WWCHW'Wqutzfll507 Apolitical nature of new bod discussed . Y _ . .I i By Mizussa MURRAY members Will be chosen by the armsvlength board is to foster trust it . . v 3 ' I . . ' 77v“ LNL'H‘};’JHHHA’IF _ .. region's chair Ken Seiling, the three throughout the region. if i l j 1' l X .l _ t'll)‘ mayors, as well as one toan Canada's Technology Triangle t, . i . ‘ M y s the region prepares to t rr ship mayor and five eraIt".st*c[()f ((Tl'l'), which works to attract for- ate an etonomii‘ develop members, who formed part of a eign direct investment, used to _‘ , VSPECIALS - merit corporation, a region committee that had Input on the have political representation on its a 2 _ FEB 7 al councillor is looking to have at mandate ofthe new corporation. board. including the chair and the â€"â€"â€"_â€"'â€"- least one municipal politician on Strickland said he completed a three mayors. but they eventually . .. mm “it Its board. quick search of other economic stepped away from thegroup. m WES? (bun. Sean Strickland wants the development bodies in Canada and “There used to be a time when m ‘3 m . , . 49b . I) amts’length organization to have a many of the ones he found had at elected oflictals were on the board. W â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"__M 54 democratically elected represe‘ nta- least one political represe. ntative on and that was a time when CIT real- hmflfl‘b sup M Sm PW tive on its board in order to have its board. ly struggled. Part of the struggles - - mm m ‘2. ' . , . . , . ., .990. I), some oversight of how it is han» "I think its important; itsa lot of were actually a result ofthe elected m ‘4.†0. 433â€"4†dling up to $2 million in public taxpayer dollars and economic officials being on the board, so : I :'- I M Waugh funds each year development is critically important when there was general weenient M “as I). M849 la. m m M :2 79!: 92.29†Strickland brought his concern to the future of our community.†that that would no longer be the 34 m 3‘ 49 BUT! mm 2.59 . forward at a public meeting last Strickland said. "I have every conï¬- case that‘s when CTT found its ' h . 5- AM week, where re resentativcs from dence that the business sector lead- stride." City of Kitchener CAD Jeff "' m" In the dead of winter we " - '3 P a "a , a - . i , MSSWGh‘lmï¬u! ., y local councils wen pit-suit. ers that would come forward would Mllmer said. W I†can link: your tummy 1 -. t The economic development do an adequate lob. but I also think Cambridge Mayor Doug Craig, e TIT "ml" -I "i. my kw hwy! V J’; corporation's board Will be made there should beat least one spot for who sat on C'l'r's board when it ‘ _ ‘ ’ ‘ _ n _ - ,. up of between nine and I2 mem- an elected representative.†began. agreed. saying the corpora “ *‘ ’ ' 4‘ ' l ‘ l I 17“ (IIâ€"(339.43% hers with a range of skills from a But Cambridge's chief adminis- lion needs to begiven theopportu< ' r >' *sTt‘l‘Il'ltli‘t "r t i crosssection of sectors, primarily trative ofï¬cer (iary Dyke. was quick nity to succeed, with politicians . ‘ from the private sector. Those to point out the reason for the watchingfrom thesideflnes. . 4 l-4\‘:' '-::4“‘ MW Tran31t putting pressure on tax rate \ a: m. , . . a. a». "an“ â€" ‘ "’."' . Continued frompage6 last year. council voted deferral) is something we a. “w W . ~-â€"» -. ‘ °’ L to defer 025 of the RTMP did last year reluctantly. and 1:1": .