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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 24 Sep 2014, p. 34

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22 - WATERUX) CHRONICUZ . Wednesday. September 24, 20H m ‘I,L,II,Yr.H 1 '1‘ “'3“ ‘ Medium ‘ 1' WANTEDAI, I I- ~ I mount-I’m 01,530“ independer“ mgr gtnmztor love: I “gnawing“... W“. w your very own my HuzIle Serum» amend DOM Work! "in” m hull m Pen: emu Inc. is a world-class automotrve pans supplrer Our assocIates on"; fi'ufnmww' '_ A. Goarmtecd 40 hour We. NIT. NZV PM Code are msaslII‘s most Important asset. The Company IS commuted to provndlng a good "as m w Cane m week plus 461 Colmbta St W townhouses 38/“) working environment where you can expenence a sale. challenging, and rewardlng ‘ 5 MW W OWI miffi new PM? €321: atmosphere that results tram developrng good working relationsnlps gnaw»: m as: been. '9 3.032234 M5 Thorndale Dme 90m We otter oompemlve wages and an excellent benefits package Undorms are provIded and my 40341441525 lllu.l:::z vacaporv excels"! Newport PVRed Rwer/SoutttnamptorWeso/ale 177/mo laundered. M5 ”the? “‘5‘ My SW33"? WW“ P‘ ”4/“ We tool: tor qualified and committed Individuals who are "rammed team players mm a 38' GUYS In In In mm: be 3“" ‘0 “a” Gammon/t Mil “were on 170/m0 postt’we attitude and excellent wort ethos All applrcants must be able to work rotatIng anal “‘00 DWI“- M ‘* ' ' ‘ Wmsulgrsm EWWM Pl/Roxton Dram! CIA/1M Memes” W or continental some We are currently recruiting or the lolowmg posrmns months at a tune Bustmew Gas/0:983 c9” lO7/mo "00mm," ASSOCIATE m Experience Needed W 97/mo Wm V3“ AL 01‘ 5' 3‘ 0' I g N" “megmy/B'ansme ma 5/mo . Excellent attention to dealt . Grade 12 DIplorna . Trme Management Slutls ‘ y . N r I y y ‘ _ lama-metres. llll\(lrl\(l» r t cam" ° ”6' a " 3 Stoke ctr/$35 [gr/Wextord Cres 99/mo "mum" "W" b‘ “m '°’ - '- e “Jetway LermeWord/Stouor gl46/mo . ldentilygualltylesues . Lrttmaxot50lbs .Troubleshootll’robtemSolve 'mllt- ‘ r M ”my,” com Beechcro crest Breeze/Westtorest Trad area Ila/mo V W 6399's We R VE: Renovation ‘ . mm“ Mam w.” n 3 «by: “WM/Fritter- Mm‘: MAINIENANCE ASSOCIATES MEMOS, Sheds. ”Mm, 399%? t,‘ . 4 ‘ ‘ - . So yrs Experience tn a manufactunng marrrtenance role 559“ Clean~out 9‘0 "(WWW ‘ ' ' , ‘ Strong etectncal and mechamcal knowledge AVE'W- Eavestrough 0‘93”“) ' ' Mlllwngtrt Trade and/or Industrial Electrical Trade Cemlrcate F". m ‘ Mt M William US , 1 , Wkantrmusrbeableto: srq-sso-JL'NK (sees) STARL'ETDHDIA'TELV ' I u I 1‘. . Coordmate and pedorm repaIrs and malntenance tasks tor all productlon equlpment I . I y I. I I.. r , Fm poms I I ,‘ l: p , it . Read scheme pneumatrcs and hydraullc drawmgs Atmosphere _. , . . MultI-strIlted mm relevmt expenenoe on CNC tathes I nulls mm Fanuc controlled rnacnmery lbportunrty for Growth ' y ' and “gnaw Earnmgs ' ‘ 4 .i . V ‘ ‘ New. I I » I I I I MACHINE DESIGNER ASSOCIATE - CONTROLS HANDYMAN {In The loo TraInIng Kâ€" .Iob Mindy provrded ' Machme DeSIgner Assoctate - Controls [5 responsrble for the electncal satety and matron $1 SERV'CE 8' CALL 519-593â€"0040 w ViSit us Offline at controls at automanon equment Automatlon ranges from assembly macmnes ENC RENOVATIONS _- a . loadIng devlcest press macnmes transfer eoutpment‘ and In-leed/out-leed statIons One Call Does tr All 4 cm F ; www.waterloochromcle.ca “We“... Home Room We humans "fluâ€"H r mm it n e S r o Electncal engrneenng degree 0R Electrlcal E lectromcs Technologlst aa'wfl' Km ’Mfimefiam Iva-room You co "n Y W pape . ValthEr3IIcenseorElTI’OCETT Homng a: Lemmas“: . AutoCAD ectncal at me ‘ ‘" "555m “9‘9 QNLIEE 24177 , 7 7 7 o Expenence mm GSA/fill}? recurrements for safeguardmg of eqmprnent 519'589‘1553 Job Responsibilities: _ . Prepare specmcatton for automation protects as related to Musasnl pans iii"- E E E WWW m m . Create toCAD drawrncgs tor electrical wrong and data and communlranons Create and prepare PL programs lot mutton control ol the automatlon ‘ , nusasu' . em ., , I . Seawatw I . repare I o a one s or au oma Ion proyec s w I . Work wrth the macnme boulders to ere panels and test macnlnery M ' . Test and commtssron new automatlon In preparatlon tor mass productIon game Malntgnance 8RDelSIgn l‘l I run are~ epalr~ eoace M part; suppfilgrgrsdclze are mixing: xilrgglgséffifzg‘dom To apply. please and your new». and Mm to: We Remove Fallen Tree lebs ‘ i Am Parts Int. Deck Malntenance and commltted assoctate for the followmg posrtlon M _ _ _ . 