l h - \\-\l l NIlKHINRONICUE 'Wednesdzy March 4‘ :trI'l Public gets its say on Woolwich Street redesign BY [AMESIMZKSON was back in November and 69 peo- F ,‘ ’. ‘ ‘7â€" include adding bicycle lanes or a plan from (100k Homes. at lit ,( ’lffl’lilileï¬‚ï¬ ple attended, provtding 140 com- . \ ‘-___.. 9’: multi-nse trail, as well as replacing Woolwrch St, was criticiyed by ments on a range of issues. front , a ‘\_ ‘, ~\ ./' / aging infrastructure beneath the area residents who were worried esidents treat the Woolwrch requests to limit the itnpact on the \\ I ~ ‘ ‘I I \‘ road l‘he approiumately 25-bit» about the impact it would have on Street area til Waterloo mil em rronnient to traffic c aiming ' \ \ ? 4 ll t metre protect will cost an estrtnat local groundwater, the coldwater get a sec-0nd opporttiriiti to measures and inc teased cycling "\ mm ' ‘- ~ ' -// ed $5.7 million, creek and the local deer popula, proiide input on the proposed options ‘ .\\““ I ' | I Ward councillor Mark Whaley [tort reconstruction ol the road at a “ l he leedbac k was generally “ s l l I ' I said the feedback he's heard on the l'he city also expanded its reach public meetitig tonight pretty positiie." said l’hil Ociic‘kf'all. 2., I. J ‘I '1 l : protect is also positive, and that on this protect. mailing notices to lhe meeting, at ltl\l Park lrom manager of deielopnir-nt engir t . 'I " - \ l people are excited about trans- residents and businesses Within , -/ I] . l H . t - r H p m , will giie the public net-ring at the l‘ll\. though some ‘ I] - . / '- forming Woolwtch Street front an 300 metres of the project. more another I hant e to inic e their c om speciï¬c ally mentioned seieral old --â€"_\ -’l I I ‘ “old style country road" with gravel than four times the typical 1207 merits and (lint erns on the trees along the road that they \ :\ I k. ‘ shoulders and narrow sections, to metre trialling distance used by the redesign “hit it strett lies lrom \\oii|d like tosee protected ‘ 5’5 .‘-’ s J a modern city street with Li wide city lltinersiti \\eriiie to itiidle trail lhere are some space con A bl" ‘ th r d H ’ rangeoftransportation options. At least one more public inptit the All\ and its consultant \sill straints lllt hiding the \lelit/er pu K mee mg on e e esrgn lite area has been the suhiect til session detailing the preferred . , of Woolwmh Street goes tonight ‘ r _ it“slt'“ the leedhack til help den-I l reek along the road meaning intense envtronrnental sc runny in design is expected some time this rp .: lh'l‘ll'fll‘tl design later this the street mil llkt‘l\ remain two option. haw been presented to the recent years. including a proposed spring If everything proceeds .ear lanes \side A total oi the redesign public h‘i home subdivision plan smoothly. the city hopes to start the Mrs: ptiblii mpiir meeting options itic hiding a do nothing larly ideas lor the redesign approved iti 301i l'he subdivision construction laterthis year Ch 1 td 1 alL'b a1 d'dt f 2015fd all t' the \\aterloo lederal liberal ol all l tit/ens, ' ‘ surpluses into Harper deï¬cits and social responsibility she spoke ol \ssociatron announce that liardrsti she “as forrnerli an exec iitiye _ inc’r'easingour national debt Wllh how "We are blessed to have on; ( hugger is the liberal candidate lor assistant to lorrner Waterloo MP ‘ policies that divtde tis universities and one college in this the .‘lll 3 federal election in the rut \tlclrt'“ lelegclr v ‘1' "I am running because i knots riding.†said (,hagger. “We need to mg ol Waterloo folloisirig a \tilt‘ at \lic' has held many roles “lllllll l (anada cart do better We can be a invest in small business, research the Waterloo Inn last m-ek the l theral Party oft anadat mt lcicl Just society of equity, inclusion and and development, and intimation ( hagger ysas horn and raised rng regional to lead for lustiti respect for all, llnder the Harper to ensure opportunities for gradii ll)l .illt she rec I't\t'1l .i st lt'llt e lrtideaiis leadershipcarripaigri 3“ governrnent‘ we have lost status on atlng students Instead of slashing degree irom the lltti\t‘tsit‘. ol liiirrng her nomination speech ‘ the international stage I want to social programs. like the Harper \Miir-rlooarid is t urrenth emplmecl ltardish said “ lhe Harper (.onser- i see (anada retcirrt to taking a lead conservatives. l support insest ii\ spet ial proiec is (I) ordinator ‘nlll\t's hate broken laith With ‘ ership roleon the environment and ment in programs that Will prtiyide at ls \\ \liiltic iiltiiral ( entre where t anadians by gtittrrig lsyotot early peacekeeping" people with the restitirc es needed she isorks to ensure the childhood ediic ation. and the E. She addressed the issties of pro to enable them to contribute to our lull â€It ltision In (.anadian society kelowria Accord . turning liberal manger vtding opportunities for votith and economy " 279 Weber St N, Suite 17 ' ,g 7, Waterloo, ON N2] 3H8 .. , ’ f tel' 519 884 4200 4 i o ' V“ n , KW Foot kwfoot.com »_ g: ' .. . ' ,1 ..,, Feet Shouldn t Hurt. 9e. ' o O . Are on tired of u I nat s ndrome? - Q w h th I I c h I th t h I ‘ "who: ‘ e ave e atest aser 8C no an a can e p. . "909333 q . Ir C Loser treatment is the most sophisticated treatment of the l fungal not! infection to date There are no Side settects, ,1 , l " ï¬â€˜i -. .4, no age limitations end the success raters high Patients X .2; i '. ore able to return to their regular octrvrtins immediately 9‘5. ,; ' ~;, _ otter the treatment _ . 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