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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 26 Nov 2014, p. 10

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' io - wan-moo CHRONICLE - Wednesday. November 26‘ 2014 Not much help at City hall . - Region of Waterloo Continued {mm page, _ . I I y l ‘ In documents submitted a u '6 ‘ 0 Ice to countil Monday. a letter _ . .» s 7 ' it 1;”, - from UlD to the church ‘ .r‘VHfin‘” e » . . . - .. . , was 3' fir -- ', a \ gfiéeggcélépjgli 31::th , ‘35,?4'!‘ 71"?" ,4 ahffifi, « m *' Regional Municipality of Waterloo engage in a Mom with 5L . ~ r“: 3: ' ‘ all; f" ”v T’ . ‘ t ‘1 . . . . . ‘ - , . ' ‘ 3». ‘ w :1:- ', v " L)», 2015 Citizen Appointments to Boards, Commissmns. 2322'; “ggfmaifgrfgfifi . L ‘ - . 9‘. ‘ ‘1 . « ‘2? in Advisory Committees 8. Special Purpose Bodies described by um at an “olive - - . _ 23’ l ‘r l i ~ “ ‘4‘- ' " ' - , i ' l 1 Each year the Regional Municipality of Waterloo advertises for applications from the public and appoints citizens to tan ”WEE” . . V ’ ' bus Boards CommrsswnsAdvrsory Commmeoemdoflrer Special Purpose Boaissrequlredtoraparticular yearlsior , "59 negotiations ’ . A . Council term or office These apporntrridrits give citizens at this Region, from a variety at backgrounds, an opportunity included a request from U”) r: r 8.: -t. to volunteer and become actively engagedasarrlemberotaBoard. CommiSSion‘Adi/isory ComrnrmeeorotherSoeCial 10 US? UP ‘0 {OUT parking " I H- Hg- ‘l r Purpose Body spots on church property 24 . d ‘ - P5 , interested Citizens and incumbent members are minted to apply tor apporntment to any of the toliowinq: hours a day and seven days a ‘ 'L - I Adult-mutton limiter-mutant) “Eek ha” 32995:? a" space M u " , i-.. _ a mmreqwredloratourâ€"yurtemiandlrigDecember31,2t)taandmpenonroquiredtoratvvo-ynr aovetec Uri: oraswmg . . , . term owing December at 2016 where possible pretererice will be (men to applicants from the tour l4) rural Area crane. access to the house on xETgrgnogflitajgpma Ethwch dd" 1 get many answers at my MWlCroallbes the property for use as an y g ' “M‘ The Active transportation Amway Committee wrll serve as a forum tor the public to ram their viewpoms on particular office, and subterranean new development. “To date. inspectors have acme ”mm" Bst W10 3W “090131 WE” and station Wilma and Wm issues Residents with rights to land beneath the "The drawings submitted been on site and they have Slim and demonstrated 91W in who and Wm areas 0' concern are 8W '1 300W church to drill foundation to the city were to our satis» not found such a violation." I mimmmmm supports, UlD also wanted faction and we believe that Mayor Brenda llalloran FM We recurred tor glint-n- lIrrn mic December 31 20” Perm with Wedge interest, proles’ the church to drop its 0MB the proposed constmction 15 told Monrnrte the City under 5003' and/or ”Chm“ Wmmm '" “MM '30“ related 1° 59'3" “CW and WW areas 35 MY appeal under compliance With the stands the church's concerns 93°” "WWW! "”0390“! forestry “mum” environmental “WW“ Mill ”"3me and urban/rural In return the developer (building) code." said Ralph and asked Rapp to meet inth p "m 3" raged 0 apply offered to pay up to $2.000 Kaminski. chief building offi- the church to clarify the city's WWWW ("PM per month to relocate the cial with the city "Through- role in the development and Mmrequrrodtorathmâ€"ywbmendrngoecemw “'20" TheHentagePlanningMyisoryCommmee priest and his family during out the process there are enlorcmg property and advisescnnogional heritage issuesandpolicns. in accordanceMththeRegional Official Plan TheCommrttee also . . ‘ 'I‘h d} 1 ti) b th build b ld' t' d d assists the Region in promoting Regional heritage and in increasing public understanding ol herrtage issues construction. 9 eve oper inspec ( “S y e mg “I“ mg 5 an ar s r W M Inna-y W300"! had at one time also offered inspector and if the budding Mr. Rapp mil be In touch M a a one-time payment of inspector finds there is ii and we'll set up some meet- ponons required tor a three-you tum ending December 31 201 r Persons who are non-farm landowners in - V . . . proxun‘tty to the Klssrng Bridge Tramway it my ol the communities in which the Trailway is located are encouraged to $20,(X)O but rescinded it in a contravention of the build ings and go through all of apply The Trailway Myisory Board advises the County at Wellington and Regional Councrl on the development and later offer. ing code we would Wk" ”“5 ‘0 everybody l“ on lhl’ managomemol the Tmlway City staff fully support the at‘tlon, same page.