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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 26 Nov 2014, p. 27

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wanna» Calumet): - Wednesday, mans” 26.2014 - 2i ' ' ‘ -E GMT Arman. 2 RETAIL STORE mom i .IJ'VO'hI [0' flat. LANGs g .r bedroom dose to all Shop Space Rare shoe HARDWOOD ‘ incomes good for sen 9mg cont" ram! store Bad" Reg' M0fl03fl03 FLOORTNG it)! Located at 47 Bry- space with back shop t , "a". ' 3‘ hr turn-around any W beck Cr mm one area Guelph Cat! or t .t ureenwtn W m the “w W90“ any am no M' R j l‘ partuno Andante now smart for rntorrnattcm . .. area Responsmtetw tncvmewsmrons w “sf Him a H aw tnctuded tor My Cat Atom rtsn A350 ‘ A ' n . . ' the upkeep ottherr 5'3“” WWW“ sowed IIIIUIMg £00 per month Knch‘ mates errted Real Es I ' , desrgnated Drooem oanltur'tdowfls M “and "I" h”- enert Watertoo Catl Dan we Brokerage Kennett. t tndudtng attnecesraty smicgai'mocufi): 51} M" a. r 519-74‘6954 Frsh Blotter of Record . PARTJIME work requtred tc mam (3:10 515969147308 22 >*‘*â€"~ 3653224066 tam the hrghest have» at _ ‘ %sfiAi ‘ Metrotand Medta IS Iooktng tor a pan-tune ad buttder to wont In the Watertoo Reqron appear to me property égiwfiféyn Hm at m 512%? I)“; 553:“? The posrtton ts scheduted up to 24 hours per week It you have strong knowtedqe at [wertence recurred Corp m mg? ‘ a... SW m if“ m Shoo- , - anoshoo tttustrator Acrobat and tnDestgn‘ a mrntmum at two years ot graontc deSIQn swam satary ODD m Expenanrad all“. ”rm” "0 an", Guelph Ca" . r . 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Kenneth rtsn Broker or ‘tndUStfy Canadtan Record Sus- meta] msoosat tree a", "g‘msogzl 93"; hydro Cruse to Record 866-8224066 ; - Work for a wellâ€"estabttsned and respected company connected to your Cleaners penston tCnrnrnat par- removal and more gun“! mas room‘ schoots shops transrt communmes Dom suns record Honest and rename vm 513:9 W salon swank”. - Be part 01a company that t5 ccrnrnmed to provtdtng a hearthy and sate work Wanted]! “WM“ WW WM Local 2267923767 Bachelor "of“ 3755 vs WW kawoemlta ‘ environment Dayome aweventng ‘90“ WW WW "5" "W KIM" t 1mm 33.45 2-; from SPACE smons avalatte ptoyment busmessr 3985 P 1 cm ' m ACCOUNTABILITIES 9° my”, raver memo 00W .5 .o:"""::°‘ 5% mmwm'hu?‘ a”: - Layout and down otamemsements soocral punttcattons‘ and Internet promottons Bonuses Mm tattoo peace 01 "W7 A Adam, To book a tour rwmmwmm‘fi'm _ . te and meet the rec consuhznon I 1 _ 555 Km FOREST Revrew ads created trom outsme sources to ensure they are compe Hmng tor the 1.300347%“, - at 5 9-091 1 . Huts mum: Dec 151 a h... 9.0.1 co. more , techntcal requrrements at the newspapertPDF tormat) Northfietdtechnotogy ‘3 . 3 BR Dickson! ‘MW' Mo 5196158986 or - - Create ads from hand sketched and/or wrttten descrtpttons and modrh‘ exrsttng ads Campus M) mm "m, ' room ”WWW ear 519267-5510 wnrte ensuring accuracy oetore returnmg to sates representattve for twat approvat [rages basedonew Don‘t tet your past mm \A ‘ . _. In kitchen 2 my mm» - Manrpulate photograohs usrno approprtate soMre‘ as recurred Lair 1790562415068 your career puny Sure. I; rooms tin-shed tamw f - Retrteve old ads from vartous medturns and mood/Z as recurred 1989 commonly hst Ru -t [r , W room‘ doubtew can > - Occasrortalty wort dtrectty wrtn Ctrents andr‘or Mar ettno AgenCIes on the desrgn 0t mordabte ~ A. 888 rIIâ€" "‘ “ ‘ ' m "It. not, tame yard mm ms mg Emmoyment and deck $1390 0 untrttes . «aver treaoom Call tor Apt:- 2264444900 tt worms tor a htghty energtzed competttrve team IS your race. envrrortrnent‘ DO - tree tnto ”“31“” Great 2 and 3 please ematt your resume to 5W pardon) r4365. 