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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 8 Apr 2015, p. 3

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u ti l-HllM i (:HR()Ni(.u. - maimed“ «pm at 3015 . a . Viv ' A ' H ' f f , ~ â€"7â€" , W, ‘ t t t it (Ilii()\l( I! ,*‘*K‘ ~‘“~7Rffibâ€"~~~f~w City eg' nal election e penses revealed [a A ' t tha $24 7K on failed re ' nal chair campaign Bi Mi I h“ Minot.“ With more time, he felt his mtxsagt- mold have reached more j "1.771 pmwld 7 “WW,“ fill/iii it wit-ix leadingtoiidifft'rt'nt result. ‘ . "it would have grit-n purple more time to digest the mam," ‘ l SHILSfiad that {My}? ti\l tall \ hauling regional than «hath-tiger [at \I\‘ni he sud. Dunn}; themmptugn. his (one shifted aMiyfmm amn- ‘ ' ' ' , I tux ttill\ our “11TH that lll‘ tltllltl xiilliiill he norm tt-ntmttxianti [in narrative, tonne that included (‘UlK‘L’l'llSt’il‘Killl "1 {he I: n' m "D ii.itt<t‘t tut m i‘tillil‘l llllfiblnlflllfl'tilltl eriiigtzutx l ”PM! "111110530004 lint he illh‘\lil “wit a [N‘HHK wt thy Hittit‘ than 531 "out hr N‘Illilg, “hm \\'ii\ l'('-t’l(‘(‘lt‘tl I‘M October and n‘t‘t‘l‘t‘tl more i I a - a ( lOlLKS, went t in lib t .!ltti).ili:lt than N per tent til the \'()[(‘\ Last lot the position ind he had no lllt‘tAFTtlltilLillt'\[l'll\4\llll LN \t’.:l\lllliliiilittlt‘lt‘i'lltlll new mttintt'iilttnv\is\i‘xfiliiig, KenSciling r rm t-tttlt “tram-i! illllillt‘ tlllll \i\\<i hymn-ti iltt‘ in? i‘vr um: lll‘ N‘Illllg spent lllUYl’ than Still“! (in hi~ ttiitipaign He ttiiiâ€" } u}, lfr'mmudf 711117 tutti iii Zlillt‘\ tiltiil‘ than Hominid“ lid” hi‘tt Ytlitit; itltmziritml [rtlililt‘tl more than Swill]! from his ()\\li pocket 7 the i1'\l\\“.i\ O ”it if! than [nit l‘ lltt‘ xi lll’\ that \i\\: titt.’ lli\ liltilll t‘\i)t‘ii\4'\ m-n‘ iltiil.ili(lll\ it»: Hi Lit ill‘itn wit it in ruin-mung. iriiliikiigil xtiiri “Mum tutti IhiringtheL‘Hitltiimtxiign.Setlmgstutlht‘xpt-niabriutSZlillJ mm .ill\ lliHM‘ t in“ mi illl'tl litttlt‘ that $100 out <1:th tllIll then- “as in Int oi (”lllu't‘rll xumiiiiitling this aimpaign and ‘ 7 ,, _uu, ”a . H wit t rum-xi“ mil. (ii-it was n-flwtul in the donations and lh(’\1)llll]l(“t‘r!~lhkil tame ‘ Itopksai'lum ‘ «tit tin m \’,‘tttl<)1titifi‘ixri‘t‘ttt mints”. tilt llit‘tiittiiiiiigtt“Hit! not to help" N’ilittg \ttltl Hi~ ”Mill t’xpenw unsatiw-nising (mt ' , , , 'titttltt;iv1ltilliitl x: “int tilt 1liilt‘.ltlfi.il\tll’ltl Llil'lkiltili‘tllllllll‘N in}: mun- thtm mun He also ptm'htmxl “gm to contort” mtli ‘ 1; *. 10mg [0 bu} [ht l'UIt itr‘ttui‘tttln" l \‘\t:\iii‘lliltlflltilltHil\\lli‘ll \.l\\.1\tlltltllt'llt‘ttl\l lllt‘ilt'\\\lgill7l1rl\\ ' ..,Ilmlé¥1f()g€fln}' it: hm ril'llkiiiljl lhix was the tint tiiillpdlgll til 1“ kiittl tit then-gum and lint ; ”1356.