I C O Semg your commume Since 1856 â€"â€" ‘ 0.. . ï¬ - Media WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. 20M 0 WATERLOO, ONTARIO 3| INCLUDING HST ' . - mu 0 Gettm -~ â€"3â€â€ 1‘ Waterloo Delta e isopen for started I" ,7 i W . . 7' 7'3" Woricbegznson _ ‘3 fl prepanng Costco srte ' ' i '1! . and employment lands " l Chm MSW ll a _. l , ouncillors have approved nearly a "" quarter of a million dollars in l _ i‘ spending to acquire a portion of , ; 5 6’" M - landonthewestendthatisneussaryto f service future employment lands while . cm â€FE :ork onythe potential Costco sue is 2 ‘ ErnnmuuelatBn'ghton Justin McFadden. the city‘s executive WWW of director of economic development. said , Much!“ despite uncertainty surrounding the WW 11 future of a potential Costco warehouse ; store on the site the land needs to he serv- * iced. “It'll really about enabling the broader Wide employment lands." he said. The property is a 032 hecatre (0.79 acre) strip of a hydro transmission corridor the m _ , Province of Ontario deemed surplus The ' ' a mint m 20~metre right-of-way will be used to extend sanitary and stormwater services Jordan Dallaire, â€lying m the 5‘ M mm M m m w "I fromParisBoulevardontotheland. Dari:Faiq,dmingatmmurnmofmflhflflllo’de&ehWa-bm ï¬â€™y/t Councillorsapproveduptosviooom deayjigaowdsWï¬mddethdandMathemanm , SpendingonSept a. which includes pay- Wands-m6. s1." . ingthepmvince $183,750 fortheland and 3,» ' enoughcashleftovertocoverlheoostsof . . . sum or in seem as wen as com Strike might delay Ion’s light-rail vehicles ‘ , . - pens-1mg farmers for crop losses The expenditure will be funded BrMumMumr WWdthelhgion rep'onbefolethemh through the West Side Industrial [and ï¬_ Forth: (Juror-id: ofW’tm The plant was alao being Account. which currently has a $4.2 mil~ Writing to Paaquaiino, the altered [or the plodlnion chine lion deï¬cit. The city expects to erase than lthough the nine-week plant hasn't started bum the light-rail vehicles. which will deï¬cit once the employment lands area Astrike at Bombardier's regions l4 vehicle; which m require a different gauge track sold. The current valuation of the land is Thunder Bay plant ofï¬r documents say are to be started than some ofthe other vehicle; between no million and $40 million dolr cially ended Sept. l2. one union this yur and Minted gum in henid. I†m lars. McFadden said. representative said it could lulymlï¬ mammalian-plant mm The city had three years to act as the impact the region's light-rail Paaquaiino said the plant was is now more than two months M sole purchaser ofthe hydm corridor prop- vehicles set to be delivered in working on building My can behind on their production eny after it was declared surplus by the 20l6. for Toronto. bHevel GO transit schedule and said it could be fl†®TOYOTA province‘andthatwindwofopportunity 'lfeelwearealongwayfrom vehiclesandTbrontonreetcan. mbem-olarrI-flonpal- *- is about to close. said McFadden. actually getting a car in service' which are drnhr to flaky ï¬eeâ€" odï¬ztheuir. “'5?! Won" .0 said Unifor local l075 Preside-it dom vehicles ordered by the We." 1. M O 5| "7 J .3 .