727355 bedrooms across I LAM: but». * mrttamneumtmooutmuu by November 2!, 2014 W060" w. Rgmgygvourfigcom Ma 1003 Tm ham Farrvtew Mat! m m M In”: Thank M Mr yourtr-terest Onty those modulates selected tor an rntervtew Wt be contacted 50’“ w" No ”5' Mount“, ‘ ‘ "‘ "‘ " SW“ ‘°""“2"'"1 ‘ e . , . ~ Eng. agg‘wmnoat a: Mn c mm .0 new: I. wow 2 Thurs-Sat team A 3am , , . W " - no r 3 bedroom t5 SID-.45.?“ . Q . 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"" â€" "W' A“ 51” 3 tamer m mgnat pun: and Donne advenrsrng sates Your new career 4n advemsrng wttl f m . ‘ t - < ‘ r r Us? Tm. 2 It": ___._ Deon own an enengrve to week teteononercrrospecttng tratntnq program at our Cambrrdoe ‘\‘ 4’ 30mm W ontre tctttowea Dy 3 weeks tramtng tn lace to face prospectrna oresentatmn and clostng ‘7 W REMOVE' R II D 0 WW laundry “5‘ W Ther'arrdtdate we seek wott demonstrate exceottonalabrhttesm I y,‘ Deecks Sh d's 23331123" Miter? route 2 burnout trot-n PM - Prospectmq and rtosmg wstomers mm amentsmo sates DODOflunttrEs .m Aroma ‘ E - Cle - t 31050 mm "or c ll M M newspapers dtgttat on we and WaoJao 8115ttt£w> Sch“ vs Stare can-out em Movtng "00 W ‘5‘ months rent . Cotd-r;atlrrtg new qr out setytred busrnesses tr Waterloo and related «rem AVa'laD‘e EaVeSthghfi‘eanmg ”W‘“ “m mama" SPA - “watt” thtnktng «we and an abrr‘rty‘ ttr problem who F". ”NT“ - W 8053mm M-w'“ u 3. Around. 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I, r tr‘ e A, " ‘.‘ m mg no Mu "w 1min 1;; u- ‘3” RENOVATIONS Tums Madame Art arm yr "$137M :J'qmmn ‘ . , httt'mre‘i ~' WW” " rt» '7 on“ T'u’ ,‘vrarr‘ r "ere'h at‘tVWTt LARGE M0 3" ""4 OneCa‘tDoest'A "V3” 51,775“ Having: V A 1.0 ”why“ mt wanted Star‘ saw; v” r4301 we Contact? Ban-”W“: I“ ”m a n'nm‘ MW toa‘ Jet net - . ;.r‘.mmp‘1 We” ‘ r ,r w , J V“, a“ Wm M mm , Nr'~‘ “a” "tu'rchS ct was“ r: Euro-rum tr tccers Marshâ€"MN» , , 'rt W MW. ‘, ‘H on We ran Iasvh it A ‘omrvwerctatWorv - it" txnt’tgtrrJtrttJ‘ttt or To" ’ “J F” mom u" N‘ ’0‘: '0‘: W or swat OAnggD . Mama Wm“ . _ , ‘31,, 1‘ g “1 NW 519â€"589-1553 r m . < r,- r Madame tart rmnesssurteut UNIVERSITY "in“. t rt,g‘vrru‘»;fl;1 My» My 1 4 .rrr r ‘ “up 1 A ”my :4 ‘rrw‘ my 1 ,r now Rates 123" 4‘ 't'WKE’VllNQ NM warhtnq distant? to um _ , ‘ rt . My “"1 Jr at} r 4 tr ‘ wt that. wt 9 1'9 ‘flqt‘trat: You 91""rD‘t‘t‘t rt r WW {mm tmnt' We ‘ rnatrttarmd th'tQ 10"»th huge ‘trntshed ‘ “ “ 1wtp‘ttr ' trdrmtwt w” "151‘ tr "t 'r V ‘trt AHVttr‘W‘Y w r up up“ annt My 0', man ‘0' m ‘STFRstrm «no how tn ttcertsert town . "Mr {H ”out or "tome tat: art'nrme ‘wmrrrr drswunt'vnm my ‘roe Dannng rm . V R00 8H 35 ‘R r Q05 $800 A 3900 per mm tawdry $475 tr‘ItuStW 14 pm Mr mt r t. , y.“ a, vtt rm n Home tvtt A“ no at Mon th‘tl 36‘ “53 AWN Wm, .g respertmhr Amtan» harbor ”mm“ A Mam. tr 4 W‘ rtgttn ' v rm, 1‘ r: rarnttrw Murat 'r n" aw t" "1 Wu MW”) ‘ [tuemmrtst armory t‘jatt tr um ‘ "' a harm; 'ft‘t'ItT any rt ‘1 ‘1'» «rut “"L“M"" warm" M ~ ‘ (apes thrary Pam shew,“ my RM ‘1“ “ ttfe‘PstPfl t'a‘tdrtldtus at» Axlr‘t.‘ w mm 'rw ammo m, Nttuwrrf‘w “4 ‘ n1 Mm: HASP ‘1 I m .tl (tats available for All “2;; u":fl'::,‘;' _‘, “mm ‘79 A””””“‘5 H““’”"”“"'” 5 "ENHANCE Your InIt‘rtltr Varmint): Nut-(IS at Vets Rum-mm m Manner Ruben! Manama Man-w 5°00 5 381’ CW" smvrnq rm» Krtrhener/Watmtno arm; “Hutu: Need to sell :75 Human on" "Mt- or Bonk- sw mm outmoo rt ORIDA ‘ ,, Can-mm. on an an Love... on. Colour Consultmg . rtmamtm.~- Mr your car. hMunonOc-mbfldinlmu a (No “one“ Rehab“ - “womb“ " CW! WW u» ~ h t ' ”flu” ‘ our." nrndm‘ rnr ‘ ‘4'" ' 1‘ [mart my, ptPTOrrod pr“ t an. tmn ,.. n My Mm; r H ”.1,th r r M t M!” t MW! “my ‘4 H.- a (nil tr tr Murrow m,- r, m» ,, mat on «r 4‘ ram an A1 rt no rut rm w “""W‘ 22103573.” "‘ ; N ““1? ;\ Vin-hammer:- ‘ it: "'1?“ K"; ': I aorta-um: ‘ v ~â€"- ~ m an»: s: u Sun. In Winner: 00: rm 3% ‘ ”7 33° 0‘" ' r _ at - w ‘ we do; ”of r “a. F23; rt‘rrru'ttltCHRONle ' «Items ’ ‘ " ‘ ' 4‘ u.‘w"u‘¢~ar tuner. : ‘ 'm ””9

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