“ng” ”IMF“ l‘l*t;)l1‘\l‘. t t‘ith‘i'flitL'W iflti‘» liar utilt‘ it i\ m if about inning “plldl til \\.llt‘rlfl11 Region (’ilillp{ilgil\ hum-wt. [m plowed and , w<~ minim it i um t'tn iiitflxii‘t mitt lltt'tt‘ \t llli t‘lltl tit tlit‘ \.ili\llt'(l that people in the rumour in im \'lt'\\, made good t'lliiltl‘N } a," t layAixxa it in t » w A in wwmg u it “w “til Mm mum-mmiiigaht-zttlandintmngutt ” 9 {in spending”Murmur: 21 w xi w H A lltlt‘tl it i 't impart v ' 1‘ ltt~ ‘tlttt, l’ttu lit-puma“ (Hill Nam NW klaittlstl'nt itiun‘tlidiiSillillltiii ho T X‘Jmlllolilitthit/m ‘ll ‘lt , ' w u 1 “Hit willllltllgfltilltll itiiii Line\littht'|lxpt'iit itiun‘tlianil Hill ‘ f illfinll'fl’jflllllllli[lull Mayor Dave Iaworsky outspent competition on his wayto victory mlmlmou (“nunBobMavimwhowasacchimedinWardLspent Chmnid? Slag about $1,600. including nearly 86“) in advertising and $175 for signs Hespent anotlterSGOOonhiswebnite. cw . aterloo Mayor Dave laworsky had a budget of in Ward 2. Coun. Brian Bourke spent about $2,060 on his , ‘ ; nearly $74,000 to spend on his successful bid for way to victory, including almost $1,200 on signs and 3700 v the mayor‘s chair in last fall's municipal election. for flyers and brochures His total campaign income of $73,824.50 included Coon. AngelaVieth spent aboutBMonhare-election j; A $22,750 from his own pocket and his expenses included campaign, including $963 on bmelrumandflyenund $408 , s $25,000 in advertising. $3,900 for brochures and almost on advertising, .. , ‘ $9,900 on signs. (Loun. Diane Freeman spent more than $8,400 on her _ m, The donors who contributed to his campaign include the campaign, including $3,000 on advertising and $3,200 on f Waterloo Professional Fire Fighters Association and a host flyers and brochures. ' '~ of local developers. including Steed and Evans. Melloul- (bun. Mark Whaley only needed to spend about $550 to Blarney. Vosin Developments and Perimeter Development win reelection. including 8125 for advertising and $325 for ‘ ~ L (nrporation, according to recently released expense docu» flyers and brochures. L ‘ mm!“ on the city's website. (inun, left Henry spent more than $4,000. including . 4.- lawomky's competitors had significantly lower budgets $i.50() for advertising. $790 for brochures and flyers and its? for their campaigns, including Erika "Daub ($36,500). Dave $775 for signs. ' MacDonald 62511!» and Raml Said (“Bl”). (;oun. Melissa Dunell. who was acclaimed in Ward 7. "g; . ~ 3, . v iawonkywontheOct. 27 municipaielectionwith about spentabour$i,2w.thebuik(sl.m5)wasiorherwebdte WMMM " - ”minnow 55percentofthevote.Traubfinishedwoondwithabout24 Newmreportforallcmdidutesismnobleonme mmmxnmwmnmmm per cent of the vote while MacDonald (I7 per cent) and Said city’s website. mmterlooca/en/govemmemlwididate- $73,000 for his m. u m (3 per cent) finished third and fourth, financial-statementsmrp. 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