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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 5 Nov 2014, p. 24

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24 I WAT H“ ( KHIHIIONICLE ' may. November 5. 20” u a .'::‘:,_..-L...::.L'§A:M:~"...-:f7 " “â€" .- WT: ' ”I...“ :55... 4 “WW W ‘ H ., 7 7’ M- .5. 5.5.5 - - .5... - » **** u 5.. --. ,.._._._-_.._..-.......-- -_â€"â€"e-_.__.5.___....5._5.. 5-5-55.5..- â€"--‘uhl ._ ._.:- _ 4,-" N 7' 1:; T::T;L.l:..._-.,m 5:: 5.- 51:: i ‘ .171": W I l l ‘th-h V.-- _.__...-.. V _ V H.-- A .5 .5 , _ .m..- .V-r.-..._..-_._. -_ .5-.- A, , innâ€"J...- 55.5, 5. ,. -5 - 5 . 5,- 5, 5.... _. .. 5.- -_- ,5 _ - , ‘ I I I I I I BIRDM S1 ' I ‘ Stuntman VL g l fi‘"“7l‘”l. Sfa‘ e "' ‘ \t knobs. ltt‘kt’ts arr $25 to $41 ltIr mart; -. ‘ .prés’evntx lllt' Nu Jul] | Moran NighL Nm H‘ 'th ‘\ngl1t'un Church, Z'thttt-r \t V ‘ Krtt‘ht'ut-r ‘ Information call 513638-5353 8:30 pm \‘mt kwtqumom (um ltt Mu Mr $20. $13 fur sllldt'lll‘ and wmmx BOILER ROOM SUITE lhe Douglas Watson Band perform? w1th Kant» I l I ll a enes ltN and Inuml lhvatrt' l)l’l'\(‘l1l$ Butler Room MY (9} Temple ”1:01 ”13‘:me and “I“ “33"" L - ‘ * ‘55.: \ _ . , . ‘ , , Nov 8, 8 pm” at the Royal (anadlan Legron m um , [\m .1 It] Mn 1‘» 8 p m l_pn1tnldll KINDERCONCEHT Branch ”530 Vow 8 9 p m at 19 Regina St N :1‘th’tu_tlthv :2“ “(”01 I Ill-um“ q ‘3'”??? M ”'0 KjW Symphony PWWNS a Kinderconcert Waterloo. linkers aha $10 invadmncet $15 at thtL cm 0F WATERLOO MUSEUM ‘ d ‘ r 0‘" “”“r‘ ‘ ‘ 1“ “W0” ” 0‘“ teatunng musty from around the world, Nov. 8, (100,13115193475925 The (My ofWaterloo Museum prt'scnts ( luv ht Irn(-Ivssm:~.\ and tiffllrdflhl‘; homing} will}? 1030 am” at [he Waterloo Region Museum, 10 time: Portraits of P(’l'\('\-‘(‘ran('t‘ at Work, m In” M)“ ”‘9 I“ w" "r" SI“ “’ 5-9 ( “H ’ '1" “4 Huron Rd. Kitt‘henor. Admission isfreeand m 30. at Conestoga Mall, \(lynsxtun 1s lrl‘t' \‘mt ‘” “ma" “m“‘h‘m I‘"WM"”mam“m' “' tickets are available at kwsymphonyra For ”W's pug BLUES SHOWCASE waterltxxcat‘museum WY mom Information call ”19’7““qu Marty‘s Pub Blues Showcase Ctmtmuvs wtth UPTOWN GALLERY THEATRE ON THE EDGE TRANSFORMATION STAUON ”WW1 ltscom and Ma" Wi'ldlngt‘fi N!” I l‘ 7 lhe Uptown Caller) prt‘st’ntx Rt-clarmtmn m l'hcatrv (m the l tlgt‘ l)l’l'\t’lll\ “H, tntprm lht‘ lahn M.llar1x‘rljl)raryh()st\ lramlnrmtt p,m.. at 272 King 5!, N Waterloo. l "‘0 Nm ”it at tthaterltm lawn Square lnr tnnrv Hum-11x ”on lllllISLLH at H I) m at ”w“ {tn-r Iron Station Nm' 8, l pm” at 300 l'lM‘hl‘f’Hdll- Informatttm \‘hll upttM'ngullorywutt‘rltm ( um loo (Alll‘ll'nlllllh \rl\(.l‘l1ln‘._’4 Rt‘glnd St N ”I‘mlR‘d A t1Waterl0u.ljeaturvsjltlralartlsls‘ THEMUSEUM \\‘alerlt)0, Admissltm 1» $3 \'Istt vwnautntt- (a “3:13“ “)1: i: E(:n“ral:;”m’an(:(Tnufm‘r m l‘hemuseum prescntx Unwrapptng [4:pr at It) ' s-r l a > we; m, 1er ()r’ In or 11.17 - t v ‘ km St W . knchcner Meet a real mttmtm WE :HOWSYJMAPERONE ll l non vmt Information vmt mvwwpl (‘8 WILLIAM WENGHSEH \ mgmnw tht‘museum m w v l\[l'\‘ l'dln’ )resems u- How“ * . ' r ' , ~ . . . Chant-ind Nm H to {Nov 1} H p m t2 run SKETCH'NG CAR RALLY lh(‘k‘~\:v“t,han11bu Mg“: 50¢ I“) pnunu K91 mattnrt-xl at tht' chtstn lhmrrt- I” Frt‘dt’r The KW Urban Skelcht’rx hoxt an urban Em“ ~_' Ian] WWW I“ r Nm‘. H, H p m'. at m Be pan I A \t Kttt h . _ l ‘k *t .$ ’9 a” Ti ll .- 1 ‘. Skt’tt‘hlng car rally. Nm H, l pm at Death Val mung 5t. V\.,\Naterl00. In kph are $49. $15 l0r f ‘ (”H H t “in ‘ A J . w . { ' s. . wntnrs. $20 for stutlcnts (ullSIWW) lhTfl “41009? H” mun- mtnrnmtnm t'llldll marlu-t 1” 5 “(m Brntht r‘ 84 lung 8“ N "\‘m rltm 0 8 scene tttgta’kwpm ta l‘rm- Opt-n to all ages and slull levt‘lx For morv THERE WILL BE REST v ”If“ l'a(‘l)t)0k,( “m ”$0”ch K\\"l lrhanhkt'lt‘ht‘h n“, Deflapo Chamber ( :htlll’ present ”‘0“. Ir! m known] tuxmmngurts and STEEL MAGNOLIA nr (all SIB-5727 l 757 Will Be Rest. Nov Ht 8 pm ‘ at \t lnhn l‘vangt-lr "”“""“”"“”””mm I”“"“"‘“““‘ ”m” “”‘I [he (nmmunlty l’layvrx (ll New Hamburg I ET Cl” m Ly; my" [Hull]fill/()Vlllla'ltult’rlolx’hftflllt 1r t a present Steel Magnnltax Nov (i It) Nm l‘l‘ EEVIE? phsStAh't‘ID‘d [915: n ’ I R a m t dt tthew Humbur (.0mmunlt\‘ e (be ‘ ‘ , 9' 9" a “. lN'ut grown \ ' x l ‘ (1mm: 25' lamh St Nt'wlslamburg ' (kwerlets and (anoples, Nov Ht lUd m to ’- CROSSWORD 1 2 l3 ‘ C5 l6 7 ‘8 l9 l Tickets are $2": l-m Information (all 1300827 pm: Sunday I p m. to " p.n1.‘at4t>6()ueen\t ‘ mm 7524 5.. Mtchem'r. Prepare for (old wtntt'r nights h\‘ 1 Smooth mmac A learning about wool sht‘ets and l (l\‘(‘fl(‘l\. 7 Falls m ewe l l J m Adnussmn Ls $225. $l 50 for seniors/Student. 10 Wed ‘ “+‘ M “a cue"? _ THE "us“:AL $1.25 per Child and $5 family. (all 742-7752. 12 Year new" “m... The Hora (Dmmunm Theatre presents Anne V\ ll lg“ COiE’fi bray t ‘3 "W ’0' office Mid Gill)?” - The Mum dl‘ Nov T to Nov In, L- -7, 7 ,7 ,, 5-5.-E 5y. l‘ “005' 81W “I... H p.m., dl the t «and [harm 244 Andn-w \t u“ m :3 2:10:35" 601:: 17 , I l1‘rgus lulu-ts .m‘ $3 to $20 l‘or mnrv tnlm , 0E ’ nutmn \Nt ln'rgusgmmlthmtn- t .1 Hr ( All STRETCH “CHEST“ M ;lundremeoghl 75 i ‘ l 31‘! 