wumwoi 3“ .' ioi ___, Ii â€14-3 7 died because George's family was 1915, however, that promise was F “1 _ ' ’ . 2 , ~ _ Roman Catholic and hers was rescinded and the town opted to i l (3 ‘ 3- i g g 5 2" g f!» g 5 a 5, it -') _ X‘f if! I†Protestant She even had to change provide insurance instead. but not ii in. g a is; 1-5. 53 i it 4» "i it s ‘; i ‘ ' ( , the spelling of her last name from before 12 men had volunteered for Bonfonti' to Bonfonte. war -â€" including Adam Henry Grosz . .'~ , This lack of family help meant and Bernard Woodward, the ï¬rst j“ she had no one to take care of her two soldiers from Waterloo who ’* 7 diildrensosheoouldï¬ndajob. werekilledinthewar. _ The FirstVlbrldWarcrmted hun- When Grosz died on April 29, "ll ' dreds of thousands of veterans for 1916 his mother requested council , a, t the ï¬rst time in Canada's history. makepodon its original promise to - at Dealing with pay $500 to the . fact. injured and broken families of unmarâ€"» » soldiers, not to ried men. it took . . ~ '. mention the six months to 4- ',"-'-" countless families approve payment , 4; .27 wholosthusbands, as staff tried to ‘ ~ “if ,» . fathers and sons determine if the ‘ â€7". mummiï¬- town was liable. ‘ -' ‘ ' mfliarwrritoryfor buteventimltythe 7 ' ' "f: “ the nation's policy ï¬rtiilywaspaid. - a, < makers. When Wood- 4 «i; initially. only ward was killed ' , ; 33": w, on those who suffered just three months ‘ 1“ in? 75. ' injuries during the after Grosz on f “32; t; . war were given Sept. 15 1916, his reafï¬hk†government pen~ widow asked the My . sions, said Mark city to pay the .. Humphries. the Dunkley Chair in 31,†it had promised. That pay» .| WarandtheCanadianExpa'imceat mmokfourmonthstoproem t Wilfrid lander University and direc- Fortunately for the city. none of ' ° ' tor of the laun'er Centre for Mili the other recniits were killed. The First World War impacted lives Iongaï¬er the guns went Silent may and Mt My and tmï¬ttfl the 19305 that to,_ BY 1mm “(15in log the war. and he never even made it past the That payment wasn't for service diers of the First World War won ,.‘ â€Whirl? Sta/T 777 “All I remember was we had to fourth grade. His mother qualiï¬ed to their country, however, but suitable pension and healthcare move all the time afterhe died." forwhax was then called “relief†dur< because they had lost their drility to concessions from the federal gov? mMinatkrn-pw-rlï¬ua-kn Donald'suncle, Andrew, wasalso ingtheGreat Depressionâ€"anew be reaintegrated as productive may Marian-1mm: claimed by the warwhen he died in form ofwelfare ~ but it was never members ofsociety. in 1918. am- Their struggle helped lay the mmofmnmubvuuw 19190fshrapnelwoundslleisnow M. an completely disabled by war Mhdiewcialsafety net buried in Fnyand Diane Bonfontc. Donald's received a pension ofup to $7201)“ Canadians enjoy today. including ' War has shaped Donald Bonfonte's When George returned home he daugiter. wonders how her father's year â€" the equivalent income of an universal healthcare. Humphries entire life. married Lucinda Ringel and they life might have turned out if the unskilled labourer. Humphriessaid. said. From Iosmg his father and his had three children â€" Dorothy. men in his life had never gone to The Bonfonti family may have ' Barnum a beneï¬ciary of that ‘ uncle to injuries suffered during the Haine and Donald. The family lived war. "lfhe had a father who could qualified for penSion payments Chung in attitudes when, after he FirstWorldWar, to nearly dying him? in Kitchener at the time but strug- have worked. things might have while George was in hospital, mnearlyfltallyinjured during the self on the battlefields of France gled to make ends meet after beendifluem.‘ she said. ilumphries said. but those pay~ SecondWorler by an exploding during the Second Woi id War, George died, The sons of ltalian immigrants, merits ceased once the children tank shell. he mumed to Canada. tinned conflict forged Bonfonte into Donald an still rattle ofl'most of they likelyhad no desire to go to war tumed 18m got a job, was mined for factory work and the man he is today the names of the streets he lived on for Britain. The family believes the in many cases it fell on munici- tweivedlperision forhisservice. Now 91 and livrng in Waterloo. before his lOth birthday brothers were grabbed off the street palities to care for the wounded or "Vetenms of the First World War Donald was only four years old “Glasgow, Park Street.llibodland in late 1917 by a group of army the families of dead soldiers. In changed our conception of what it when his father died at the Freeport Avenue. Stirling, King Street. lan- recruits and taken to be drafted into Waterloo, there was considerable meant to he a citizen and the pro sariatorium in Kitchenerin 1927 caster .. mother had to live on the('anadian army. debate over the town‘s liability to game that we should be eligible for “i don’t remember him at all." about $10 per week and she had Andrew had his medical exami' provide payment for men killed dur~ asdtiurn' Humphriessm’d. said Donald of his father. Georgi-t three kids. if they raised the rent we nation in March 1918 when he was ingthewar. "That’s the man important last who tllt‘tl of lung damage after he had to move," Donald said 26 years old. George's exam was in in September 1914. council ing legacy. it's that Canadians began stirvtvt'tl a gas alla( k in 1918 â€H" “t" got his ï¬rst job when he was November 1917 at the agt'onZ. promised every family ofa married tothinkthat maybe-therewi- obliga family is \llll waiting for l’t't unis M years old working at the ihmyth Donald's mother, lurinda, had man $1,000 ($500 for unmarried donsthat wehave to each other that tit-inning who-re ld‘lll’gt’ served (llll Shirt ldl (or, for 15 tt-nts an hour. no family to go to after her husband men) should he die in the war. By wedjdn’t have before." YOUR TOP AWARD WINNING SPA @ 519 “0.2090 s emaseacon t '.0lnuSD¢AndN¢lr m u. ire-01mm