is \ti in I xt(.iln()Ni(.Lr '“edllx'sddy Mat rt, wt 3 - 5 Cemetery expansion will close two soccer ï¬elds at Bechtel Rt Jurislu Au“ lumen-r “\\‘ere st‘t'lllg tontiitued pressure " " "7 '7 flaxï¬ ' ’ ’ " ’ fl 7†t “NW“ t. Will or! ï¬elds " said liriait lewett‘ presideitt ot the 7 motor sorter t‘llll)‘ which has about 1900 itlt spate running out at l’arhieu house league players and HUI) players In Wt eirteler\ the ttl\ ltas approted irioretompetitne leagues ' ' art e\pattstoit that lull lead to the llte (It) eontrnues to have a ï¬eld deï¬ett loss of t\\tt sort t'l llt‘ltl\ to Her htel l’arlt tltat makes tt tough to ï¬nd enough playing a (Httllt Illors apprmett the protert at the tune artd space tor iltose players. lewett _ etttl til \pitl and work ts espet ted to get said 4. JUIZ report oit the status (it Water ttllklt‘l\\.l\ tltts \eptetnht't loo's outdoor sport ï¬elds protet’led the ell} llteres onh about run to tltree tears ol toutd haVe a (lel’it‘tt of up to lfl ï¬elds by spar e lett " satd Hm e t rouse tetrteten Jtlttt settit es tttatiager Ill an rtttet\ ten t\tth the lo help otlset the loss ot the two ï¬elds at thtrtittt le tttttttnt; there ts sltll attout a llet htel Park the t it)‘ has htillt three lit ttet atte or t tetttattott spate lett ttt l’arltten ttettls at the Westrttottrtt sports ï¬elds on \\t‘t attr get lltts httttr tast enough " \\t-sttttottitt Road Wlltt’lt are expected to The city's Cemetery Services Manager Bryce (rouse stands in from of thetwosotcer fields that the plan mt! st‘t‘ ettght at res ol land on open later this summer 7 tn time tor the will be lost to make room for the expansion of Parkview Cemetery. thsmmoro the nest \lllt‘ ttt Her htel Parks and south ttt tlosureot the Hethtet ï¬elds in September. the l t‘lllt‘lt rt. at tltllttttersttt \\e l ‘tUll' Ie\\ett ts also frustrated by a lurk ottom- ‘.l ttett [H t t'tttt‘lt’H use the ttrst phase of rttttitit attoit hetweeii the L'II_\‘ and the sorter ' the [)ltllt‘tl txpet lt‘tl to get tttttteruat this club and satd they‘ve rttanaged to adjust to D tall mtl take up altour halt ot the erght at re the lurk ot ï¬elds part|_\ ht using eontmun‘tty t’\[t.tttsttttt rt tth tltt‘ rest l‘\llt‘l ted to he parks tn ihet it): httt those parks latk proper tll‘kt'ltlill‘d a lt‘\\ tears ll’ttltt non parLirtt,t and washroom tat‘tlities. , thitl\t‘ saal the t ttt. t‘KPI‘t ts thts ttt‘n tonstrtit ttort on the new terttetery' t\;tttlt\tttlr t‘nlll glue the t tt\ ahttttt .