflrDingDong, UH 03‘1â€!“ ‘ . gt _ DownieSt..Stratford.Forshowtlmesormore luly25.l‘ormoreinfoull226â€"240-7020. ‘ b "~ â€-30%: a»; , lnfonnationvisitwwwsu‘atfordfaï¬valca mmm3m8.W.Wer- my; ; 11‘ m5 loo. present Happy Pappy.11iundlya; Romeo ’ i WWW mmmpresemsatomedycdled SexFlgitcr.St.indny'.1\irkuidthel-hbbiu. â€mm“ t Dayton Entertainment presents LastChanoe . maynth-uG-Ieryprmml’cople WWIoSepL 29.l‘ltth0mPllte‘IA Mondaym'l‘heDmeMlke . mmmzzmmv'mms‘mb‘ son'l'l'ieltrullllnkesideDr Wm mmumcnumzimve Wmmms‘P‘W5W ‘ Countryl'layhmmwBenjamin Rd EWater- . " ' ' St. N.Vidt We; loo'ncketsareflZSZSyouth Formoreinfo morainforrnlnonvisltsundordfatival.“ HuberMhilyzsfornmlMonmfloncafl WWW†‘ visit m°m‘¢"mm‘-C°m 0' “a" TI! m N m 51 . City ofWaterIoo Museum presents Waterloo 1.355.372.9056. mmmmvmmmmflm \l I M" ClaSSlCS Parklandot’theClty toSept 26.2“an ' _ afï¬rm to Sept. )9, at theTom Patterson MallVisit wan aim ‘ "38*. Theatre. iii lakesideDr..Stratford.Vtsit may «mm â€W“ a“ “mm ‘ mmumm man-mm.u “an“ ‘ mm Mmonthcï¬tepresentsliveimprov “WWW nieUptownGnllcrypruents'th-Wildemess. _ . . , “(WWW Mummtonpdavic.MicheflcSaherand Cm myThunday 3‘ 3 P~m- 3' "WWW" The antic“! Festival presents She aoops to . . . mamaFedvllpraenuGlenBuhrandm leanWellet.luly21toSept.20.Formorelnfor- ‘ 10000nnnwutylmsumm 24 ma 5-- Conquer. to Oct. IO. at theAvon Theatre. 99 Burt m Band. 25 930 at th vial Waterloo. Admission is £5. Visit my" Stratford. Visit 3 Dine“! my“ . M3: ‘ ' Ed": Elm: "“60" tmwtwnsfllervwambomm- > WW ‘ "ma cum", ‘ ‘ ' - WE" * » ca. \ “at“ are “5' 320 "00' $5 (â€00' For more â€glam-Watermm Gallery presents WAMIEGENOS \H l \ Even“ infomtitmcallSlS-mâ€"Oifll. SouthSideJ'heFrontieroftheNewEuropc Drayum Entertainment presents Canadian ,A .. , . u and the Sunny South, featuring Elanor Bond to ltgends. lune 2 to luly m. at the Dunï¬eld Thc~ u . " ~ m TSELYAIDV Aug. 16. at 10] Queen St. N- Kitchener. atrr. 46 Grand Ave. S ,(‘ambndge Tickets are HAM ï¬gural) m m , . $34. $25 youth. Hit mom info visit draytonen- 11,:th Region mm“ Pantomes to The _K-W|Chamlbe1+Muscll â€mugfsirgls' . ' Be W 0f the scene iortainmentcom or (all l 7555-3728666. 10 Regina St. 5.. in uptownWaterbo. My 25 might violin and Oirisoéongos of"! at: wartime/WWW Hull's YARD . . “amt!!!" 3 P-m- " mm!“ â€a" ‘°°d- 6"“ My 26, a pm. at 57 Young St. W Mus are mum-mm â€Elude“ amend Drayton Entertainment presents Hildast'ard. Ml‘leaan and family entertainment. A $20,310“), mg; Call 519.33.1373, lithium WWmidm-A to My In. at the Drawm Emma] Theatre. 