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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 9 Apr 2014, p. 8

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t B ' WATEHIAX) CHRONICIE 'chnesdiy, April 9, 2014 I70 Wchchl N,,Suilt 20 I I Watcrkiti.()numoN21 lllll ‘ ‘l‘l-llllhllllOFal. “978809.le mm walcntxrhrtmiclc {a ‘W‘m mfl'fi'Wfi’mwfiwfi” ' ' l’clci WINKU‘LR . I“ walnut-R ' “(if iiiééiitrmtgfif ' up»..1’ V “3Q lil)l'l‘()RlAl I ‘ jg ‘ ~ ‘ "' 3‘1 ' ,, J; l DON T wANT TO DRIVE ALL v - - .1" - 1‘ thVkBANAC ‘ , - t, ”I ' THAT wAY I wANT TO DRIVE t , m» t ,, cditorml@watcrlul‘hmmclc ca an , . ’ an] - ‘ ' sport“!walrrlmx‘hmnn‘lc (A. To A NEARBY wPER CENTER , fa -‘ . ’ . 4" Jim JACKSON THEN DRlVE FRO M STORE To . a a J -' ,' I "fl REPORTER cu 2m , - - t ' _ . ~. V ,--‘;,,{-‘r ,- '17.“; [Jackson@watcrltxxhrtiniclc ta 3" ' ’ _ . ' , ’5 ‘ " H mm JACKSON STORE A5 I SHOP . l ' . .' , v it 4 RlzPORTl-LRt-xt 3n 4‘4 x “at“ _ " v‘ ' V t 13:55 dlmksttnm‘valcrlmxhrtmitIt:“I -' ' : v. 5 "u h I r ' .,: 1' “Natl K :15”; ‘ ‘ ”fitfi~ >.-, «M. ”v: a g V _‘ H “Km“ I... . t In?" , V :5 13;“; t -\l)Vl.RTISlN(i . l’fipgfi‘ _ a f. W‘4;vl‘jZ%.fg,mfi a ' g V ‘9' ffiEgg lctl ,-\i~'oi-.Rso~ t'lt zit: '9 Fifi; 3-.” rt." 3‘34"? W» - 2 $2.» .~ l ‘4.“ {I . t I : Rl-.(il()NAl Aanxoi-R - .A 5f" W' t“ ”flea?“ “"' " '4 ‘1" :t ' utttk'notila waletltnl’hronirlc t4 7““, . _ . h ' b I y‘ «nu-w» ‘ n " \Alrl‘S thl’Rl‘SlpmAer'l' . . \ . Mull-ll: STEVhNS m 2:: lll\|l‘an\({"Walflllll’lllltllllll” ta ‘ A ‘ \Al.l-..\ Rizl'Rl-SI'NIAI in »\II ist at 31x tit-tislfluutrrltnn hit-tin Iv t a l'l.A.\SlHl;l) a <19 Ros szm I lk(‘l'l.At‘|(>\ no tom Imam I“ L «Italian Puhllkallflfl\ \hil \alrx . Publication Agrrctnctit \unihcr (I ll{( )\ l( I I I I )1 l()l{l \l Tough to keep a Surprlse mosm‘x lntrrnalittnal Slandartl \erul Nutti . ‘ . . , ‘ , , . . ~- 1 t was my wtlv hints 40th bought on hthdlf ol ht r \I\ l:l:(;:‘l::(~‘l‘::l;ll‘;:lloll 3Q: Costco compmmlse? Ilnrthtltn last wrvk so I i - tt-rslitcrallyfiill ititoht-r Lip A. (ll'( l(lt‘(l to llirtm lit-r .i lwtix .ihlt- to \llrllt li II M ‘ e- ' t‘s hot-n said that the bust (‘t)"lpf0ml§(‘ is ltlll' that t \llrprhl‘ pum .twm inst lN'ltlrl' ii [I‘Khll'lt'tl .. Ill‘;lVC\ both sides unhappy If that's the cast: maybe I Iliis wasiit nit. lirxt rtht-tt “I”! “My ”will!