’ r wamwouw-Mmdny.ms,mu-s irri- "tawny-ti. ' â€minim†Fredheadsumteat (hmiumdwqiergy Chad" maelfatwwwjeaoea Mummpmriineeflm a] h ' ° ' better than Ouch“: “mm or with the New England pool oper- more memble a oneâ€"lane cart path annu c anty plcmc _ ator at www.iso-ne.oom. than a four-lane hidiway. Upgrad- ave You been followrng the Even with the current reï¬irbish- ing these lines would cost hundreds espite his relative obscurity for some 35 years now Carla» debate abQU} Importing ment project, in whidi Ontario will ofmillions ofdonars and raise your diam singer/songwriter Fred Eaglesmith remains’relem- cheap electncrty hum QUE“ rebuild lo reactors to extend their power bills lessly true to h's aah, and to his dedicated following â€" a bec to replace OHIaHOS nuclear lives for decades, the price of There are also questions about tribeknownas'Fredheads" efï¬gy? _ nuclear electricity is not expected Quebec's: export Mammy. in a May We been a Redhead for the past is years. ever since my “fogglgtaudgbzsvle; its? to rise much beyond eight cents per 22 letter to Ontario’s system opera- older brother took me to see my ï¬rst Fred Eaglesmith concert _ : . . Y kilowattâ€"hour. tor, Hydroâ€"Quebec writes, oommlt- at the St. lambs Schoolhouse Theatre. expons V381 quantities Of Gift-"(flaw To replace Ontario's nuclear ment periods need to take seasonal Though I was unfamiliar with Fred's music, the perform- t0 New England, could 500" add reactors with Quebec's hydro dams. diversity into account†Quebeoers ance absolutely blew me away. I was mesmerized by Fred's Ontario to Its 115! Of sallSï¬ed CUS’ then these are the prices that Hydro heat with electricity. making winter heartfelt song; about injustices and hardship (Go Out and lomerS- But. therE'S a catch The Quebec would need to beat But it's theaeason oi'peak demand. Feeling Plough). deadend existence (HaroldWilson) and lost love in argument to replace Ontario already getting much better prices a capacity squeeze last winter. and small towns (l'm lust Dreamin'). ' £35,233! power With Quebec from New England. so why would the winter before. Hydro-Quebec On the heels of his 20th album. Tambourine. Warmth?» power overlooks the realities Hydro-Quebec accept a discount? asked customers to turn down their band, The Traveling Steam Show, will Of Oman!) S POWer SYSlem- L9! 5 Then there's a delivery problem. thermostats. This hardly sounds be performing at the 20th Annual 100k at the faClS~ Ontario built its electrical grid with like a rdiabie powersupplier. Fred Eaglesmith Charity Picnic in The Fl! New England states buy self~sufï¬ciency in mind. and its There are moons Ontario built Ayimer, Ont, fronting 15-17. ethlzcy’urftyyfimgm “Yam-wk; 5:1! ability to meet electrical demand in its power system the way it did. it i recently caught up with Eagle- . Pa "(THC more â€9 Tomntodependsonthewiresthat soughtenergyaecurityandseif-suï¬ smi hopingto insigh’ tinto ‘ PM of Chums nude" m0!- would carry power from Quebec ï¬ciency. Nuclear-generated elec- hhtbh'ry of the Atom Charity Piaf: Since the start Of this year. whole- Today's electrical connections tricity was the right choice for along with the ever-evolving comdic f , sale me comm?†for the New between Quebec and Ontario can Ontario decades 9, it remains the oomponentofh'slivedrow. .' Wands!“ have “ENG“! roughly carry about 70 per cent of the right choice today “The picnic started at Waterford 9 ' ' a dime per lulowatt-hour. In con- capacity of the Darlington nuclear Ponds. actually, with 40 people.‘ ~ trust. Ontanos nuclear generating generating station. But once it lohn Barrett Eaglesmith told me over the phone stations are getting “355 than Si! crossed the provincial border. Que- Pretr'dentandCEOofme before a show in Sudbury. “We did cents bec‘s electricity would travel Canadian NuclauAsm'ation that formaybeflmrorflveyeauthen there started to be a little money MARSHALL . involvedandlthinktheprywhowas WARD Ample exposure for council candidates "mm “W M “PM me °"- S“ l quit that and we moved it to Hay Park near Port Dover and 'd tell you to run and hide. but it mi t not hel 4 That may be true. but l don't see an reason 10 then " imwmm' . I