â€" ‘ :- 4 4":MN > :1 But some ('Ullnt illors are allocation to 2019 andthat l for one said we need to has.» 37.: ‘ _'_" ’m 33 looking at potentially adding (lt‘t ision means a 0.75 per look at that as time goes on ï¬x “it: ., '1 4 f I: items, smh as keeping the tent llt( reuse is estimated to see what we can do to at“ "a. ' 4...... , ' rural waste transfer stations for that year 7 triple the mitigateil." L‘u... 13“!“ .. open or keeping .i rural illlllllllll that was deferred. Strickland said he is open 51". ~ 3" ‘ emergency response unit. to “M like to see it made up. to the idea. but only â€Viom hm; 4 I 1"" . 1 4g i help with illllllllltllllt’ hiit I don't want It to he can he made Within the i“. T ' a t a :"t responsi- lllllt'\ nude iip lit the t ost (ll ii sit: budget "If it washes otit that ,‘5-2' 7 4.‘ --~â€" 1:? m-m- ‘ 3%; (min ltlll‘ i..i!lot\iii niht .int rate on ll‘.t\t' this we are still able to get iii m... gull! , *3; would like it; we iiitoirim Muir lint ll m- (till mitigate around 2 3 per cent some ‘ " W "‘3 ‘ . lion .ihoiit titltllliu ii 'i I ltt‘t ’ltttl l1 7') in .‘lll‘l hi halt in him lt.in support ll. but ‘ inns -‘ , . ‘ ll‘lll lllt :t‘il\l‘ tin the Height-t lt‘\\ lllilll llilll Willi .: \llltlll l in not in .i position right 4 l "'; "aâ€! .’I~'% it litiiistmt‘ with: \l.;~'wi l'lst‘\lllll‘lll llll\\l‘ill [hi-ii ltl nim where I want to .itld â€t 44... i .. v 4’. 3i l‘ltoi li‘l\ll' likt iii trike» look it thiit oniotlmt:HSpi'rtt'nt" 4 li illlt‘tttl‘. ~1‘l'u , ‘ l 1w: (Millimin s.iiil [his budget does have its f D t ' tt‘lll llttlt‘tl\t‘ in“ “ \t‘tl We hate it llltllt‘ tiri'sstirt's ititltiillttgt‘zipitttl ’ .- llllll; RUM iii pm. llll this lilHlllf lllll‘ liiiilpi‘t this \l‘iil lll\t‘\llllt‘lll\ on light r.iil *‘A'M' Lipid lltillslf iii l illl lllltlt’i‘ "um l\t‘l,il\(‘lltltl lllllll‘l.1\l llttll\ll lllt‘fl' \\2I\lil\(.\1$l b gighr Mil [mum ii kiii llt llt'l lt‘i‘t ih ii tllit‘\lll llt't l‘\\tll llllllltlll shortliill troni red illltl ‘t‘iiiri i 'l‘t l' i: '3 ii » iiii iii in new: it. smi' light i.iiiii-t.i and lines from t'\‘lilllsil ii lll‘ilill l ll vi ti‘iiilir»t;.iliitii'wit ‘.\il\‘lll liltl‘»lll4lill tilli'iiit‘s. .itttl lurisii uiiiiiiihiiti l'ltlllt"i lhu :ti\\t‘l.l\\t‘\\ll|t‘lllgrllwlll Ilealtby Iastes Great . 7H5 0â€â€ 0N5 WWW†WORKS MR YOU. ' ' ' ' Safely Lose?- 7|bsAWeek...Guoronleed ( Ulllt‘ llll lt‘ltl\ Allltl t'lll(l\ Hill llt‘.llllll' - i lii'e.il\'l.ists, ltiiit lies, out ks, .llltl treats f I: , . One-On-One Personal COOChmg 4 " .ï¬: ‘ . ~ . a prepiit-tl tl.lll\ hum st MIL h llL‘lt' ‘ t I 0 IndiVIduolized Program For Men, / in out lsllt llt'll \iithtiiit ,iiii .itltlitnes, ' "‘ ‘ -. . Women & Adolescents lirt‘st‘t\.ttl\t‘s or .ittihtiil liltll't‘tllt‘llls. L/ o QUiClt8tEOS Results Using Grocery Store s i i, vi n i l . _ l a}??? Bought F0018. Herbal Supplements I . v a s . I [at In ° lake ()ut ' (.atering l FREENOMAM . W ' " ’“ l5MIN.CON$llMTlON$ m - i Healthy( â€All , . WATERLOO mum rm! no“: HAKFRY CAfl I '5' '.l IL DI IE 425 UniverSlly Ave~ E W’eckdau 4 am 5 pm, Saturday 8 an: 5 pm (UniverSIty & Bridge} WWWlDElEXJIGBCU'n - - moavmponfldtatmmetdl,l~atedoo Sl‘lâ€"89R<R)()§ - 519744701] . . -. in . it ' . l ( ( ( A . L'ke US on lehï¬ he. lXIlON-PCO'“