WWW-WednesdayDeoember [12014-5 City gets some support to deal with wastewater emergencies BylAmlnsm . (:hmm‘cieSm/j ~ ’ '7 responding to water \ A i _ 1‘ Rod wastewater emer« \ ' D- \ ' encies in the City of I Waterloo should be quicker ‘ | I A m ‘ (x I ‘ and easier now that the city r '- \ has entered into a provincial , ~ . ‘ \ aid agreement known as the - V ' Ontario Water! Wastewater F ‘ ‘ .- - Â¥ ‘ Agency Response Network ï¬t» . , . (OnWARN). «I. Last week, council have a ' W, ~ I comfort Plus approved a memorandum of a" ' '3313523,‘ . 7 . . l understandin with the “73L: 12'†‘ ' "5 ~'-~ ' ' Wm, agengy “the.†W1 .. a celebrates their member municipalities ‘mszï¬, "I g . share equipment, expertise . ’3 ,_ - “A 4, 4 and knowledge in the event '33,: Ma?“ f». 1,; I .. 4th yea I' In ofa humanâ€"caused emer- » .‘~: . P" =§§’Z"T‘T"L'4~ -".‘: lat-r" I - gencyor natural disaster. at? % ~ _. :Jilï¬v".:â€â€™i‘}5:g§3;'ll 1"f‘ 5 bUSIneSS W'th “It's really about water 1' - , _. 7, and wastewater utilities -' uvI‘QiHQF’r-V‘Qe13"" “ - super deaIS helping other water and WaterbohasjoinedtheOnWARNsystemmorespoodto ' wastewater utilities,‘ said wastewater emergencies rumor!) in a H Denise MCGoIdrick. director of water services at the City The Water/ Wastewater answer calls or in uiries of Waterloo ‘There is an Agency Response Network from thepublic. q d C‘ p a rtm e n ts agreement put in place up was established in the Unit- “We don't have a call cen- ' front, prior to any emer~ edStates shortiyaï¬er Hurri- tretiiatcanhandiehundruh gency occurring. and it caneKati'inainZtXISquickiy ofcallscominginduringan PLUS establishes the framework to ovemheimed the local water emergency,†said ' ' ' enable quicker response,†and wastewater utilities in McGoldrick. “We will have The extreme flooding in the southern states and staff answering the phones Calgary. Toronto and Missis exposed weaknesses in the but many residents can at sauga last year opened the wastewater management frustrated because the city's eyes to the possibility system It hm since spmd to phone lines are tied up" - of risks to its water and nearly every state and to Aside from providing lu- '- wastewater utilities and Albertaand Ontario. updatesontheirwebsiteand V prompted staff to look into in passing the OnWARN social media accounts. the . ’7 joining the response net» agreement. council author- city will update operators at ‘ work ized staff to spend up to 21] to rdayIO citizenswhen 1" ' ' ' Waterloo represents the “0.000 per emergency theycall. 40th Ontario municipality to event without council These services are avail- M WM], > ]()ln ()nWARN. and other approval If costs exceed able at no charge between local members include that. staff will seek council the hours of 7 am. and 7 Kitchener. Guelph and Flora. approvals pim. Municipalities can also ()nWARN requests Council also approved purdiaseblocksoftimeout- Int Illdt' supplies or eqUip- partnering with the tele» side of this window during lilt'lll‘ such as watermain phone helpline 2|] to hanr an emergency. \EiI\‘t'\. pumping trucks or dle non emergency calls (Iosts to market 211 to ( Iit'llllt al supplies, and during a crisis or emergency citizens of Waterloo will be allows quicker collalxnation The partnership allows the drawn from the existing Fire on eiiii'rgr-ncy (‘Ullllligt'nt‘\ city to leverage the larger Services emergency man» plans telephone network to agement operation budget Season Soonsov -I‘I-vâ€" F Conodo's Ballet J " RGEN THE NU I CRACKER presents A CANADIAN TRADITION December 28, 2014 - 2pm & 7pm W'th We "“19va klll HINDI l‘AlFIltH Centre In the Square, Kitchener i SYMPHONY Tickets available now! 519.578.1570 - centrelnthesquarecom ' WW», , nun Orin-1.51.".