I'l‘he best advrc' e I can give is this â€" layghbw for "of; (‘nCOumge such behaViot. Y “ml"?! new fans m the my. Eagleamith‘s Annual Char I fpw more week& On the other hand. restricting the time one can "y p'cn'c ran for ï¬ve â€ï¬n at Hay Park before the part was ’ l hat's because I have spotted the first of the Spend campaigning for an election probably gives shutdown. he explained And we didn‘t do n for a year or M“ 1 1 municipal election “8115 an advantage to those already holding the position because we didnt Mâ€? M until the conservation area '" Voting day is not until Oct 27, and most candi- â€" an advantage that can be pretty overwhelming Mm" “PM me, said Warmth. I went M“. there ’ dates won‘t be dorng much m terms of And to add to the confusion. how and it was beautiful and theywcreon board. so l_said lets do it i J Pumng up signs until after labour Day. do“ 0"? "35m“ campaigning 0" m" J and we â€Em." n from there. I“ been "3“,ng - ‘ l when the kids are back |n school and Internet? M05! candidates these dB,“ M) any Fredhead Will tellyou. in addition to hm live musrc, l life for many people returns in some ‘ ' , ‘ ' ‘ have Twitter accounts and Facehooh l ,‘ smf’n5m31g301n engaginglbefwe‘enl-sorgg stoï¬ryteiler. f“, 1 semblance of normalcy. ' ‘ ‘ ‘~ i which really, for the most part, are camr ,‘ serva iona 3 en ‘ 0 g are inny an“ \ Fact IS. you can campaign for almost Pall!" intensive, even if â€W" are not ‘ ‘ dmfag‘g'fio? "legmdth d , b ‘ lht‘ entire year And with social media named "131 way ‘ n j ar e? w~| (am? y' n was ecause my songs i and the Internet some people are dmng % I suwose if you're so "W“N’d 1“ f“|' ‘ ‘ were so sad, he.s?'d‘ Peoplc‘were saying. ll cant W you "N†i t rust that _ low some people on Twmer, m mâ€, them ‘ years in a row, its just too sad, I had eight brothers and Sisters. 1 â€la“ behind d pmh m pl†mm? ' 7 on Facebook. have at u ‘ we had to be funny in order to survive at the kitchen table so! i new rules In") Mir-(r for municipal A“, ,»â€" â€WW m a good Yf’af M, are lucky m , |ust started throwing out these quips in little bits And as It ‘ ‘ non candidatm j W 30 per cent â€f the population vote m ‘ went on, l did ll more and more. but I was tit-wt really tom 1 Ian. 1 is technically the ï¬rst day you x; a municipal election rheu- has been a fortablewrth it Mause I thought, noboth does lhlfll l m doing ‘ i can register your (andidacy, and once a: “H"lï¬fflnl amount “f handâ€"wringing ’ ‘ “"Z""h',"3 pretty we,“ ‘ f , you do that. the lundraisrng and other a, i m,†the lack of pamnpauon. («ritually , But In the last _srx or sew-n years, I w. mall) got in under ‘ such pleasantries can begin “lit among Vi’unll†mm“, ‘ stand what lm dmngr And how this is†my show You know if i n“, fundraising is the important pan BRIAN I don't think it's a matter of lllnt‘ mo ‘ MP" 8†mad and “if"? the “WW ’ I it!“ WW?!“ who dim! ‘ for most candidates 1 can understand BOURKE 0"? is 50 bun â€WY can"! Mk“ “V9 min ‘ ‘ “I“, that comedy and In.“ want to dance â€" I Put sort Of 80 J needing to get out there and put some mm to vote) and II (‘an‘l he a lack of ‘ well. thats too had. "I“? what I do now Thats my Show, So ‘ cash together. information H“ Wpr‘whpm “you are w 1 ‘ mirth pop culture is predictable now, ll 5 so «aged and chore, But I'm not sure there‘s much of an advantage to In( lined in look for i“ ‘ "WWW“ and‘unongmal. YO" rant lip»sync my show. ‘ getting one's candidacy from and center as goon 3g low voter turnout (an only he the result of a lath â€mg? 8"? luv a few â€f the mm†that make Fred i'agle J the deadline passes. of interest, or a lack â€(connection ‘ J mirth a [me original A and make me a loyal lâ€"redhead ’ R)! one thing. it takes the focus away from gm “affirm "37h†isn‘t will“! to ï¬x â€in! 1 ‘ ï¬ning for incumbent members, and turns it toward “' no ‘ the lob of mung IT elected Someone a lot <martor "W"! "014A!" H "WW!†â€I â€W “P7 f“ ~ ’/ “l l , , ‘ ‘ than mostsifus once said the No I job of any palm "mmmfli WHY mn h? â€0111"! h" "V“l’†7mm?†W3," “t†l “I“! mlamw‘rmm ‘ A 1 cian is in gel n- elected hlwurh’ï¬lhiolfm rum ‘ mm L\ m 4mm 1†mars 7 u otmar mm ‘ L,_,,e_ fl, , l i , 7 .m7 \“ ,,,.