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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 13 May 2015, p. 20

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:ouun numummm'u -W¢-dnuudly. May I110!”- w Ml J m m 0...... a... A r v 7, sf: ' ' CRIMINAL “(CORN " " " ’ ’ ‘ . , __ EM] ml HALL» mm “M ~ f 5;: f “3‘ Mg” W Montessori Cam-an Record Sus :7 LANGS j g :5 ’gngf" I“, Bnom woos? Fm 1156 Em . K ‘ unwanâ€" I“... “M Demon tartmmat par t HARDWOOD ‘ ' ; m BR In clean aunt 0mm Large lot more: 3000 mm “m” “not“ com seals record FLOORING no Wanner; 89H] ma square teat 2 storey 4 {we ore-05mm '0' Amman warm News Inch“ I 520 “In“! 0!. all ml June tst Call bedroom Mm master en Employment ”flu" 9'1“” "" 0'3““ 5me my ”I” wm "5‘ ”m muwn' Rent Estate Watertoo 22575052“ W0 sun! Woe comm mmrtoerq com .1 w M I _ FT oloynwnt bttsane§s ”a M In”? ‘ ‘ mansions! ”m (Immune-run trachea gas hreolace * ‘,#, Mums 00'“ [R1 Lit Um 398,99 m rm "cens'ng, and? ham-nod loom may my 2 unwsmes 23"“ "“09 0°“ _ m 5191 Me“ ta 0 peace . m« l variable Juty 151 $2550 5113 a San rand French or Moat 6» Free consuttaton 20‘ m ’ and Technology m r month tmlmes Sam can“: a”! 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