“ I “M “It“ 6/ llll' dt-al passed hyWau-rloo (/ity(.ount‘il on Monday i .l\ I w \Ill t l'\\lllll\ \ltlgl'll ”IV ”All“! IN'lMWHH “HUM $0013 ’x/ night to approve a west sidv (lostt‘o wart-houw store, I [ht-w pl'l‘kleHl p.irtit-\ . he ti (ll'tNl gtH'ttlhn » In wag“, (‘hrtMKmmnrl-n twntlinga host olcondittons. Is the best fit I lx-ltirt- Ilit- km is to \lt.lH' ”It" [7“ “V lltltllll KW I“ II“ “Mn “MMH‘M m “(HINDU (Aistto. looking to open ll\ doors In time for the huh I set rt-t With .is lt-n In‘liplt' .ix . 7 ‘ ll‘\ltlllfdlll .iiitl \‘Vt‘rl‘ \(‘rlll'll \1t'w4(;"llp I tti (Ln rush in lkt’t-mher. liki-ly won't be happy to sm- tlit-ir I I)(t\\|l)ll' .intl lllllnl on ti tr“ 2 Illlllll'll|.tll'l\ I thought nut UNTARIUPIESS ( in NH! lltlhlrlll’llun plansplatultintin Illdefinlll‘lllfllu‘t I Int-t ttttiirthtiims in Ilt'lIH't t lN' llll‘rl' Int .ii tum .iti hunt I” WM" ”WM" " ‘ "“‘"""' And many rl‘Sl(lt‘lll\ 7 ('UlN‘l'rnt‘d wtth looming [rill lltt' \lllK lt v;ilitt- and -I ltd” In” ”I t ININ‘ I w" fl‘nlmmm‘hflfflfifi': fit problems in thr- .ilrt~a(lv (’origostod arm of Ira Nor l In my Witt-g My: | “it” it Iltt’ host \l'Hll l'Ul tin lilt- newmtvro A", “.mp1“, mm. tllm .iiid I.rh Stu-ct Wt‘st wanted the proton defern-tl «I the help til her sisters and BOB \Mtt-n I watttrtl 4 drink, it inn, apt-mm mung at . mutt“ or outrighl (knit-d my oltlt‘st wit. lukt' None of VRBANAC “'4‘ “Km ”1"" ”‘1’ "l‘l"“’ "““d “N h" ”k" "‘ l’" "“‘P‘ lhr ( ondttioris plat ml on the protect are onerous. An lllt'ln lean-(l him .i Iain M so I ’ P“ «IIIIW‘IH‘U "WWI” 4““ 2:13;“:ml'mitlllltlulglllfi iiitt-gmtt-tl multi modal ”amt impart assessmvnt must l (Ullltl rout” (in ”19”] in NW“ ”NW dime-(l to with ll tirtlt'tltlg lu' tit-wt \l'l‘ll ttn 1mm“ Sheet gum 111’. “mm“ l)“ lllllH‘, puhlu open houses must he held and Infra I tl(‘ll\'(‘l llH' goods, |l|( hiding ”W hon ”ll ""l‘” '“ I‘m "It”l‘!‘ “WW” “I M" All” W tiN M58 In \lllH llln' Iinprtivrmt'nts must hr t'omplett' ht'lon' a «to ] (ll1llrillfl)ll\dn(lpar“ wt up “h“ m“ " mm” "r ”l“""“l~' “l" ”I ”H “I" I “4‘ vtl'l'l‘” (”LWYIKJIT' [h glr tit-m tan he stocked on ston- fillt'lVPS. lhc- plan was Kllnplc' I "'l’h‘mm‘ '” ”I" “UP!" “I tt-tnptt-tl not to tip tut \III It protr‘x‘i‘r‘dltrs‘ t‘:vp\rll‘K:::I:dmn‘:'y ‘1." ”iv Inst“) has hatimr d perfofl storm oftompoting I would downplav all lll\‘W1f('\ ‘lN'M'mlfl "V“ “I" "I“ “l?" sperm. V'H it 4' I hm “in r med uan it. [try-ml mnumv I‘NNN “amt problems haw hum well tltx‘umentnl, as I mtpt‘t Moons .iml (ll‘ll\l'l lltt' "’"1'Wll-‘Y'I'IW’ ”I" “UH“ st'rvt-ts l‘\l’l\\\ltl'll’ it lttltl ml purpmn All whet who .,, Ill'l-IV\ .irr expeded to last for at