1% portion of the proceeds goes to support the Wellington St. 5 . Drawon l‘u hots drt' (i4. 525 Independent living Centre ofWaterloo Region. . . \‘iiuth (all 1.355323% tor more info Visit wwwwttoodtnxktarera, CROSSWOR D II. I. I "It soon OF MUSIC m ‘ than u . The Stratfurd Festival presents [he Sound of v m “V I. “I... “I thc, to (X1. In. at the lestrval I'hemre. 55 W’ mm“) W ‘ WWW . m a W mm m n» MW mm... W-.. ill- ill-Innu- Informntion visit WW stratlordfestival (a m M" W m M " WI '. ' ; ' and More. at 200 MAW. w.. Waterloo. 15 than I..“.. “I... m _‘ ten-um . . , The Sanford Festival presents Carousel, to . I] m. “I... l...- “a (X1.l6.attheAvonnieatre.99[)ownieSL, \l | 1w Contmporary ,, 3..., . Sanford Vail wwwmmtfnrdtestivalca. _ 20 m.~_um “II I. i '- mWW when“ Handel. to an. an†m m :3 W~~:~ I“... I...“ “I ll.attheFesttnlmatre.SSQiieenSt,.Strat» mw-mmmmmsim- 27 “I" “"9 t . ford. For more information visit met Mutt: Scr'leseverySuidIy ln the summer. I H Int “I. “III... I.- www.mtiotdiesflvalxn starting at l pm, at In Huron ltd- Kind-trier. 23 “dam L a , tin-WWW â€â€œWMWMW†29mm... I. III-- III.- The Stntiord Festival presents Taming oi the I'm‘ Visit M.mterioore§ I) Slum v. - w Shrew. to 0d, 101th Festival Theatre 55 â€,5 m I; _' â€I†“I.“ i. I'- QueenStStntiord Humrtmesot more ' K "I“. I. . .v A .r n. .' iniommion visit wwwstnttordfesttvul (3 WW "II 35 "MW AV“ L m “I. “III I Waterloo. pluents Die Mannequin. Saigon 3 SM - -- “MUM†IMenlrMoreJulyZJJnttletorKOleir :97ka u I. '- hieStntfordlesttvnlprrsentsTTu-lnarvot a.†__ , _7 â€7 - “M“ I' I. III B y " ' ' “ ' .-- ‘-’*â€"‘ â€" tom-int ' ,_ , . . , l u on ' ' FOOT PAIN RELIEF «amâ€"m is, ,- ., I . _- 7. I J ‘3 thalamus , ' " ‘ Services cavern! with and m plats. ‘ m l l l l - l l ; ‘ “ “Wm Aria-inch, mutant-Fm; sou ' NO REFERRALS REQUIRED. _ ._ a Do: 3 mm". 30 "an m Wflmm ‘ «urn-anon is". 311m ï¬lm-00".†‘ A . , \ I; x 50 “ID ‘ Set: our Foot Specmlisl Today tor yum (,umple a M m smmm â€Mom 62me 1 57 m mt: 6 Sim h I†3]; 32w 1 i ‘ ‘7' 7 in in m It m non-o DIABETIC FOOT EXAN‘ AND TREATNIEHI 53mm“ atom-ow Jam-mummmmm 1 “Wm 9m wmdm 1 â€â€˜ma‘m iou-nuu- aim-um " " i lj. “h... SSWMUQ) Hm. “urn-“M '2‘.-:::;:‘:.-‘;‘;‘.:- j N†“A†“Mi 5’" â€WWW :gJGLmiW g Mm 3:31:13. 1 2015 ‘7 â€'0'†‘ t9 wrung $2 saun- ' '.~ {2, ."7'."_. ' .":.;.' grammar“ gums h::r' -' r 4 P. asc. [>wa 5199544415 I Wv'm'W‘dm-‘a mm 25 nun-rm so inseam '. 1:5; :vii'WZIE“. ; (Hut 1000? snout“) 120 Ottawa St, N. Unit 117 Kitchener, ON tin-cum 26 man as Hunt-W --- - t y 1 â€it -A‘