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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 5 Nov 2014, p. 23

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WATERLOO CHIONICU‘I - Wednesday. November 5. JUN - 23 o o , o K-W Silver Stars take One Step Forward to troupe s latest production BYBOIVIIMNM,‘ a , j} .3. by u had seen death but emotionally One Step Forward plays three Chmnid? 5111/7 ’ " ’9 ‘ ' '3 . if” if they were like teenagers” shows, Friday at 8 pm. and mati~ O ' ., for: ‘1. Morris said the music of the nees Saturday and Sunday at 2:30 t‘s a situation that many of the »~--'-” .. -. '15:, g '1 . time depicts everything being wonâ€" pm, at 29 Parkside Dr. St, Jacobs. Isetiior players in the Silver _.-3 , * ; _ derful when its not, and the Silver Tickets are available by calling 519~ Stars theatre troupe have - _ ' ' l Stars havefun with that situation. 741250]. Special requests can be ' found themselves in at one time g” “a, 73‘ " ‘. “There was a real disconnect handled by calling 519â€"888-7497, or another â€" cleaning out the colâ€" _ . ' ’23 f . there,” said Morris “The cast recog- For more information visit Iection of memories of a recently ' . ' g, nimtheabsurdi'tyofit." wwarwsilverstarsca. deceased love one. ' $53. That evocative act of memory f . , serves as the backdrop for the _ _. ' group's latest production. One Step I“. . X I f L a; j 1 Forward. Nov. 7 to Nov 9 at the ' 3' f '3 _3 f ' l . . . Vikitilwich Community (ientre, as l . . , the) get set to explofe seusm iii the ‘- ‘“"'~”” 1 i? it 77 ‘ 1930s and whether women have Sheila Bryan and Aileen Bennett square off in a scene from One Step Forward. -. ‘ really come a long way in the noun-Ammoro “ YSPECMLS ‘ "charming" and insightful musical the different reality of the times The Silver Stars point out the ' ' '* 3 ' "W8 . comedy written and directed by with the ghosts of the mothers of humour of those flawed social situ- : Peter Manse". that bygone era watching as their ations and hope to have its modern Store MSweet PICkled ; Manse“. a retired arts educator grownup children clean out their audience laughing along with the WAGE BM 57 25 kg s3_29uJ 1'. and the goâ€"to playwright for the Sil- attics and closets wondering what absurdity K j vet Stars. said the inspiration was they will keep and what will they “The dead mothers are on stage - '- .. an” ”we Store Male Deli Sliced i the music of the early l9505 before throw away. right saying that's just the way it ‘ orJquo W "an ‘ Bacon N TO!” M A Rock 'n' Roll and its rebelliousness The one thing they are all left to was. we just accepted it." said 3M5 M W. LOAF 311 mm ‘4_$m ; really took hold. ponder is how far they've come Mansell. who interviewed seniors mm m \â€" l‘hat period of time has always from those times. and how much from that time period for their 3759” 35.05” Fran , been held up as an unblemished has really changed? insights. “But when you add in the ‘3 49 92.” BEEF POT ROAST $11.66ka. s5.29.1 family compact by some social “What i discovered was that viewpoint of the women of today. ' h 3' commentators. where mom stayed these women just completely they think it's just outrageous that “*wm" Mdmmfln '3 home to raise the kids and keep the backed ofl from the toward move» these women bought that book line "53*“ ‘ In. ("'3 one] gt. 8“ I." in g ‘ home fires burning while dad mentwheretheywereinchargeof andsinker. Webs-hiyzmcâ€"d- Cronin-lune! [a brought home the bread. But factories, drove trucks and had ”That really comes across in the w ' K Mansell and Heather Morris. the symbols like Rosie theRiveter." said lyrics where you hear laments that “ ' ‘ " ‘ ' ~ musical director of One Step For- Mansell. “They were in charge ofso he treats me bad but i love him " - . z~ w , ' - wand. said there was a real discon much and then just went back to anyway. Even _ 7, M7 nect between that idyllic family being ham” songs like the ‘ scene and even the music that Even the culture came down on TennesseeWaltz w served asa backdrop for that time. them to reinforce those gender are bittersweet ”I” There was trouble on the home rules like the idea that mom need- all these ‘ front and even the most innocuous ed a Hoover vacuum cleaner for lyrics portray l music of that time like Doris Day's Christmas. Manse“ said that's this incredible U H lf Off N D ' ‘ Que Sera Sera couldn't hide some never been anyone‘s idea of a good insecurity. l to a on - rl p i of the social fissures that were time. realimd that the - ‘ appearing. The Silver Stars production war has inter- Oll pray Rust Treatments ‘ Mansell said most of the players explores those Contrasts, especially rupted their j in the Silver Stars senior theatre in musical numbers where the skills at Kaye‘irtz'tww' _* ‘ . troupe can remember the times songs sound so lush and beautiful courtship " C' ’- (‘learlyx warts and All [hey explore but their themes are anything but these people ' if ‘ 1‘ . » fl} ‘A 1 . '- ' i is»? A, -- '. ' . a ' ‘ fl _ i -\ * " , ' SATURDAY . .\_ _ .. , _ y i 9-30 am. , Sabbath School , g .fi ‘ ‘1 ‘L l I no , Worship \en’iu: ’ l ‘ ‘ . i / Savant-nu Meeting at Plum-ind l‘nned (hutch ' - .' ADVENTIST :.‘ lirltlgri‘fll Him! “minim , Miami of i -, “ . m new «AIM-advent“! AA ' ‘x ." w My” E. Emerson inn-vi in l N‘Dil‘dlthtltw Bible Arum-u int ., ‘ . \.. _ / flux «4 Wm H4 imltloivn. . I ii I Uâ€" itl‘v ‘ il‘ f . i . i . r l l r _ J t ' . r t i . _ ‘ , EMMANUEL J - i . i“ y, tmw- UNITED CHURCH . XXI i Noun Motrin Samoan) . Sat 9am 1pm 3 8w CHM-d «, . ‘ Worship SONICO 108m 1:5 l " 5,. 35K .: g .f ' 7 . Sunday School provnded -. - z s ‘ ' y' $45.00 ‘ Car-ud‘ _‘ IMM. ._ a}, any“ {is . . .. ~ t . . . y ,;. m .m ft. .. «My, fo advertise your services contact “a”; . _ ., W . . a f, : ' .' ‘t i ;»13" . . Milli Mllle ill 5 l9-623-7395 ext. 208 ' tuna-mm! . . ‘ LII. I ”or ”1 ’0'” or mmillcr(a>cambridgetimcs.ca i 2:33.22?“ in»: WagJag.com i,i'f§1""‘“""': Ft'flfl'tffl‘: , ,, ,, , c , . . ,,, ‘, J l

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