least thr- nt'xt (l(‘(a(l(' (”up tlr grat (- .i low days H" “H” "Kl" "’ 'l‘" I'M” WWI" "*I ”W” It‘ll“ ““1“” ”m "‘1 “m "l W “ I“ \1l‘tll1Whlle. Waterloo mule-ms who haw hum fort "I ‘ later din-r (min-month talt ”m” "”‘l “"‘h ”"' V‘ 'l" W“ W" h'“ l I" ll" ‘ "’ 2:311. mw'tx:n';rm in itinltt- tht- dnw m the south end of Kitrht-nrr for their mg her otit for ttintit-t ”Aiming inst .i loot lawn wllh tune to it“ w I ”twat mm «.1 the 1“! mi "It trwnxht wart'liotisc shopping needs want a (mtrn of thrn own. lhow who haw known WI“ "'"llml "' "‘l""‘" "H ”" "t1rtltll‘m'ltl‘wml‘n Wt“ l1. tut-mu mimic!!! tin-t Hub and tlfl' Willing to put up mth congestion togct it mr' for vt‘ars would drullt' l"“'"’"‘ ' had I‘ll" WW“ II” to pit It up mnirtlinii: | Int “NM “mum ”It" “IWM- Min to call this a (omprnmise is misguided. Yes. the that my wtfr has hot-n |iv1tig "l" "WWI“! got HI t UllfV‘ it \~.I\ .lll wit '_h""“‘ k 270 Wehrt 5"” """ [)rIilt’tl has Men dt-layrd. htit (Loun Mark Whalt'y Is with tltmintshvtl ruin [a “l WW" “‘4‘ -t “M" \l-H NIKKI! l wht-n I got llu'rl' I'lm::Plrllfll\\ ‘ H" ”gm tlw prom‘t m“ "1",,“th hoen appm “m“ f," ".3“ V, l .ilrr‘mlx Ill'll wlit‘n I \lallllllf‘tl thl' Wl‘ll').1ll\ lll'dllt'tl tit-tin in“. u. m, m,” mm, ....,..,, it». t um s in the crowd may ho thmlungthix rumnt (mp A hallflngup door but tht‘ w M hm! wt to iht- pun with rm 4:» win \ In” nun-r mum and we »l t Illlllt illnrs haw washt‘tl thvir hands of the issue until With the (All‘lt'! tumltt‘tl ”W“ lllhl‘ for all lltt‘ gumb- 'tt mm PM“ ""'""‘" “4"“" m” "" (”1" Mt ttiher's PlNllnn, \ln((‘ the (’onditlons indoors] in and tho hon/r ill‘ll\l‘ll‘ll In I l“"“”“" h” ”l‘ """ Ill" arm/ml “lit-ti wt‘ “in mm. rfimmr::;rtzl'n:t tl-t' tlt‘al Wlll nrwr hr \attsfit‘d lw this [all mvwll to tht‘ built port li of "" ""‘l 9"” "ml“, l" m" 'l't‘l' {”0”th “dill“: ”It '4' ”er: “5'. m mr right it «in II Aim "1"" ”W (Im‘tion of how the next tottnrtl thr‘ homo tht' Rnttw wax ""“‘”""" ”M" WM“ '4'" NW hotN' lawtrt-tl It” tlu'x mam-v 4 win! an» month-0m lt- tl'llli‘r‘nht'L the" wt" he at hast thm new fan-s around afoot ‘1” ”l”, "’ (""h'” “l‘ h” “WW “Wt”! “WWW" "N” TH" ; “Bryn?" [mm "” llu' lleV‘fith‘ next w1ntrr will trr-at the tlrw-lopment I forgot it» I.“ In! ilm Ill "'(‘h‘lll‘ “I "W "0”“? I \ttrptiw‘ \M on. A... whit-iTI'OTI-zhu ”I‘m km; «him it shows Its fat? again laws into tin st lll'IlllllK So “a" h", "‘ " Km ‘Nl'fi'mr I '"Vl ‘0 W3” ‘ i

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