‘tl to :7 t'\ptttlslttlt is I‘\[)l‘tlt‘tl to he done by this " \t ns ttl tr l'lt It‘t‘» spat z‘ t)eeeitther \strlt lttlltlst'tttltllg done In next -5 _ _ fl†l ‘ ltttlttt ttlttrs tlttllttll'» approted the t'slhitt soitttrter t ‘ Qï¬ S “I l [6" sttttt tlr-sttJtt ttt lltt tall t‘ll t‘t‘tt‘t that design (rouse said the tttzhtsturrenth around V 't ‘ I '3 l.t lttttes \lltllt tor hottttretts tll nets plots a the ï¬elds tsill he taken drmri and retyeled. " \L -' V V V it lttr‘ltlttltttl error tllltl ll‘ttltl‘ ttttl ttatls t on and the mo ospre\s “ho have nests In the . " rm mtg the tar \t‘t ltrtt‘: in the t tittettt ltrzhtsttttl he rt-Iotated throughtortsultation ,1 v ttlltt‘ll‘l's txrth the ltegrort ot\\aterloo‘ Waterloo North 3hr tttssttttuxtttttsotte:ttt-lttststttsuttte |l\dro and the \ltrttstn ot the , twtttertttothelkttethtu\ltttorsttttert lttlt ltt\tioriritertt . a 4 ‘m.‘ff T h ' b ' M 11 l] g; eaC erto actton starts ay t -. l trtrttï¬tlertwtttarx truttttets are plantttttt; ittstrttrttort arttltorttprortttstng sttttlents‘ : ttth rt ltt‘lt \lttll'll'lL' \t tt t1 although a tttll leartttrttrtortdittons ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘t'ntllt‘ttt ‘t‘ tt st hoot tllstttttllttlt ‘t‘.ttttl torn ‘\\‘hat s ttttporrattt to retili/e is that the â€" -0“ lttt‘tétr trrttt t‘tltttlt‘l‘t L1H\t‘llllltt‘ltl and t)l’\lls\ want to layer on - , m. , v 11.3. .‘ - lllt l rtttr l‘l :tt tr «» hr ts lttlt‘ltllltlll ttl more ltttreaur rat \ intotheedtttation system. -â€" â€" llll‘tllltl tl‘.lst"l tltr llt'l'tl't l'ttltltt \lll‘ltl“ andtotrtprotrtisetheahtlmot tear hers todr) feï¬â€˜ . ' lltttrttl 'tss-tt t :tt tr tttttl "tr ttttt‘ttltt tttl the ‘.\ s lH'sl for our students†salrl l â€U K ‘ ’ t"lt7ttt“‘ n who tlmttt tr ttllt‘lttlltltttttt l'll‘wrlt‘tll\tlllllltllltllltllltl ' It \tlllltlt lttt ‘tr ttt tltt' 'ttl‘ ltr ttl.ttt: thattrttltidesietttoxritgrlass st/etan ' ttttxttttt war trot 1' n t ttl'slt‘ltrltl‘» L'lltttJt'lthtttttllt‘tll'»t'.tgrt‘l‘lltt‘lllstllltltlll’l'll x lltt ttllt art ‘ ~t ‘t 't wt tttl‘t the nth the hon teat hers sltottltl spend tltetr prepar I , ‘t'l‘t'll‘t rt: t tr rt tr tltt't‘t regret tttttttttttrte l lllltt'ltlt‘sl'llls ï¬li‘lKKll'll‘llll‘ll . on ‘ t- tl rt llt‘ ‘r t 'lt t tlt ‘t tt pt lltt‘lC tart gttiltltt st httttl tt‘ttt ltt‘ts .itttl ttrtaslttnal ttt t‘r ~tt llvtl ttttttynwtt’ mltttt tttttrttltttt; tt.rthetsartrtssthrptrmiitt‘ AVE . I UP TO NE W US, NEW YOU. on selected display models ' Salely Lose 2’ 7 lbs A Week Guaranteed - - . > 7 and discontinued stock 0 One Orr One Personal Conchrng 0 lrtrttwrlortltzed Programs For Men ‘ .- '4 Women 8. Adolescents ° Oval 8. Ens Results Usrng Stony): Store . . Bought roofs, Herbal Supplements ttt-am Tobe educating: of that incredible smug: O O FREE NO OBUGATION l . 14 “'5‘" Q‘Wm’m I‘m†15 MIN CONSULTATIONS " ' ' . 'm ' ‘ t l ,5 ‘ . ‘ t t HEHEPt EDHE' m c UNI/mt 11m», , - . ’ t t 4 . / Manhunt . i w hr tlxrlonr. (out 519-744.7011 298 W a" ht“) HS rm m tmm‘rltrrfli‘lwr‘lnhwrtmt Wm _, H, â€a! A t“ H I ‘ t t ‘ -‘ .139.†.. â€Us; .7