3330mm Street.m.allliIAl/Fut51mlll/Euall,m.m REE mmm 0-100 - Quahty System supennsor No phone cal/5pm Warhanlr all those whosuonrrt resumes, however, “ “ Job only those who are selected for an Imam «new a” Um a 519.591.4902 Oualrty System Sugervrsor malntalns me pot-CY and procedures to rsresas Iandflscapnerogemcom Coordrnates TS 1694“ adds and follows up With management Supemses repect analyst m lor accuracy ol data and reonr‘Ind tunctlons and oversees document cont'nl for all areas Q. as well as qualrty uncle awwry . ‘7 \ , Qualifications Loolung tor some $33: 54 years supemson EXDETIQHCE In autnrnntrre envlron'nent wrtn an alldrtlng background .- m : TS 16949 Lead AudItor Cemtlcate extra $33“? 2913;29mfiuz‘: '3' L ‘ ‘1‘: ," _ ‘1‘ ‘ ”'19 . Womng knowledge or Tc ‘6949 standards and customer specrllc regmrernents The Watertoo Regron Record Is loolung t, l K - » » “on. ”grim ‘ i y ‘ I I. y ' y . ' ’ . Womng knowledge ol to”: tools I MAL} manuals l MSA FMEA APO PPAP SPC I tor people to deiwer In Cred" powwow ‘ l” ' . Strong contmuous Improvementmethodolog‘rskllls SS Kalzen Kanoan 'ootuuse USTOWEL will/Mme Dear ‘ “ A ‘ H‘ ”M " Job Responsibilities: In the lettering em: E mfir’fifcfi . MalntarnlSO/TS cemllcanon Barber A” N Blnnmg Sr w “We ””519”, me moo-41% 519-237-0707 . Supemse and dIreCt rayon and document Lont'nl assoctares In dally 'ask: A” N and “mm” 5‘ w A] RATES 2‘2 554? M a“, "M- . Schedule and perlorm 5 Internal audlts wrtn Internal audmng team ‘ Consonant: and M Cannon Moog? . Mentor and develop Internal audttor learn ' “0(an (Hwy Monday to Saturday me Good Bad Cram Corp or m KITCHENER ROOFING . Ensure customer spechc requupmgnts are my - Papers are dropped to your house Sen W7 Sorrow Free £3"me 0 And" counter measure etlectrveness 03W 31mm) 3 “‘0 more . 'I . G 2 I $30000 - 8135 mm Roofing Sldmg Soflrr . Sopervrse repect reportlng lnr accuw 1 e1 Bald every weeks ‘ “I m. Eamtmu h Leaf Guards 0 Ensure proper document control prom-doves are lnlllerG lIII all areas 5., m limbo. lune all r": a. M Home? megc“, ' A5551 ‘" M000 300“ 51.-“-m: $744451 Wan “word $03 519267 7663 . Promote and coordInate oualrty Crrcle arrmry 99mm ICrlmml par ' . Pamerpatlon In acme/mg duallry department hummus plan goals â€" dam vats more www.mchononooflngnet . Prowde oualrty system trammg as 'equved m m mm “mm 33% WF’JIZ? New sum: we wanted Sun smog moment My“ 0 Excepttonal people stalls and Interpersonal ornrnumcatron studs ”"10"“ ‘l’ “0“" '0 travel vansrnq doom . Selt-motmted and welt orgamzed . Able to mumtastr St Agatha “an“; (I: “5‘” 33 mm pure nl mm7 . Worn well alone or as a team . Flenble won good tune management Garage 5..., 50!. Sept 27 gr“, m I” Wm 5:10 14' 5423than r j I I ( l\ l)'\ .Excellenttechmcalskrlls Gem-3pm.1915NotreDIme msmwm W b. IHI I \l H\ll I “Motown-oeuvre»: Maul-sources Armada tfljestZ), rumor Kruq ”my “mm ":;W:' E‘,‘ , 7 r ‘ _, H It. 5 mm was up ““5 “" °"’ °°‘s ‘" mm- 5““ w. ow we on new murmur] we, 7mm. Rtrnmrnl «rm. and H0. '0. ”I 3” w .I.‘ "371 380- W WWI 0" and mi 10! 0' ”‘0". 53“ "W ”in numerous anchn Fullv Insured m: ”mam Emu . firm-m bottles. snow bras on one (a: parts one two an 25's or Moo-urea. 5“,,“ m, The“... m; u y.“ Wemamwrhosemsubmnresumhgrmmzdms’ mow,mm‘sdom9s'm"°'da ””‘gmm 1 Ira-Immoral "In \tl' ‘4le Wamumedforanmtemew mom HormmtawdaStQ-SBOQBO can muonaldrmc ”me'm I.» . I . ,.. I r

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