‘ Hallriran \dld. WMWWMWWMkMMMHWC) mmreouwedloraflrmbrmendeecemberflerOW Permresrdmorowmngpropertyinme . , L aurel Creek Headwaters Envrronmentalry Sermon Landscape in the Townships otWeilesiey‘ Wilmer or Wootwicri or the My at Waterloo are invited to apply The Laurel Creek Headwaters Envrronmerrtalty Sensitive Landscape Public Liaison Committee serves as a communityrbased lorum to monitor discuss and provide periodic adioce to the Region on how - best to implement the might/es ol the Regional Planning Poltcres for the Laurel Creek Headwaters Emrironmentalty Regm Of waterlOO Sensrtrve Landscape . I PM An My Committee (PAM!) M persons required tor a three-fur term ending December ill arm The Region at Wanerloo Public Art Advxsory i”omr'iittee develops art: recommends policies tor the selection acquismon display retention maintenance storage and de accessionlng at public art which is owned by or on loan to the Region . Specialized transit Semen My Cum-inu- (SM) \ Five m recurred lor a twoâ€"nu term ending December 3‘ 20‘ 6 The Spec ializec Transrt Sen/ices Aavrsory Com _ mittee will advise and provide asastarice relating lo the development of Special Transit Servvres polioes and sen/ice "once of PM comp'eflon that best meet the needs at the communrty iii-moo Region Homing Operations Amman Commune mutual Water Supply m ”an Update 00° W "~*<il-‘"PC ’9' a "rm-r" ”tr" WW 0606”” 5“ 90” The person "W ”8'09 in "‘9 Ctr 0' ‘53" The Regional MuniClpallty 01 Waterloo lRegion) r- moloied an update to the Water Supply Master Plan bridge The Advisory mmmrttee provrdes input and mtormation to assrst Regional stall on a variety ol matters that lor m Integrated Urban System HUS) which m drinking water to the cm W Cambridge Kitchener attract Waterloo Region Housmq This comrnrt‘lee will also protrude guidance and assrstance on recommendations that and Wat and to areas In the T . 01 m Dumfries Wilmot and Wool U} My originate ”rim tenants «tall or community members it would be beneficial lor community representatives to have ‘ 50 a mud“ w a demonstrated Moment)» ir areas sorh as rnmr'iunity nousrng pinqrarris property manaoemer“ and tnmmunrry This study was conducted In accordance Mm the recoirements of the Master Planning process ll! ll’if‘ develoomer: Municipal Class Environmurml Amt. Perwsmtr-rpstmr writ r; ax a i’nrnmrttee member mustlilerir rlDIrlli alipn with the Reginna r lent prim: tr d W; " By this Notice the updated Master Plan (MP) lS being placed on the public record The MP wrll Dr ”in Friday Hermite” ‘ we The lop'rratinri tom and the Termrr N Helm-mo ’nr the listed ifhmmittees are lvaildi’llr available for public revrr-w from November 28 20m in January 39 2015 both dates inclusrve at "w or the Reqirir wvhsrle ,i by irritant-nu 'tie Regional Clem < 0an tnllowmg locatronsrsr To View the apple all» a' it the 'PlT'T‘ pl Rnlerenr e tor the vapour r llrl"'i"l’P‘r v We Region 2 Alabama , me,“ S 0mm End ”00, R890” of Waterloo '60 Regen“ Street rrtrhenpr ON N2l', it y ’l a fin tr awn 'innrintwaterlo'i ca m , . {Wm W Mirna m‘vwmw MN MW My“ - Clerk s Office City nl Cambridge 50 Dickson Street cambridge UN NW 881 . Cele-(t "MPMAS ”my” - l'ilerll 5 Office liity pl Krtchener 200 King Street West Kitchener ON N26 46,7 ' Wm “WM“ “WWW“? - Flori s Wire City of Waterloo l00 Regina St South Waterloo TlN Mil 4P0 . r .7, a , t I , :0?“ a": “a: (’1 025;“: “;"‘”‘T:;’ R ‘ I 1 I q - om s more Township of Wooiwicn 24 Churrh Street West Elmira till we so his in prma mayaw nrar om Pr) Ken 0 wirrriaiirni- ‘iy r rllr'llq lrvv'rrriiiirrr-Mi“‘i ‘ " _ “93 0' try mum muwmfiwo'mmmm m - Glen 5 Ohms Township oi ermrrt 60 Snyder 5 Road West Baden 0N, MA MI Advertised vmes on a partirmar nmrnirter- may he tilled by or umhents mow terms my? “JOHN! am when“. - clerk s Office Township nl North Dumtries iti‘l Greenlield 8031M!“ Fambndge 0N Ni R ‘85 the number mama: marries may We: From the number til advertised marines All 80‘)lean Wil‘ 'rr We when Ann nn the web at http “www reomtvvaterloo cal‘enlaboulTheEnvrrpnrrmt/MasterPlansanderects asp . 0!)!le about the outcome of their explication ll is exporter: that all appointments will be finalized and aprirrrvnn ‘ by Regional Council no later than ‘t'b'tla/r‘ ‘l Ell" nteresten persons may prpwde written comments to the Region s Protect Manager Am F Prowl t Manager Dave Arsenault M Sr Pine Sailor Prpyed Engineer, mmmgfliolwaterlrxr ran Director Council a Mmtnistrativn ‘iervires ill-caviar r lerl mg 5/5 4757 L168} r50 Frederick Street 7m Floor Full details at this notice and rnritact inlnrmation to available at the Region‘s Public Notices webmoi’ at mm Onlam Nil; 4 ll www regioriolwaterloo on Public Notices link in It. hp right at the homepage Personal information ‘s rollerren inner the author h, iii the M tr lifilili fl.r 4V1 «iii iv land in determine surtabilrty tor N You have any trouble WW M m“, a.” Obtain a m" copy m any public not“? please ‘ r‘nfrrr l aomnhrienl Questions malaria ”‘1‘"?er at :ww at with W more be “new '0 in WWW 6’ W the lClerk's office at 5196754420 or and ionalderlr terloo ra ‘ vs 4493 on” m the Regional Clerk W '99 W

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