787 I‘m] ”11‘le Rtan at tho hlsmnt Hltt’llN’l ’8 ”9 Muse 0' mstorv t9 ;. lltlll‘l. prvwntx tht- Strt-tt h tlrt hmtm‘ Nm 7 19 Waltzes alkalts n m 8 10pm at Wng St \ \tlmlssmnn SJU :1 Ewarvggggagn Ms ~22â€"~+7 i , . V . \ '. a used I tan! .. - MOOSE mt km rumor" t mm 7“, Potato State ‘ Drannn l nlt'ltdlnlllt'ltl prvwnh ltltllllbtlst' tn BLUES AT THE DOG PF, DeGeneres pannw 28 5 +‘ v. , ; VM‘ ‘4‘ at [ht- \t ltat lll)\( (llllllr‘y l’lavlmuw 11‘ ”IF l lung l )ug‘x Mum .tt tltt‘ | M}; \t‘llt’\ Wilt l3 {gnaw Sun 900 t t t ‘ t t Ho-nmmm Rtl l “Lth'rltm lit lu-tx im- $24 tn \htmn kt-llvmmn .mtl gut-NH ttllllllllll'\ *4 Makes mote averse .‘ ‘ -5 5 , ,5, f 5, S41 lrnm murv llllllrllldlltltl ( ‘4]] 319 7-37 77v.“ \m 7 ‘4 p m ‘ at HI N1.ll’\lilll(l l n \\.lll'rltnt 36 Dealemng horse 33 3‘ l ‘ 35 ; A CLOSE“ wux WITH PATSV CUNE llt Int-h an- $') (All 3 I” all!) 7377 W HUM 02350"! l + , llrmtun l ntt'rttumtu-nt paw-nu :\( lnwr “all “my :2 [ngjna'sgbzim ‘l 37 ‘ mm Put“ t lmr m l )(‘t .‘l M p m at llrt‘ \t ‘ A , ‘ all a." ‘1 5009C u H 4 7 . . v ltlttll)\\1llllttlllllllxl‘ lhvnmt ll \llu-tl\t \\ “OJ 'L'TE VNIGHT ‘1 M’s“.7nffwr . N lhc- Luv lltmnr tn the hlwmt llllt‘llll‘l HHle'l ‘ a ‘ l 44 Fir-(rum 1 4k A mm wot, 40 t ‘ 43 ’ ' tit TM ’mtpnt ml momma 4‘4 WW, yaw WlPaQulF‘ . . . 7 . r . . F0 OT PAIN R E Ll E F 842 mutant warm Wanna “ ‘ ‘ ‘ Semoes covered under most Insurance plans. ‘t‘ ”it w Maw M . . . ‘9 . . . . . . . NO REFERRAL REQUIRED. . #5 . (ll-”is 90“, ‘ r m S 1'30! at , l . t - . 0 CAM-1" (Mm tax 371 l 4559' St JUHHHJ Plantar! t t‘ t . p . l > V lrnwalt: Kw y 5‘ N. h KM” H‘- ‘ ‘ K" _ ‘ “I ‘ , ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ H a .twlcwlr'tmmaw H” “1.,“ ‘ " ‘ ‘ ‘ Allat<wwtmapvta<s ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ' 1‘ W L\ t .1 u.‘ ‘ t _ l‘ VtPtnamN “HWWW ‘ ‘ «mm Mm who“ ‘ KR Tum 1twv AM To LAST . m, , r l . .‘ . |_ “A M" {106” ‘ tang 'atmw Mum 4t "av“ v t 1‘ WEEK'S P0121! - .t - r , t ‘ ‘ “Mummy ““0”" x 4"“ l Mhty lmpual vtrw 1‘ Amuwutrt Hum, “Ham-w“ I : "I“ > . 5- . it tlnmm m ”1m gulp ,3me R . . . . . . Ht \xlt If‘ In x. ‘4 ' NO Q la” “n hurl" amen/9' 4‘" Rule 8121mm WWW" L... ‘. . . I .- l‘l (“WWW ‘7‘ “M w “mount gamma“ ”,4 < It at t' ctam‘ -- - ~ ‘ - ‘ WAIT ‘l trnwmfi waltwh l4} “N7, 14 muggy-3w ' ‘ ' ' _ ‘_" ' _' _ " 2014 201 4 TIMES! 12 Uranium-tr. tr “My”: fl \ Navy ‘5 Ratmmvmtr WW q. t . . . . . H mm“ If Swim 4b 9mm ‘. H . r . .: I. - . - '7 timoanmnm M t I ‘h I 4‘ w v > (r 9 - - , - ‘ 80‘3" P 35C. DPod Med 5l9‘9544415 l WWIWWCD W 2nd “IMHO“ % #23:: '6 ammo u w .o x I: 'T '1' (thrspmmtsn 120 Ottawa 89 N Uml H7 Ktvchener, ON mm m " W” . I

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